Aug 31 - Favor Exchange, Buffy/Bruce Banner

Aug 31, 2016 20:00

Aug 31 - Favor Exchange, Buffy/Bruce Banner
Author: mmooch
Summary: **Part of the 2016 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge. It was interesting to see two guys who had a beast to control hanging out.
Crossover: The Avengers
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 805
Challenge: for the livejournal 2016 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: before movie one for The Avengers; post-series for BtVS
Warning: likely to be a crackfic and I might mess with continuity as well if it suits me.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al. The Avengers characters belong to Josh Whedon, Marvel Comics, et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


Buffy was kind of glad there were lots of superheroes around the world, keeping tabs on the different ways it could end because if she, Faith and the minis had to take care of everything, they were doomed! The Council’s seers were getting more worried about the timeline for their apocalypse, and the SGC had its own war coming to a head very, very soon. How was she supposed to coordinate being part of both?

She got permission from President Hayes to bring in Vi Day - one of the minis from Sunnydale - to take over her interviews with the SGC crew while she dealt with the other world-ending event. He said that of the people he knew about from Sunnydale, Vi was the only one who could pass a background check who was available and old enough to vote. Even Buffy’s clearance had so much redacted information that it was practically a piece of black paper. Once things settled down, she’d have to look into clearing up some of the others’ records, if she could.

“Have fun and try not to get outed as a Slayer while I’m gone,” Buffy said to Vi as she grabbed her go-bag. Please let the place she was going to next have showers!

“Have fun saving the world!” Vi chirped cheerfully with an enthusiastic wave.

Buffy just shook her head as she grabbed the transportation do-dad and said, “Oz.”



Bruce was startled at the sudden appearance in the room, but Oz just looked at her and said, “Hey.”

“Hey yourself, Oz. How’s the beast control thing going?” she asked the pair.

Knowing Oz well enough already that it was probably up to him to explain, Bruce started by ranting a little, “It makes no scientific sense why these herbal concoctions would have any effect on the other guy. I’ve checked their known affects, and it just doesn’t make any scientific sense!”

“But how is it going?” she repeated in amusement.

His annoyance deflated and he admitted, “Really well. Oz was able to take the weeks of training he had to go through and condense them down into days for me.”

“He’s a good learner,” Oz interjected as a partial explanation.

“We’re even working on a way to allow the transformation at will,” Bruce continued. “I’m not sure why I’d want to do that, but I suppose if I can maintain mental control as well, then it could be useful in life-threatening situations.”

“Good,” Buffy replied distractedly. She was wondering how bad the other guy was after she visited Diagon Alley and during her flight to New York, she watched some YouTube videos of the Hulk destroying stuff. Mental control of that thing would be especially important to have. “I have the other thing you asked for, too.” She reached in her expandable go-bag and pulled out a garment bag.

Bruce opened it and was shocked at the quality of clothing inside. “These clothes are way too nice,” he protested. “They’ll never survive my other half.”

Ignoring him for the moment, Buffy pulled out a second bag and asked her friend, “Oz, you can change at will, can’t you?”

“Yeah, why?” he asked.

“Got you a little something, too,” she answered with a smile. “Can you put this on, then transform, please?”

“Turn, please,” he requested as he grabbed the bag from her. When he was done, he told her to turn back again, then transformed into his wolf form.

To both Buffy and Bruce’s shock, the material didn’t split at all. It just seemed to grow with him. He tried to tear at his shirt, but every time he sliced it, it just repaired itself within seconds.

“Wow, that’s handy,” Bruce said softly.

‘Tell me about it,” Buffy complained. “I wonder if she can add that to my clothes.”

After another minute, Oz shifted back into human form and the clothes shrunk with him.


Bruce had to admit that Buffy held up her end of the bargain, so it was his turn now. “So what exactly do you need from me?” he asked her to remind him.


Brightly lit exposed Mesa (aka Secret military research facility)

Bruce popped into the gateroom - or whatever they were calling it - just as a mind-controlled Hawkeye shot Director Fury. Taking a leap of faith and assuming they were after the briefcase, a disguised Bruce reached down and picked it up. “Sorry, guys, can’t let you have this,” he said as he put it into his expandable bag. With his return transportation thingy ready, he used the activation code, “Oz,” and disappeared into thin air.

Loki was outraged that his plan would fall apart so soon. It just wasn’t fair!

Who was that masked man and where did he take Loki’s tesseract? No matter, Loki would find him and destroy him.

A/N: And that’s the final day. Does anyone know the joke behind the location title for the last scene?

fandom: avengers, author: mmooch, !2016 august event

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