August 30 - All Aboard

Aug 30, 2016 22:57

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 30

Title: All Aboard
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Firefly
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Firefly/Serenity people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Kaylee is ordered - by River - to get a young couple onboard.

Notes: Spuffy-ness
Seasons: Post-Series/Post-BDM
Characters: Buffy/Spike, Kaylee, River
Word Count: 600

“Would you shut up?” a female voice snapped. It was followed almost immediately by a male chuckle.

Kaylee tilted her head and shaded her eyes against the harsh planet sun. Walking towards her was a couple dressed in black. A blonde woman barely her height and a taller, slim man with white and brown hair.

“Never, luv,” the man replied with an accent that reminded her of Badger. “You’d miss the sound of my voice.”

The woman stepped in front of the man and looked up at him. “You’re awful sure of yourself.”

He continued to smile down at the woman. “Should be.” He wrapped his arm around the woman’s waist and twisted her so they were out of the way of foot traffic. “I got ya to marry me, didn’t I?”

Footfalls charged off the ship. Kaylee turned to see River - with big clunky boots - run to the end of the plank. She stopped next to Kaylee’s chair. Her unkempt hair hung around her head. “Them.” She said pointing right at the couple Kaylee had been observing.

“They probably don’t appreciate bein’ pointed at,” Kaylee told her quietly.

River sent her a look that sent chills down her spine.

“Fine, I’ll ask,” she promised. That was enough for River to return to the interior of the ship.

Kaylee returned to her people-watching. She saw the couple were getting closer. She observed their casual touches and small smiles as they walked slowly around the ports.

Once they were close enough she smiled and waved at them. “She don’t look like much,” she said, “but she’s the smoothest ride in the verse.”

The man stopped and observed the boat. “Firefly class. Haven’t see one of those in ages.”

“What’s her name?” the woman asked.


The man and woman exchanged looks. “Where you headed?”

Kaylee shrugged. “We can go anywhere ya want to be.”

“We’ll take it,” she woman said.

The man nodded and dug something out of his pocket. “How much?”

“You can talk details with the captain before takeoff,” she promised. “He should be back within the hour.”

“Thank you,” the woman said. “I’m Buffy. This is Spike.”

“Kaylee, I’m the mechanic.” She gestured them towards the hold. “Please wait in the cargo bay.”

They entered the interior of the ship.

“Hello?” Buffy said. “Spike, do you feel…?”

“Yeah, luv, getting the same vibe.”

“You burn so brightly,” a soft voice said. They both spun looking for the source, but the large hold echoed. “Light against the dark…how are you not a pile of ashes?”

“Come on out,” Buffy said. “We won’t hurt you.”

“Warriors, leaders, mates.”

Spike nodded. “Yes. She’s all that. Even keeps me from burning up in the sun.”

The voice laughed and they saw a girl climb down to the catwalk from the ceiling. “Both, one and same. Everlasting.”

“She talks like Dana,” Spike muttered.

“Button, button, button,” Buffy reminded him.

“Mouthy chit.”

“Don’t get shirty with me.”

“Four hundred and fifty years, you still don’t know what that means.”

“Shut up.”

The girl giggled, distracting them from their bickering.

“Who are you?” Buffy asked the girl.


“You’re clairvoyant?”

“Big word, Slayer,” Spike snickered.

“You’re sleeping on the floor, Spike.”

“Reader, cracked brainpan,” River told them. “You are Slayer and Vampire, mated pair, to live all the evers.”

“That’s us, duck,” Spike nodded.

“Duck…because she is odd,” River smiled. Then she bared her eat and growled in a fairly good imitation of a vampire.

Spike growled back, his face flashing to demon before reverting.

Buffy shook her head at the two of them. “This is going to be an interesting trip.”

author: hermione2be, !2016 august event, fandom: firefly

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