Aug 30 - Buffy/Jon (Alone Together, Ch 4)

Aug 30, 2016 22:11

Aug 30 - Buffy/Jon (Alone Together, Ch 4)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **Part of the 2016 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge. Buffy has a couple adventures with her new Slayerettes.
Crossover: Stargate SG-1; tiniest mention of a Charmed character
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 1594
Warning: non-canon death (off-screen)
Challenge: for the livejournal 2016 August Fic-a-Day Challenge. Also for Season 4 Turned On It's Head Challenge
Timeline: during season 4 for BtVS and a few years after ‘Fragile Balance’ for SG1. Move the timelines to match
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Stargate SG-1 characters belong to Brad Wright, Jonathan Glassner, et al. Don’t own the characters from the other show, either. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Giles’ Apartment

Buffy bounced into her Watcher’s apartment, all hopped up on adrenaline - and a fair amount of caffeine and sugar. “Hey, Giles…you’ll never guess what happened to us at the Halloween party tonight!” she called out to the air.

She didn’t hear sounds of company, so she went on without waiting for his reply, “Of course, we were careful about our costumes because of last time with Ethan. Instead of our clothes going Hellmouthy, it was the house. Some guys painted a summoning circle and turned the house into a literal house of fears…like the kid in a coma, but only visible to the people themselves. Not sure why Jon is afraid of gold, but Tara’s family needs to be punched right in their stupid faces for telling her she’s a demon and will become evil when she turns 20.

“Anyway, we found the room with the circle and I decided to smash it, hoping that it would release the spell. Sorry to say, it didn’t; it released the demon. Fortunately for us, it was only like two inches tall, so I squished it. Then we came here to tell you all about it, and you’re ruining the fun by not being in the room to listen. Giles!” she yelled again as she peaked into the kitchen and hallway.

“Buffy!” Jon’s soft exclamation both caught her attention and caused her heart to plummet to her feet. He was looking up the stairs to Giles’ loft.

She started shaking her head in denial as she whispered, “No, no, no, no, no, no…”

When she joined him, she saw a thankfully still-alive Giles, but one who looked almost as pale as the creatures she slayed. Since she had just seen him before the party, she knew he couldn’t have been turned yet, so that left shocking news of some kind.

“Giles?” she asked softly, reaching out to touch him. Thankfully, he was still warm to the touch; even if it shouldn’t be possible, part of her still worried about it anyway.

He blinked at her touch and looked up into her eyes as if just noticing her presence. “Buffy!” he cried out emotionally.

Now on the verge of panicking, Buffy fought to look calm. “What’s wrong, Giles? Is it my mom?” she asked the first thing she could think of.

He visibly got himself under control and did the British stiff lip thing. “Buffy, you should sit down.”

Denial was making a comeback and it brought some tears with it. Her pleas were softer, but more frantic now.

Jon and Tara had to physically drag her to the couch and keep her in place between them.

Giles took a couple seconds to compose himself and consider where to begin. “Earlier this evening, I received a phone call from Inspector Morris of the San Francisco Police Department. He and his partner, Inspector Trudeau were called to the scene of a convenience store robbery.”

While Giles was telling the story, Buffy tried to figure out the ending from the clues she already had. Somebody who Giles cared about, who was in San Francisco - or who could be - and who he thought she would be upset about too. The first one ruled out Angel or her father, the last one ruled out any of the Council or his family, and the second one ruled out Willow and her mom, since both of them were nowhere near San Francisco.

That left Cordy, Oz or Xander. Cordy was probably still in LA, so probably not her. And between Oz and Xander…she started crying silently.

“A couple young men were trying to steal some cigarettes, liquor and cash, but one of them was on some kind of drug and very anxious. When he went to threaten some frightened children because they were crying, Xander put himself in harm’s way to protect them. This further agitated the robber, who had a gun, and he decided to shoot Xander with it.”

Buffy’s vision started to go dark around the edges; this couldn’t be happening. Not this way. Not because of some stupid humans being criminals!

“The distraction allowed the cashier to set off the alarm. Between the blaring noise of the alarm and the gunshot, the robbers were scared off. The cashier called the police and an ambulance immediately.” He paused for half a minute to gather the strength for the bad news. “Xander was declared dead when he got the hospital. The inspectors assure me that he saved those children’s lives.”

A selfish part of Buffy’s brain asked, ‘Who cared about the kids?’ Almost immediately the rational part answered, ‘Xander must have or he wouldn’t have done what he did.’

“I let the inspectors handle informing his parents. They only notified me first because he had a card in his wallet to call me in case of emergency. I just got off the phone with Willow before you arrived. She’ll be in tomorrow until the funeral,” Giles finished his impromptu speech, feeling more drained than a human in a vampire lair.



Buffy barely kept it together through the next 24 hours. She almost lost it when they picked up Willow at the airport.

Xander’s parents let Giles take care of the funeral arrangements, not saying anything when Giles requested that he be immediately cremated before being brought back to Sunnydale. Just because it wasn’t supernatural, it only made sense to take certain precautions. Why give anyone the chance to use his remains for a ritual or something worse?

Jon took care of driving to San Francisco to pick up the urn. Tara just tried to make sure Willow and Buffy they ate something and didn’t walk into traffic or anything.

Once the memorial service was over, she and Willow did break down, crying on each other’s shoulders’ for hours in Buffy’s dorm room. The others felt it was better to leave them alone, while having somebody in the common area outside in case they needed something.

They decided they did want something to numb the pain and snuck out to find a college bar where the owner didn’t care about carding minors.

It started slowly with a couple sips of beer as they shared Xander stories, both funny and sweet. Soon they had managed half a dozen beers each without realizing it.

“And then he offered me his yellow crayon so I’d stop crying,” Willow slurred over her drink. “He was the best friend I could have!”

“He’s so great!” Buffy agreed. “Do you know his first words to me were ‘Can I have you?’” she asked with a giggle, which blew her beer foam apart. Buffy was fascinated by the sight and did it again deliberately…and again…and again…

“There you two are!” came the exasperated voice of Jon. “You had us all worried!” he scolded them as he went to the bartender to ask to use the phone.

Before he could dial, the boys in the corner who tried to hit on Buffy and Willow earlier until Buffy punched one of them in the face started getting louder and louder. Then they changed into cavemen right in front of them.

They charged towards the females again, acting on the most primal of instincts. Jon tried to intervene, but got knocked into the wall for his trouble.

Angry at the sight, and turning into a cavewoman herself, Buffy got seriously pissed off. She picked up a couple of barstools and slammed them into the heads of two of the boys. Then she grabbed the heads of the other two and smacked them together. “Boys stupid!” she declared.

“Stupid poopyheads!” Cave-Willow concurred.

Tara came in at that moment and her eyes widened in shock.

“Girls pretty,” Willow said, pointing at Tara.

Buffy nodded. “Not stupid poopyheaded boys!”

Tara felt there was obviously something more going on than just overdrinking and cast a revealing spell. Something was wrong with the beer!

Buffy went to take another drink, but Tara yelled to stop her, “Buffy, don’t!” Once she had their attention, she wondered if they could understand normal sentences or not. “There’s something wrong with the beer, and I think it’s affecting you.” Well, that didn’t seem to work, so she tried, “Beer bad, make you sick! Make you stupid poopyheads!”

“Don’t want to be boys,” Buffy said, throwing her glass across the room. Willow did the same.

Tara went over to check on Jon and hoped that they would continue to be cooperative. “Let’s get Jon over to your room, Buffy, since it’s closest, and I’ll call Giles to help fix things,” she suggested, her trademark stutter absent because she was so worried about her friends she couldn’t be nervous about talking. “Can you help me with Jon, please?” she asked Buffy.

Buffy leaned down and pulled him up over her shoulder.

Willow drew close and said, “Mmm, boy smell nice.”

Buffy turned her head slightly and took a breath. “Boy…smell like man,” she concluded in confusion. There was something wrong with his smell. It wasn’t young enough.


The next morning, Buffy and Willow had hangover strong enough to put an elephant down…or at least that’s what it felt like to them. Added to that was the lingering effect of the tainted beer, which Giles got rid of when Tara explained to him what she thought happened.

“And now you’ve learned a lesson about drinking to excess,” Giles said when he saw their pained faces. Taking pity on them, he gave them some water and pain relievers. “We’ll talk more when the drums in your heads have subsided.”

A/N: Let the tarring and feathering commence. I wanted more, but had to stop there so I could post and get some sleep before work tomorrow.

author: mmooch, fandom: stargate sg1, !2016 august event

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