Day 30 - Waiting

Aug 30, 2016 09:56

Title: Waiting
Author: Grundy (jerseyfabulous)
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Joss and Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: The waiting is the worst.
Word Count: 425
Note: Really more of a glorified drabble today - between the time difference and the dubious internet connection, I'm waving the white flag. Will try to do better tomorrow. Mods, sorry about the bad formatting on the first try- hopefully it's fixed now.

Anariel tried not to fidget.

This was worse than everything else put together. They were huddled in her room, listening for the footsteps of doom - waiting for the breaking of their bond with Arwen that would signal the end of her life.

Estel had handed over crown and scepter to Eldarion at the state dinner. After the dinner ended, the family had retreated to the King’s House for their private farewells.

Celeborn had ridden out once Estel started for the Rath Dinen. He did not wish to be surrounded by Edain in such a moment of grief.

Anariel and the twins had bid Estel and Arwen farewell, and then retreated to the most private space they could contrive. They meant to leave the city before dawn - Eldarion already knew their minds, and their farewells to him, his children, and his brother and sisters and their families had been only slightly less emotional than the one they had bid Arwen.

Arwen alone accompanied her husband to the Rath Dinen. Her brothers and sister had no idea how long to expect to wait. This was beyond their experience, any of them.

Anariel had found it difficult to sit still. For the first hour or so, she had kept herself incessantly busy. But the room was in good order, she had already packed all there was to pack, and her brothers had begged her to stop pacing.

Yet sitting still… she could only brace herself to a certain degree. It was like taking terrible injury in battle, seeing the blow coming and knowing the damage it would do, but being unable to prevent it. At least with Xander, there had been something for her to do besides await the end.

“I did not expect it to take so long,” she murmured quietly.

By the twins’ faces, they hadn’t either.

In any other circumstance, Anariel would worry that something had gone wrong, but given that Arwen was going to die, she wasn’t sure how wrong things could go.

The soft tapping on the door drew the attention of all three elves at once.
Elrohir beat her to opening it.

To their surprise, they found a girl they recognized as one of Arwen’s handmaidens, her eyes red and her face pale.

“The Queen…” she stifled a sob. “Pardon me, my lady, I should say the Queen Dowager is asking for you.”

When Elrohir and Elladan made to move, the girl shook her head.

“No, my lords, it is the Lady Anariel the Queen wishes to see. Only her, she said.”

author: grundy, !2016 august event, fandom: lord of the rings

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