August 25: First Date

Aug 25, 2016 20:42

Title: First Date
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buff the Vampire Slayer / Magnificent Seven (tv series)
Characters: Buffy Summers, Vin Tanner, minor Ezra and mention of Josiah
Rating: FRT
Word count: 1692
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of the Magnificent Seven belong to MGM, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Just a bit of fluff
Summary: Buffy and Vin go on a date. So, of course, nothing can go wrong. Right?

First Date
by Beriaearwen

Buffy ducked a little lower behind the dubious shelter of the table. Another body landed beside her and reached around the table before firing off a round. As the new person settled beside her, she couldn't hep but ask, “So, this sort of thing happen often on your dates?”

The man offered her a smirk before offering, “Don't date much.”

As another bullet landed in the floor nearby, Buffy replied dryly, “Really, can't image why if this is the sort of excitement you show a girl.”

Vin shook his head. “Only go all out like this for special ladies.”

“I'm honored, really.” Buffy would never admit to the little hitch in her breath when he called her a special lady. “But I'm just as good with dinner and a walk or movie or something. No guns involved.”

Vin sent her a mischievous smile. “You'd rather it was knives or fists?”

“Yes,” Buffy replied without thinking before blushing. “I mean, no. I'd rather not have any interruptions of our time together.” When she realized what she said, she wanted to kick herself. She was letting out way too much information for a first date, especially when it took them ten months to get this far. Between her travels for the council and his caseload, their schedules didn't mesh often, so most of their friendship/relationship involved phone calls and emails. In some ways, though, Buffy appreciated that since she felt she knew Vin better than most of the others she'd dated. “Are you laughing?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as she watched his shoulders shake.

“No,” he denied, laughter dancing in his tone.

“Liar,” she grumbled, wincing when another bullet came close. “Any idea who these clowns are?”

Vin shook his head then shrugged. “Made a few enemies over the years, but none of them should be out yet.”

Buffy sighed. And let her mind wander back to when they'd first met, trusting Vin to keep her safe. Guns were so not her thing.


She'd been sent to Colorado to make contact with a former contact of the old council who happened to have the one known copy of the book that would stop the latest apocalypse. And boy were there times she really would like there to be a different storyline in her life, but the one book in an old, untrustworthy ally's hands seemed to be the one with which she and the other Scoobies were gifted.

So, despite the fact they were a couple of weeks away from finally clearing up their terrorist status, Buffy needed to make contact with this guy in order to get her book.

As per her usual luck, she stumbled into something she shouldn't have.

Wanting to get in and out as quickly as possible and knowing Giles had been in touch, she went straight from the airport to the house only to arrive and discover a party going on. Not the kind of party she normally attended, this was a formal event with champagne on trays that reminded her far more of her mother's black-tie openings at the gallery than anything else. She was dressed nicely, but definitely not appropriately for this event.

Keeping as out of the way as she could, she managed to corner one of the help and soon found herself meeting with a person she could only qualify as a bodyguard who discreetly led her to a library. At least she felt herself on familiar ground.

She'd been waiting for at least ten minutes before the door opened. Turning, she found herself face to face with an attractive man with amazing blue eyes who had to be about her own age. There was no way this was Mr. Applesmidt, even if Applesmidt was an unidentified demon type. Not only was he way too young, but there were no supernatural tingles about him, something Buffy had gotten much better at sensing once she was off the Hellmouth.

“Oh, excuse me,” he said, one hand on the doorknob.

“No problem,” she assured. “As you can see, I'm not exactly here for the party.”

The man looked her over. “You look lovely.”

A laugh escaped her. “Thank you, but I'm still not dressed in appropriate clothing.”

“I don't think anyone would mind.”


“I'm Vin,” he greeted stepping away from the door and offering his hand.

“Buffy.” She blinked and schooled her features as she heard a soft voice which she quickly identified as coming from a communication device of some sort. Apparently Vin wasn't just a guest either. “Not much of a party person?” she asked when he released her hand, a move she regretted as a warmth she hadn't even realized had filled her seemed to fade.

Vin's eyes dipped toward the floor as an abashed smile appeared on his face. “Not really. At least not this kind of party.”

“I get that,” Buffy said. As much as she still liked to get all prettied up and go out, it wasn't something she could do for more than a couple of hours before she got itchy. When he turned questioning eyes on her, she explained, “I like to dress up every now and then, but only for so long and, depending on who's at the event, my attention can drift.”

“So what brings you here?” he asked, changing the subject.

Buffy shrugged and held out her hands. “A book.”

They both chuckled. “Suppose that would explain the library.”

“Mr. Applesmidt has a few very rare books and my company is looking for one of them. He's agreed to sell it to us and, I'm afraid, I don't have much time here, so I came straight from the airport without calling ahead first. I wasn't expecting to walk in on this.”

Vin smiled and motioned to the seating area. “Would you like to sit?”

“Sure,” Buffy agreed, moving toward the seating area and choosing one of the large armchairs which allowed her to see the majority of the room. She noticed Vin sat in the one across from her and angled himself slightly in the chair to gain a better view of the room.

“So what sort of company collects old books?” he asked.


“A bit different than book collecting,” Buffy said as another bullet gouged a line in the floor beside her.

Vin shot her a grin, his eyes dancing with laughter. “Really? You're going with that after what happened at Applesmidt's?”

“How was I to know you were there to bust him for arms dealing? I just wanted a book!”

“You did get the book,” Vin pointed out.

“Yeah, after having to disarm you, tie you with a curtain cord and hold off the rest of your team while I beat the information out of Applesmidt.”

“Got the book, though.”

Buffy smiled. “Yep. And stopped the apocalypse. No thanks to the rest of your team trying to arrest me.”

“You were a terrorist!”

“Was not! Nu-uh never! Some big-wig just got their panties in a bunch and decided to put the world at risk,” Buffy defended. Then more thoughtfully asked, “Is that why you waited three weeks to call me?”

“I'm a federal agent. I couldn't be connected to a terrorist on a personal level.”

She most definitely did not ask what he would have done if she hadn't been cleared. “I get that. Gotta say, even with everything going on, it wasn't easy leaving you there.”

“Wasn't easy staying either.” He smiled at the sharp look he gave her. “Didn't take more than a minute to get out of the cord. Don't think your heart was really into it.”

And now she most definitely did not make a comment about tying him up. Good grief, she wasn't even doing anything and her H&H factor was kicking in. She opened her mouth to say something when the firing came to an end and a loud voice boomed, “Federal agents! Everyone drop your weapons and put your hands in the air.”

Complying with the second half of that command, because she was not about to surrender her knives or her stake, she shifted so she was on her knees peering over the table. She immediately recognized Josiah from Vin's team and felt a little relief.

As they waited for the team to clear them and send them outside to make statements, Ezra stepped up to Vin and Buffy. “I can see why you don't date very often if this is the sort of entertainment to which you treat such a beautiful lady,” he drawled, his Southern accent thicker than normal.

Buffy's lips twitched at the growl Vin let out at the other agent's comment.

Ezra ignored it and looked directly at Buffy. “I would be most happy to show you some of the finer things in life, if you should so desire,” he continued, his eyes dancing with mischief.

“Ezra!” Vin barked. “Go annoy someone else.”

“As you wish, Mr. Tanner. Please feel free to exit and give your initial statements.”

Buffy giggled slightly at the glare Vin was giving Ezra as the other agent walked away. Slipping her arm through his, she said, “Come on. Let's get this over with - give our statements and then see if maybe there's a pizza place or diner still open. I think I could do with something simple after all this.”

His blue eyes met hers. “You're sure?”

She placed her other hand on his upper arm. “I just want to spend some time with you,” she assured, earning herself a soft smile.

“Same here,” Vin replied as he led her around turned over tables, tipped over chairs and shattered glassware.

“Beside, we can spend the time trying to figure out where to go on our second date. Which, I vote for no guns.”

Vin laughed and Buffy felt pleasant tingles race down her spine. Maybe they would find a way to make this work. But then again, it was only a first date.


fandom: magnificent seven, author: beriaearwen, !2016 august event

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