August 25 - Klarsyn

Aug 25, 2016 23:21

Title: Klarsyn (part seven of Stjerneportalen)
Author: 3am_moonlight aka mirrored_illusions
Summary: Buffy is finally able to review part of what happened before she jumped dimensions and how she ended up where she did.
Crossover: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, John Sheppard.
Rating: Gen.
Word count: 1193
Challenge: The 2016 August Fic-a-Day. Day 25.
Timeline: Post-Chosen for BtVS, season five for SGA.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al. SGA belongs to someone with big, scary lawyers.
A/N: ‘Stjerneportalen’ is a Norwegian translation of ‘the stargate’. ‘Klarsyn’ means ‘vision/clear sight’.
A/N 2: Elizabeth is still alive and kicking in this.
A/N 3: I'm so tired I can't even see clearly, so if this is a lot rougher around the edges than normal, that's why. I'm so ready for the weekend.

When Buffy returned to her quarters it was only for long enough to change into one of the exercise outfits she’d been given early on. After she had changed she threw her hair into a messy ponytail and left straight for the gym, guards in tow. The gym was thankfully empty, and so she began with one of her usual routines, starting with some simple katas to warm up. Once her body was ready for it she sped up, running through all the katas one more time before slowing down again to a more normal human speed and segueing right into her meditative Tai Chi routine.

She didn’t really need to stretch beforehand as her body was made for action and was ready for extraneous activity at all times, instead it was more about preparing mentally for what was to come. In this case the mental preparation was for a repeat of a vision she’d gotten while running to the Stargate. It was uncertain if her ability to replay her visions at any time was a result of her long tenure as the Slayer or if it was connected to any of her power boosts. Faith had only had a handful of Slayer Dreams during her entire time as a Slayer, and had never been able to replay any of them. Neither had any of the PTS’s, but a couple of the Potentials who had been Chosen after the number of Slayers had dropped down to a permanent number had gotten the ability after being active for various number of years.

As she emptied her mind of all distractions, all worries, and all of her fears, and after she had calmed down her thoughts she began to meditate while going through the familiar motions Angel had taught her so long ago. Long habit made her do all the moves properly, without taking any shortcuts. After some time her mind sank into the pleasantly empty space where she could review her Dreams, or the actions she had taken in many different situations, or simply to just relax without having to think about anything.

This time the last memory from her original dimension finally came into focus.

Buffy was fighting a group of vampires who, by the feel of their power, were just shy of celebrating their first centennial. Most of the group were of the minion sort; basically they had only been turned to serve a Master/Mistress and to at some point serve as a distraction and die instead of the ‘real’ vampires. On a general basis they were weaker than a Childe and were also taught less but ordered around a lot more. In fact, there were more minion vampires than Childe’s and Masters/Mistresses.

Once the last of them had been dusted she’d taken a last walk around the cemetery before leaving it for the next one. Chicago was just another city she’d intended to slay her way through. She’d been at the outskirts of the city, having spent a little over three weeks inside the city limits and she’d just been stopping by one last cemetery before moving on to whatever city or town the road would lead her to next when everything around her suddenly began falling apart.

Next thing she knew a greenish portal opened up right beneath her feet and she fell into it with no chance of jumping to any kind of safety. Then as she opened her eyes again she’d felt like she was both floating in some kind of liquid and flying, or possibly falling, through the air at the same time. It was pleasant until a supremely bratty but very familiar voice abruptly shattered the silence.

“Buffy! This is not the time to get your zen on! Focus on me, we don’t have a lot of time.”

She blinked and stared at her ‘sister’. Dawn looked just like she had when she first appeared in Buffy and Joyce’s lives; like a bratty 14 year old girl with all the accompanying teenage drama which came with the age. Buffy remembered her mostly as a 24 year old student, although if pressed she wouldn’t have been able to explain why that was.


“Yes. Now listen carefully, this is incredibly important and you need to remember it.” But Buffy was mostly staring at her sister's blue eyes, the familiar shape of her face, and her long, straight brown hair, and only inattentively paying attention to what was actually said.

“Someone managed to perform a ritual which could only be performed by full, non-magical humans with the back-up of 13 evil withes and wizards, and accompanied by by at least 13 demons. As you saw before I caught you, it caused the fabric of reality to break down.” The next couple of minutes went in and out of focus for Buffy before the sound became stable again.

“...So as you understand it’s up to you to make sure they don’t do something equally as stupid while the City is on Earth.” The ‘transmission’ of the memory went on the fritz gain and Buffy sighed.

“-love you, please be careful. You’re immortal, a true immortal as there is literally nothing anywhere that can kill you, but still. You can be tortured, and hurt, and lose limbs even if you’ll get new ones overnight.” Dawn kept rambling for several more minutes before she turned more and more indistinct.

“Last thing; I’m sending you to a dimension where there are no magical people or demons or, you know, other things like it, but you will still have evil creatures to fight! So you can be destructo Buffy if you want!” She rambled on some more before Buffy was suddenly ‘ejected’ from the memory by Colonel Sheppard clearing his throat pointedly.

When she turned towards him he began giving her orders, “We leave at 09:15 tomorrow morning so if you still want to tag along you need to get some rest.” Then he added in a more normal tone. “And we’ll be talking about the speed you did some of those katas some other day.”

Admittedly she was more than a little miffed at being interrupted when she finally had a chance to get a few of her memories back, but on the other hand it wasn’t surprising that the upper management followed her closely, including following her on the security cams. The latter was no doubt thanks to Dr. McKay’s apparently considerable computer skills.

After some small chat, a fishing expedition where the colonel tried to find out more about her abilities, and finally some more information concerning the follow-up mission to the Unicorn Planet while Col. Sheppard walked her back to her quarters. He stated quite clearly that Major Lorne’s team would also join the mission, minus McKinnon, bringing the total number of people going up to eight.

A quick, but heavenly shower later and she was in bed, clothed in loose sweatpants and a tank top.

The next morning she found no guards outside her door, nor did any of them join her later either. Buffy smiled to herself, seemed she’d done something to make these people trust her.

author: 3am_moonlight, !2016 august event, fandom: stargate atlantis

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