August 21-Surprise

Aug 21, 2016 22:36

Title: Surprise
Author: Skylar0Grace
Rating: FR7
Word count: 1910
Crossover: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dawn Summers
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' belongs to Joss Whedon. 'Supernatural' belongs to Eric Kripke. I'm just playing in the sandbox.
Summary: Just one call...
Notes: Another old fic, circa 2011 :P

Dean Winchester stared through the windshield of the Impala, keeping his eyes on the road, whilst his little brother Sam slept beside him. He sighed lightly in boredom and wondered what prank he could pull on Sam to wake him up. He had one or two ideas that he was trying to perfect when Sam’s mobile rang and Dean inwardly smiled.

Sam shot up and looked around frantically for danger before realising it was his mobile. He reached into his pocket, recognised the number, and Dean noticed Sam avoided looking at him as he answered.


Sam began to panic as he heard a sobbing on the other end. “Dawn!” Sam yelled into the phone. “Dawn! What’s wrong?”

The panic was so obvious in Sam’s voice that Dean pulled the car over to the side of the road and Sam leapt from it, instantly pacing.

“Dawn! Answer me, please!” he pleaded.

Dean closed his door softly and in the second that their eyes met, Dean saw an anguish there that he hadn’t seen for a while. The sobbing intensified and Sam felt panic settle in.

“Baby, please, tell me what’s wrong!”

Dean was surprised by both the term of endearment and the stricken look on his brother’s face. He suddenly heard such a loud scream from Sam’s phone that Sam pulled the phone away from his ear and cringed. When the scream stopped sounding Sam put the phone back to his ear and only heard silence.

“We need to go to Cleveland. Something’s -”

Sam was suddenly encased in a yellow light and before Dean could reach him, he disappeared, his phone falling uselessly to the ground.

“Sam?” Dean called out, despite knowing it was futile. Somehow his brother was gone and he needed to find out where he went. Dean picked up and began searching through Sam’s phone for all the information he could find on someone called ‘Dawn’.

“Bingo!” he said, as he rushed to his car and started the engine, the Impala pulling onto the road and speeding away.


“I don’t know, Buffy, maybe Willow should do it. I’m not experienced enough.”

“Willow said you will be fine. You’ve practiced enough to -”

Dawn held up a hand and cut off Buffy’s speech as her mobile rang. She looked at the Caller Id and gave a soft smile for a single word slipped out, ‘Sam’. Buffy grinned at her sister, but her grin fell as she saw the look of confusion and worry on Dawn’s face.

“Sam?” Dawn said, panic starting to rise as her initial thought was confirmed-Sam was screaming in pain.

“Sam!” she called, a tear slipping down her face. “Please, tell me what to do! I don’t know what to do!”

Buffy watched helplessly as her sister cried out to her friend on the other end. Dawn had said that nothing was going on between her and Sam but Buffy thought it was just a matter of time. Now, they might not have that time.


Dawn pulled the mobile away as a loud, guttural scream came from the other end and, when she replaced it, she heard a deathly silence.

“Sam?” she whispered, placing her other hand on the mobile as well, pressing it to her ear. She looked up at Buffy with a pleading look before a yellow light enveloped her and she disappeared.

“Willow!” Buffy screamed, as she ran to the house.


Dean drove as fast as he possibly could toward Cleveland. He had no idea what had happened to Sammy or this girl he was talking to, but the only lead he had was Cleveland, so that’s where he was heading. Dean didn’t take his eyes off the road and when his mobile rang, he blindly reached for it.

“Bobby, give me good news.”

As Bobby rattled off the address, Dean smiled and gave a small ‘thanks’ before he ended the call. Now he had her address as well as her surname: Summers. He was going to find his brother no matter what it took.


“Sorry, Buffy, I don’t know his last name or number. Dawn only called him Sam.”

Buffy groaned in frustration and dismissed the Slayer. Dawn’s phone had gone with her so Buffy had no last name for ‘Sam’ and no one else seemed to have any more information about him. Dawn could have the biggest trap sometimes, spreading information easily if she wanted to, and though Buffy had sometimes criticised this, she was now beginning to wish she hadn’t.

Buffy was pulled from her thought as an insistent knock sounded at the main door. As Buffy was walking down the stairs, she heard a man talking loudly.

“Are you a Summers?” Dean asked. Xander shook his head and Dean pushed past him into the foyer, looking around for another person.

“I am,” Buffy replied calmly as she walked down the stairs. She saw him briefly hesitate before pulling his gun up and cocking it.

“Where is my brother?” he asked. Buffy stilled on the stairs and had a flashback to Warren holding a gun on her.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Are you Dawn?”

Buffy narrowed her eyes at him. “Dawn’s my sister. What do you want with her?”

The gun in Dean’s hand suddenly leapt across the room and Willow stepped out of the side room. She lowered her hand and looked at Dean quizzically.

“What do you want with Dawn?” Buffy asked again. Dean turned back toward the pretty blonde and wondered what he had gotten himself into. Obviously, the redhead had power and she could be the one who had taken Sam. Dean needed to tread carefully if he wanted Sam back.

“Do you know where she is?” Dean asked. By the look of fire in the blonde’s eyes, Dean knew it had been the wrong thing to ask.

“What the hell did you do to my sister?” she almost yelled as she stalked toward him. Dean stood defensively.

“Wait, Buffy! Your brother has gone missing?” Willow asked. Dean nodded slowly but didn’t take his eyes off of Buffy.

“He got a phone call before he disappeared in a yellow light.”

Buffy stood straighter and the anger dropped from her. Her eyes held sympathy and worry. “Are you Sam’s brother?”

“Dean,” he confirmed, warily watching her.

“Buffy,” she said, extending a hand. “I’m sorry about what has happened to Sam.”

“What the hell has happened to Sam?”

“He…well…I don’t really know. Dawn got a call from Sam and he was being tortured…I think. There was a really loud scream and then…nothing.”

Dean stood silently as he processed all of the information. He began shaking his head.

“No, that can’t be…Sam got a call just like that from Dawn, with the scream just before he disappeared. It doesn’t…”

“I think I might be able to shed some light,” Willow said as she walked back into the room she had walked out of. Buffy ran quickly after her and Dean stopped only to pick up his weapon before following them.


Sam opened his eyes and felt like his head had exploded. Or was about to. He was about to groan loudly when he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and realised it was a woman, and that they were in a cave of some sort. He scanned the area but saw it void of any danger-though it didn’t mean that the woman was not dangerous. He approached her slowly and lightly shook her shoulder.

“Are you all right?”

She slowly turned her head toward him, more of her face becoming visible, but her eyes didn’t open.

“Sam?” she asked.

Sam pulled his hand back and looked at her. Her voice sounded so familiar but he couldn’t quite place it.

“Sam?” Her eyes opened and he saw beautiful blue eyes looking at him. She gave him a small smile before her eyelids closed momentarily and he placed the voice.


She opened up her eyes again and tried to sit, immediately putting a hand to her temple. Sam reached out a hand to her shoulder to steady her.

“Hold on, don’t sit up too fast.”

Dawn sat up and took in her surroundings. “What happened?”

Sam opened his mouth but closed it again. What was he supposed to say? How do you tell somebody that demons exist?

“Uh…I think we were kidnapped.”

Dawn looked at him carefully. “Right…” she said slowly.

She looked around the windowless room and noticed the shackles on the wall. The door looked solid and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to open it with magic but she thought if she could get the headache to go away, she might just be able to protect them both. Now, how to tell Sam that demons exist…

As they were each contemplating how to tell the other the truth, the door creaked and slowly opened. Dawn cringed when Sam stood protectively in front of her and she missed his hand automatically going for the gun which he usually carried. Sam realised his gun wasn’t there and his eyes quickly scanned for a weapon. The door opened and Dawn saw a humanoid demon step through. It eyed them cautiously before stepping further into the room.

“Guess you’re both awake now,” he said. Dawn watched for any movement that could be perceived as threatening. “Don’t worry-it won’t be long before the Master comes for you. Now, however, I need to chain you both up so that he can talk to you without you interrupting.”

“I dare you to try,” Dawn said defiantly, surprising Sam with her bravery. He hadn’t even heard her scream when the demon had entered.

The demon stepped toward them and Dawn whispered quietly, “On my signal.”

When the demon got close enough, Dawn threw her hand up and Sam heard her say something in another language before a red flame shot up between them. He turned to her with raised eyebrows and a small smile. Dawn barely acknowledged him as she raised her hand again and the demon was pushed against the doorway and she took a step in front of Sam.

He growled at her. “Those magic tricks aren’t going to save you.” He backed slowly out the door and pulled it closed.

So,” Sam said, turning to Dawn, “I was going to explain that demons exist but I guess you already knew that, huh?”

“I was thinking the same thing. Hunter?”

“Yeah. I’m going with witch.”

“Watcher. Look, I know we have a lot to discuss, but we need to find a way out. From what you tell me about Dean, I think both of our siblings will be on the warpath, but we can’t sit here ‘til they find us.”

Sam nodded. “I was pretty panicked when I got your call so I’m guessing Dean isn’t exactly calm at the moment.”

Dawn frowned. “I didn’t call you…and I’m guessing it wasn’t you who called me either. I have no idea where we are but I’d say we were teleported, so at least we aren’t in another dimension. That gives Buffy a fair chance to find us.”

“Buffy and Dean. Dean wouldn’t be sitting around, he would have tracked down your address and gone there. Hopefully he didn’t do anything stupid…”

He smiled comfortingly but he looked less than convinced.

fandom: supernatural, author: skylar0grace, !2016 august event

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