August 20 - Finding

Aug 20, 2016 12:23

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 20

Title: Finding
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Grey’s Anatomy
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Grey's Anatomy people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Faith tries to find a lost Slayer.

Seasons: Post-Series/Any point after Season 9
Characters: Faith, Karev
Word Count: 800

Alex Karev studied the chart of the emergency room consult he'd been pulled in on. A thirteen year old Jane Doe brought in with multiple punctures, exsanguinated. Somehow she had made it. They had done emergency transfusions to stabilize the unconscious girl but wanted to move her to peds.

“What do we know?” Alex asked.

“Paramedics found her,” Stephanie answered. “She was unresponsive at the scene. She has shown no signs of waking, but Dr. Sheppard has already ruled out brain death. Though we have ruled in brain damage.”

“Get her up to peds and sit on her,” he ordered. “We don’t know who did this or if her heart is going to be okay. I don’t want her left alone until we know something.”

“Blood, swabs, and fluids are already at the lab.”



Three days later


Faith breezed into the hospital. Trying to find a minor was always difficult. Calling and asking was suspicious. Instead, you hoped they popped up on the news or you visited each one with a recent picture of you and minor together and hoped someone would have the sense to look into it.

She arrived at the main information lobby.

“I’m looking for someone who might be a patient,” Faith said.

“What’s the name?” the nurse asked.

“Tina Vice,” Faith replied.

The nurse looked twice. “Do you know why she was brought in?”

“No, she’s about thirteen, she went missing three days ago. I’ve been checking the hospitals.” Faith pulled out her phone and showed the attendant the lock screen. “This is her.”

“If she’s not listed here she is probably a Jane Doe.”

Faith’s heart seized. “You mean she’s dead?”

“No!” the nurse said. “No, we list anyone who comes in unidentified as a John or Jane Doe.”

She took a deep breath. “Please, just tell me she’s here.”

The nurse looked over several things before locking her computer and telling Faith to have a seat in the waiting area.

Faith sat down on the edge of a chair. Her anxiety translated to bouncing her knee. She vibrated with energy. She had been waiting a few minutes when she stood, ready to start pacing. She paced right into a doctor, male, mid-thirties in a lab coat.


“I need to see the picture of this missing girl you claim to be looking for,” the doctor snapped.

Faith pressed a button on her phone to show the lock screen. “This is Tina.”

“Follow me,” he ordered and walked away.

Faith jogged after him. “What aren’t you telling me?”

He pulled to a stop and opened a door, waving her in. They were in a small room with two couches and a table.

“My name is Doctor Alex Karev,” he told her.

“Hang your name. What do you know about this girl?” Faith yelled showing him the phone again.

“Who is she to you?”

Faith ground her teeth. She pulled a paper from her bag and threw it at him. “She’s my ward under the IWC.”

“That’s great. Where are her parents?”

“Probably in jail, we didn’t keep up with their trials.”

The doctor looked at her strangely before reading through the paper. It looked official enough but he would need to run it past the lawyers.

“Tell me she’s alive,” Faith pleaded. “Tell me she’s okay.”

Alex looked over the woman. “She is alive. She hasn’t woken up since she’s been here.”

“Oh thank you,” she dropped down to a squat as the relief overwhelmed her.

“Why did it take you this long to find her?”

“The first night she was at a friend’s. The next I was out of town. I’ve spent the last thirty hours chasing down her last known whereabouts and checking hospitals.” She got herself back to her feet. “When can I see her?”

“It’ll be a little while. We need to get some paperwork from you and verify this,” he gestured to the paper. “As soon as this is cleared up we can let you see her.”

“I don’t do paperwork,” she said.

Alex took in her stance. “We need the information you can provide about her history, it may explain why she’s not waking up.” He could almost see her start arguing. He dug for patience and compassion. “I know it’s not what you want to hear, but we need as much information as possible.”

Faith swallowed her response and took a deep breath. “Thank you. Do you know where she was found or who brought her in?”

“I wasn’t on duty, but I’ll get the ER documentation.” He opened the door. “I’ll be back as soon as you can see her.”

Faith paced, texting various members of the Council to report the situation and prepare them for anything legal. “Please be alright, Tina.”

fandom: grey's anatomy, author: hermione2be, !2016 august event

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