Aug 19 - Buffy/Jon (Alone Together, Ch 2)

Aug 19, 2016 23:30

Aug 19 - Buffy/Jon (Alone Together, Ch 2)
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **Part of the 2016 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge. Buffy’s secret identity didn’t even last a week.
Crossover: Stargate SG-1
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 1534
Challenge: for the livejournal 2016 August Fic-a-Day Challenge. Also for Season 4 Turned On It's Head Challenge
Timeline: during season 4 for BtVS and a few years after ‘Fragile Balance’ for SG1. Move the timelines to match
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Stargate SG-1 characters belong to Brad Wright, Jonathan Glassner, et al. Don’t own the characters from the other show, either. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Sunnydale University

Buffy walked away from Giles’ place with her emotions cycling between anger, hurt and a little shame. Shame that she said that thing about his having a social life being gross…although it kind of was to her, seeing him lounging around in the middle of the day in a robe. She gave a tiny shudder of revulsion. Parents should not have sex lives!

But her shame paled by comparison to the hurt and anger that fought for top billing. Who cares what the Council said; Giles was her Watcher and if she had a Slayer issue, he should get off his robe-covered ass and help her! Okay, so anger won this round.


The next day…

Her mood wasn’t improved any by her uncharacteristic loss to Sunday the night before. How the heck did that happen?! Buffy went over and over it in her mind and just couldn’t believe she fought so bad. It was like the week of her birthday, when Giles had drugged her for that damn test…

No, he wouldn’t do that again. He couldn’t!

But that didn’t mean some other Council drone wasn’t lurking nearby to get rid of a troublesome Slayer. She needed to go home for supplies.

It was kind of depressing that her mom turned her room into storage, even for just a little while. Couldn’t she have used the living room or dining room? It would have been easier, too.

She lied about the reason she came back because she didn’t want to stir up bad memories of Kralik, but when she got the chance, she snuck into her room for the testing kit she bought back in February from a guy that Pike trusted in LA. After Travers left, she made Giles give her the leftover Slayer poison. Pike’s guy used it to create a blood test she could use to find out if she was dosed again, plus an antidote to counter it.

Not wanting her mom to walk in and see what she was doing, Buffy took the kit back to her dorm, where she was surprised to find all her stuff gone. Guess Sunday planned on making her disappear, too.

“Don’t tell me that you’re already remodeling,” a friendly voice asked. She looked up and saw Jon standing in the doorway.

“How’d you find me?” she asked.

He gave a small shrug. “You narrowed it down by saying you were in Stevenson. I just came here and asked around a little. What’s with the ultra-Spartan vibe?” Then he got close enough to see the bruises on her face and went rigid with fury. “Has somebody been abusing you?” he ground out.

Buffy thought for a minute, trying to decide whether she should say anything to him.

“I know people who can protect you,” he offered when she didn’t say anything right away. If she was scared of her abuser, he’d make sure the person would never get near her again, if he could help it.

She chuckled softly at the idea of witness protection for a Slayer by normal people. “I appreciate that.” She paused, then decided to give him a partial truth, “I ran into a gang that preys on freshmen who are struggling with the new life. They got Eddie and their leader didn’t appreciate my interference.”

“We need to go to the police!” Jon demanded.

Buffy shook her head. “It won’t help. They won’t care, even if they believe me that he didn’t run away. The gang took all his stuff and left a goodbye note.”

“We have to at least try!” he insisted.


An hour later, he was shaking his head bemused anger. Since she wasn’t surprised by it, he asked Buffy, “How can they treat a missing person case like minor vandalism?”

“Because in Sunnydale, it’s as common as minor vandalism,” she answered sadly. It was a fact of life she didn’t think she would ever accept. “People go missing all the time.”

Even though he wanted to call General Hammond and bring the military down on this town like a blanket, he knew that his request would be shot down since it had nothing to do with National Security. Rampant crime wasn’t automatic justification for military presence, especially if the media wasn’t reporting it.

So if he couldn’t count on backup and the police in town were basically as helpful as ice skates in the Everglades, he’d have to work on this himself. “Feel like trying to solve this problem with me?”

Buffy winced. Not in pain like Jon thought, but at the very likely possibility that before too long, he’d find out her secret. Just once she would like to get through a week without everyone finding out about her being the Slayer. On the other hand, she couldn’t let him get himself killed because he didn’t know what he was up against.

“Alright, let’s break into the campus records room and see if we can find a pattern or something.” She hoped that she could ditch him later when it came time to confront the vampire pack.


But that wasn’t to be.

When they were doing a reconnaissance of a potential lair - which Jon was amused to tell her had nothing to do with art - he saw a vampire in full ‘grr’ face.

“What the hell is that?” he exclaimed while watching the ‘gang’ messing with Buffy’s belongings. “And what the hell are you doing on the glass? Get off there!”

She cringed. “I don’t suppose you’d believe really good Halloween masks?” she tried half-heartedly.

“Considering it’s barely September?” he snarked. His mind was flipping through the alien races he remembered, trying to think of anything that came close.

“It couldn’t hurt to try. Okay, they’re vampires. You know, the whole sucking blood thing from the movies - but don’t believe everything from them,” Buffy cautioned. “I don’t see my weapons trunk down there.”

“Weapons? Are you a descendent of Van Hellsing or something?” He wasn’t sure he was buying this yet, but he was more open-minded than most folks. Having his world view blasted open by aliens tended to do that to a person.

Before she could answer, the glass she was on cracked and she fell to the floor below. A fall from that height should have seriously injured or killed her. If she survived, he was giving her a massive ‘I told you so’ for staying on the glass.

Okay, even if he wasn’t sure if he believed her, Jon decided that it wouldn’t hurt to play along until he found out she was wrong or crazy. From what he could remember of vampire movies, they were killed by stakes, silver, holy objects like crosses and blessed water, decapitation felt like it should work. Oh, and daylight…but that was hours away and not especially helpful at the moment.

He quickly made his way back to the ground and searched for anything he could use as a weapon. A couple sturdy-looking branches could work as makeshift stakes. He snapped them to create a sharper point, then ran into the building to help Buffy.

It shocked him to watch the leader’s face warp from human to monster, then to watch Buffy stake a minion. Okay, so this vampire thing seemed more and more real with each passing minute. A vampire came rushing at him, but his battle reactions kicked in and he moved out of the way and plunged his stick into the thing’s back.

He saw a couple of them run out a doorway on the other side, but thought he should stick with Buffy. After she threw the stake that ended the leader, he asked about chasing the others. She said they had too being of a lead, but she really didn’t want to risk going after them with a newbie (she hadn’t seen him stake the stoner vampire).

Even though she tried to hide her true motivation for staying, Jon had enough memories to know the reason. Until he knew more, he’d follow her lead. They packed up her stuff and grabbed a couple boxes to bring back to her room.

And were met by a man standing outside her dorm building with what looked like a whole renaissance fair’s worth of weapons in his vehicle. He started babbling about fighting alongside Buffy even though he wanted her to be more self-reliant. When he finally paused to take a breath, he suddenly noticed Jon standing there.

“Who’s this?” he demanded.

“My new friend, Jon. Jon, this is my Watcher, Giles. It isn’t creepy like it sounds, I promise. He can give you the official spiel about vampires and demons,” Buffy said.

Giles glared at her. “Are you physically incapable of keeping it a secret that you are the Slayer?!”

“Slayer?” Jon asked. “Is that how you could fight so well and survive a fifteen foot drop?”

“He didn’t know?” Giles asked.

“Not exactly, but sort of,” Buffy said. “Can we do this after we get my stuff moved back into my room, please?”

“Why are your belongings not put away, yet?” Giles inquired as he took one of the boxes from Jon to carry into the building.

A/N: Thought this would be easier to knock out before the deadline than the other ficlets. I have a problem with Giles knowing where to go after he blew Buffy off, so I’m changing that part.

author: mmooch, fandom: stargate sg1, !2016 august event

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