August 11 - Donations

Aug 11, 2016 22:18

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 11

Title: Donations
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Gilmore Girls
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Gilmore Girls people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Emily Gilmore gets a letter from IWC

Notes: I watched ten minutes of an episode of GG while half asleep and this popped up.
Seasons: Post-Series/Between Seasons 3 & 4
Characters: Emily Gilmore
Word Count: 340

Emily Gilmore sat at her stationary desk.

“Amelia!” she shouted. “How many times do I have to tell you you’re supposed to sort the mail: business, personal, invitation, then charity and society?”

There was no response and she huffed. “Useless girl.”

She started sorting the mail into the proper piles. There was a postcard from Rory who was visiting Europe with her mother. There was Richard’s mail. A few bills and a couple of society notices. Near the bottom of the stack was a different envelope, one from England with a uniquely embossed “IWC”.

Emily grabbed the letter opener and wielded it expertly to expose the missive. She withdrew and unfolded three papers.

At the top of the first one was a silver crest “IWC”.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore,

I, Dawn Summers, am writing you on behalf of the International Watchers Council, an organization dedicated to helping women meet their full potential. We are currently caring for 430 girls under the age of fifteen, 793 women sixteen to twenty-five, and 154 older women. We teach girls and women self-defense, diplomacy, develop existing abilities, and help them learn career oriented skills.

Your donation will bring us closer to our goal of being able to open 40 teaching facilities and 12 houses around the world. We are looking to open a teaching facility and a house in the New England area. The house will allow IWC to take in girls who have no family and see them to their maturity.

The IWC appreciates your consideration in this matter. We are willing to answer any questions you have.

Please know you were specifically requested to receive this letter by Miss Shelia Bose nee Cartwright as she is a member of the IWC.

Thank you,

Dawn Summers

Dawn Summers
IWC, Linguistics

Emily picked up the phone, calling the number on the second page. The Cartwrights and Bose were at the forefront of societal matters and had excellent taste in charity.

“Yes, my name is Emily Gilmore, I wanted to find out more about the IWC…”

fandom: gilmore girls, author: hermione2be, !2016 august event

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