Author: JakeDaMan
Rating: FR12
Crossover: “Hart of Dixie”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Hart of Dixie belongs to someone that is not me.
Summary: Looking for new Slayers brings a very interesting town to light.
A blond, a brunette, and a redhead walk into a bar. Now, these aren’t your ordinary blond, brunette, or redhead. For one thing the brunette is a young, shaggy haired man while the blond and redhead are young women.
“Rammer Jammer? What kind of bar is called Rammer Jammer?” the blond complained.
“The kind you usually don’t go to Buffy.” the brunette responded.
“Play nice you Buffy, Xander.” the redhead said, “The witch is here in the bar. We find her, we make contact, we get out. Simple!”
Buffy and Xander stopped and stared in horror at the redhead. She realized her friends were no longer beside her and when she turned around she groaned as in pain.
Buffy said, “Willow! You of all people should know better than to do that!”
“I know, I know! Will help if I say I’m sorry?” Willow said.
“Nope.” Xander said, making sure to pop the ‘p’. “Nothing for us to do but to bravely go forth.”
At that he pushed both girls in front of him saying, “Go forth! I’ll be right behind you!”
The girls gave a nuh-uh and a no-way jose and proceeded to tickle Xander into submission. At least they tried and even though Buffy was the Slayer, with a capital S, and Willow was the most powerful Earth Witch of her generation…
Well, let’s just say their ‘tickle-foo’ was weak and Xander was the Master… uh, not that kind of Master and… uh…
Their tickle fight got just about everyone’s attention, including the aforementioned witch. She may have had supernatural powers beyond the ken of mortal men but, alas, she too suffered from the affliction of too much curiosity.
The fine people of Blue Bell were very surprised when one Mrs. Beverly Mayfair rose into the sky, her hair billowing in the sudden wind yelling, “Red Witch, what are you doing in my sovereign territory?”
“Looking for you?” Willow said.
“For what reason?” Beverly asked as the wind started to die down.
“Just to talk, that’s all.” Willow answered.
“Really, really. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
Beverly dropped the wind and said to the fine people of Bluebell, “Fine people of Bluebell, everything is alright. Nothing to see here, move along.”
And they did.
“Nice.” Xander said watching everyone move away, some shaking their heads in confusion.
* * * *
“Would you like some more tea?”
“No Mrs. Mayfair, I’m fine.” Xander replied, “I just don’t understand what’s going on, so if you could explain it to the magically dumb please?”
The Pastor Mayfair said, “Well, it really is quite simple. You see, I’m Ponce De Leon.”
“Seriously?” Xander squeaked, in a manly way of course.
“Yep. And, yes, I did find the Fountain of Youth.” he explained, “It is something that we have to imbibe once every 40 to 50 years though.”
“Ohhh, I see.” Willow said and turning to her friends she added, “It basically rejuvenates them probably from whatever age they are back to the age of 25. Am I right?” she finished turning to the couple before them.
Surprised, the Pastor stammered out, “Y-yes, that’s… that’s correct. How did you know?”
“Willow is just a big ol’ brain, she is.” Xander said.
Buffy piped up asking, “Okay, so we’ve established that Mrs. Mayfair is a good witch and the Pastor knows where the Fountain of Youth is… I wanna know what the deal is with all the love triangles going on in this town!”
“Oh that?” Mrs. Mayfair said with a negligent wave of her hand, “That’s just some natural chaos, accelerated by me of course, that helps to juice up the wards of this town. It also helps the people of this town to figure out who they’re supposed to be with, you know?”
“Soooo… you’re playing matchmaker as well?” Buffy asked.
Aghast, Mrs. Mayfair stated, “Oh heavens no! It’s a simple manipulation of probabilities to give them experiences, make sure they learn from them, and brings order out of chaos.”
“Okay.” Buffy said, “Well, maybe you can help us then. We are looking for a young girl named Rose Hattenbarger. You see, she was a potential and now she’s a Slayer. Or she should be.” Turning to Willow she said, “I still don’t get it. She either is a Slayer or she isn’t?”
Just as Willow was about to answer Mrs. Mayfair butted in with, “Oh, the answer is quite simple dear.”
“Oh?” Willow and Buffy asked.
Mrs. Mayfair gently placed her tea on the table and, with hands in her lap, said, “It’s because of me.”