August 5 - Enter the Academy

Aug 05, 2016 14:50

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 5

Title: Enter the Academy
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Star Trek
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Star Trek people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Buffy’s Academy orientation.

Notes: This exists as part of my The Path Less Taken story on TTH. Buffy’s immortal and decided to join the academy.
Seasons: Post-Series/Approximately 2 years pre-TNG
Characters: Buffy, Worf
Word Count: 723

Buffy looked around her little flat one more time. She had her PADDs and her bag was filled. She checked the clock.

“I’m running late,” she muttered. Not that it mattered, she would easily be able to sprint to campus. She grabbed her keycard and schedule.

She ran down the stairs and out of the building. She mentally mapped a route. A hit of supernatural speed and she was there in a third of the time.

Starfleet Academy was beautiful. But she focused on getting to an orientation seminar. She breezed through a door and skidded to a halt as she found herself among other First Year Cadets as they filed into an auditorium. Her heart was racing, she had been preparing for this for over fifty years but to actually be here, to be starting…all the old insecurities, everything that made her a terrible student started to surface. She brushed her light brown hair over her shoulder and sat down in an open seat.

Feeling a little out of control, Buffy closed her eyes and ticked off her goals in her head:

Get into the Academy - Done.
Apply myself
Double Major in Xenobiology and Engineering Components
Graduate top 10 of the class
Choose my post from the most coveted positions available

Satisfied, she took a deep breath and let it out.  A red-uniformed officer came onto the stage. She smiled, recognizing the first Klingon to graduate from Starfleet. She had known his grandmother, Tavana. Buffy had actually been a part of her House during on Kronos nearly a hundred and fifty years ago before Tavana had married and joined her husband’s House.

Buffy knew that orientation normally had a guest speaker, someone who had a significant place in Starfleet or was a noteworthy recent graduate. Worf was an obvious choice.

He looks nervous. She noticed. It was a strange thing for a 6’4” Klingon. He looked angry as he scanned the crowd and that’s all most people would see. But she could see that the grip on his PADD was just a touch too tight and he was standing too straight.

She smiled slightly, it was nice to know she wasn’t the only one who was having a case of the jitters.


After they spent the day learning everything that they needed to know about majors, minors, cores, and electives, they were given a chance to choose courses.

Buffy followed the prescribed double major setup and got herself signed up.

“Klingon is not an easy language to learn,” a deep, rough voice told her.

Buffy turned to find Worf standing directly behind her. “Sir?” She could sense he was trying to intimidate or test her. She barely suppressed a grin. In an instant she had to decide how to handle the situation. They didn’t know she was over three hundred years old. He had no way of knowing she was actually a member of a Klingon House or that she had lived among them for nearly forty years.

“Why did you choose Klingon?” he asked bluntly. “There are eight other major languages to choose from.”

“My Klingon is a little rusty,” she finally replied. “I know all nine major languages and half of the minor languages offered. If I was going to take something I didn’t know, I’d prefer Ferengi or Bolian.”

There was a momentary assessing look before he gave one stiff nod. “You are also double majoring.”

“Yes,” she admitted, knowing he himself had done the same when he graduated a few years earlier. “There are great strides in bio-neural technology so my focus is science, but I need to have get a complete engineering background.”

Worf gave her an approving glance. “You know exactly what you want to do.”

“I have been planning for the Academy for more than a decade,” she fibbed. It was more like six decades. “I have some pretty strong ideas about what I want to do.”

His face relaxed a bit, but his voice was deep and commanding. “You will make an excellent addition, Cadet.”

Buffy gave him a billion-watt smile, bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet. “Thank you, Ensign Worf, I shall strive to prove you right.”

“See that you do,” he practically barked before walking away.

It only made her nerves settle. I can do this.

author: hermione2be, !2016 august event, fandom: star trek

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