
Aug 04, 2016 09:53

Author: JakeDaMan
Rating: FR18
Crossover: “DC Comics, Marvel Comics”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. DC Comics Characters belong to DC Comics. Marvel Comics Characters belong to Marvel Comics. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
Summary: YAHF - Following Cursebreaker's Challenge #7859: A new costume + a new reality = a change of pace ( ).
Unable to get the last toy gun from Ethan's, Xander gets leftover parts of X-men costumes and becomes a new type of hero... in the DC Universe!

Tests and discoveries

It was the smell of cooked eggs that woke him up. Xander had always loved scrambled eggs, well food in general was of the good, but scrambled eggs reminded him fo those long ago Sunday mornings. His mother would get up a little earlier then the family and make a whopping breakfast. Her eggs were always just right, not too well done, not too runny. But, alas, those days were gone and that realization woke him up.

Joe said, “I’m worried Barry. I’m worried that this kid might be a ticking time bomb. He might be a plant from one of your enemies. Have you considered that?”

Talking around a mouthful of pancake Barry said, “Yeah, I did Joe. It just doesn’t fit. There is something more to this kid than his access to the speed force and able to make twins.”

Chuckling as he sat down to his own plate Joe said, “I hear that.”

“Hear what Dad?” Iris asked, plopping down in her own chair in a pair of hello kitty PJ’s.

“What?” She asked causing Barry and Joe to stop staring at her and say, “nothing. nothing.”

Smirking she took a sip of her orange juice and said, “I don’t think we anything to worry about Xander. I think we just have an amnesiac teen that is from another reality and is going to have homesickness soon, if not already.”
She paused, thinking about what she just said and stated, “And there is a sentence I never thought I’d say, much less hear.” Turning to her father she asked, “Why do we have such weird lives? Was the family cursed to live in interesting times or something?”

Xander shuffled in at that moment, his t-shirt on backwards, mumbling “Good morning.” as the others chuckled to themselves.

Iris said, “Morning sleepy head. Did you sleep well?”

Xander just murmured something like, ‘yeah’ or it could’ve been, ‘yemfh’, they weren’t too sure.

“Kinda reminds me of you not too long ago Barry.” Joe joked.

“Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up Mr. Sings-in-the-shower.” Barry rejoined and at that breakfast proceeded in the West household much as it does in any other family.

* * * *

“Morning Harry.” Cisco said carrying a tray of coffee. Without looking from the white board covered in complex calculations Harrison Wells, late of Earth-2, simply grunted in response. Cisco looked up sharply as he placed the coffee on a nearby counter and said, “Harry? have you been up all night again?”

Again, Harry just grunted.

“Okaaaayyyy.” Cisco said as Caitlin stumbled up to the coffee. Taking a deep whiff Cisco heard her whisper, ‘Nectar of the Gods” and then he yelped as he turned back to Harry only to practically bump noses with him.

Clutching his chest as if having heart palpitations, he said, “Jeez Harry! Personal space much?”

Harry just stared at him for moment looking like he was trying to decide if he was still in the same reality. Then, looking down, he said, “Oh, coffee. Good.” Snatching up a cup he strode over to the white board while sipping the coffee.

“Oh man.” Cisco said, “This is bad. Bad with a capital B.”

Caitlin, feeling a bit more human, glanced from Cisco to Harry and back and asked, “What? So he’s been up all night. What’s the big deal?”

“He took my French Vanilla Roast coffee and he hates French Vanilla Roast coffee. And did I mention it was mine?” Cisco whispered loudly.

Without turning around Harry said, “I can hear you, you know. And I’ve only been up half the night as I had a dream and got up early.” turning around he added, “French Vanilla Roast coffee is actually starting to grow on me.”

Caitlin spoke into her cup saying, “Burn.” as she took a sip. Cisco, shocked by Harry, snapped to Caitlin and asked,

Looking up innocently she said, “Nothing. Iiii’vvvee got to go over the test results from yesterday.”

Cisco watched her practically run into the medical area, looked back at Harry and then said, “I do believe I’ve been punked.”

“Who’s been punked?” Barry asked. Joe, Xander entered right behind him taking in the scene.

Sniffing the air Xander proclaimed, “I smell a prank.” Taking another sniff and added, “A prank well delivered I might add.”

Joe just couldn’t help himself and asked, “Oh? What does a prank smell like?"

Deadpan Xander said, “Smoked bacon.”

That startled a laugh out of Joe. Barry just patted Cisco on the shoulder saying, “I understand.”

Cisco just made a face, sat down at his computer while mumbling dire threats of retaliation. Caitlin chose that moment to rush out of the medical area shouting, “Eureka! I’ve got it!”

Everyone paused and she could almost hear crickets in the background. Cisco mouthed Eureka to Barry and Joe while

Xander scratched his head and said, “Whatever an eureka is I hope its not catching.”

Caitlin said, “Ha-ha, very funny. But I’ve figured out how Xander was able to copy Barry’s powers!”

“Come again.” Harry asked, “Did you say ‘copy’?”

At Caitlin’s nod he huffed and spun back to the white board. Making a few corrections he smiled, “That’s it.”

Turning back, he said, “So, Ms. Snow. How does this young man copy powers?”

“He is able to change the part of his DNA necessary to access the powers he is trying to copy.” She stated.

Confused Xander said, “Soooo, I’ve only copied Barry’s powers. Does that mean I can turn them off as well?”

Caitlin nodded with a smile and Xander closed his eyes. Opening them there was a flash of lightening in his eyes that just faded away.

“Wow. I did it. I can’t feel the speed force anymore.” he said.

“There’s more.” Caitlin proclaimed, “I compared Xander’s baseline DNA to Joe’s and Harry’s DNA to get a comparison. I believe he’s got at least 3 other special abilities.”

“And how did you come to that conclusion Ms. Snow” Harry asked, crossing his arms.

“He’s still got the ability to make copies of himself, right?” She answered. In response Xander smacked a fist to his palm creating a copy while saying, “Two mints in one!”

“See. Now the thing is don’t let go of that ability because you would have to be around that person in order to copy it again.” She warned.

“So my DNA doesn’t have memory of previous settings?” Xander asked.


Clapping his hands together Harry said, “Let’s get to testing.”

Raising his hands in the air Joe said, “Well, I’m out. See ya’ll later.

* * * *

When Joe returned during lunch he saw Xander and Cisco sitting across from other limbs all akimbo. He could see sensors attached with wires going down the back of their heads looking like high-tech dreadlocks. Caitlin looked up from her computer screen saying, “Hey Joe.”

“What’s going on? Are they having a séance or something?” Joe asked.

Looking back at the boys she said, “Something like that.”

Surprised Joe asked, “Oh? Do tell.”

Tapping some commands, she explained, “Well, we found out that Xander can be within a half-mile of someone with powers that he can copy. We found out by accident that one of his copied abilities makes like a living Rosetta Stone or a Cypher.”

At Joe’s raised eyebrows she said, “Give him just a few seconds or minutes and he can learn a new language.”

“Any language?” Joe asked.

“Yes, even Klingon.” She answered.

“What about body language?” He asked.

“I don… Well, it is a type of language, but how would one learn it?” She said.

Joe answered, “Interpretive dance?”

Caitlin’s eye’s got wide and said, “Oh. My. God. That could work!”

Looking at Xander with pity Joe silently apologized to the young man. He knew that the teen would soon be threatened with culture and Joe felt really bad about that. At that point Cisco’s computer beeped a warning. Reading it Joe called out, “Oh dear lord. Barry! King Shark is loose again!”

“Crap” Barry said as he Flashed into his suit and out the door.

Xander smiled a secret smile as he clapped his hands together. No one saw the twin that was created as it also Flashed out the door. At that point Cisco called out, “Found it.”

Joe was about to ask what was found when Cisco yelled in horror and jumped up and away from Xander. He backed off gibbering something about monsters when Harry grabbed his arms. Pulling him up face to face Harry snapped, “What did you see? Ramone, WHAT DID YOU SEE!”

Cisco said, “Vampires.”

Then he promptly passed out.

fandom: dc comics, author: jakedaman, fandom: the flash, !2016 august event

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