
Aug 03, 2016 09:24

Author: JakeDaMan
Rating: FR18
Crossover: “DC Comics, Marvel Comics”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. DC Comics Characters belong to DC Comics. Marvel Comics Characters belong to Marvel Comics. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
Summary: YAHF - Following Cursebreaker's Challenge #7859: A new costume + a new reality = a change of pace ( ).
Unable to get the last toy gun from Ethan's, Xander gets leftover parts of X-men costumes and becomes a new type of hero... in the DC Universe!

I’m seeing double…

Both Xander’s stared at each other and in unison said “Holy Double Vision Batman!”

The first Xander said, “I’ve heard of being beside yourself, but this is ridiculous. Hey other-me, you got any memories?”

“Ummm, no, sorry other-me.” the twin responded.

At that point two teens started to pretend the other was a mirror image by making funny faces at each other. Everyone else just stared in shock until Harrison Wells growled out, “Okay, that’s enough. Let’s get one of him to be tested by Ms. Snow while we ‘talk’ with the other one.”

“Geez Harry, could you at least say please? Ya know, like with the whole social acceptance thing?” Cisco said.

Harry just glared at the young man while Barry said, “That’s enough you two.”

Turning to the Xander’s he asked, “Would you two mind if we did that though? One of you go with Caitlin to get checked out while we do a round of 20 questions with the other? Maybe we can help jog your memory.”

The Xander’s glanced at each other and the original, at least Barry thought he was the original, said, “Sure, why not? It’s not like we got anywhere to go.” He turned to his twin and asked, “Or do we?”

His twin just shrugged as if to say ‘how the heck should I know, I just along for the ride’.

* * * * *

About an hour and more than 20 questions later they were no closer to Xander getting his memories back. Introductions had been made all around by that time. Caitlin, the thin brunette, was pretty much done with her examination of the other Xander though. She wanted to monitor the two Xander’s while they became one again.

“Alright.” Caitlin said, “Are you two ready?”

At that both Xander’s nodded.

She said, “All the monitors are hooked up to the one we believe is the original. So, go ahead and touch other.”

Both teens sniggered and one said to the other, “No bad touching, okay?”, which caused them and the guys to break out into laughter. Except for Jim, the rumpled cop, and Harry, the guy that looked serious all the time. Jim sniggered, while Harry looked unamused. Or constipated, it was really hard to tell with him.

“Sorry.” the teens said, “Sorry, we’ll be good.” And then they did a high five.

Everyone gasped as the one connected to the monitoring equipment disappeared. There was no flash of light, just one second he was there and the next he was gone.

This time it was Cisco that said, “Whoa.”

“I hear that.” Joe said.

At that point Xander let out a small laugh and then a small groan. Caitlin was intstantly by his side and started checking his vitals and said, “Hmmm, guess we got it wrong. This is the original. Are you alright Xander?”

Xander popped open one eye and said, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good, just processing his memories and some of the bad jokes the guys shared.”

A little surprised Caitlin asked, “You are getting his memories?”

“Yeah.” Xander answered, “And a little bit more.”

He looked around at everyone and said, “I remember… a Willow.”

fandom: dc comics, author: jakedaman, fandom: the flash, !2016 august event

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