29 August 2015 - A Night At The Opera

Aug 29, 2015 22:01

Title: A Night At The Opera
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Batman
Disclimaer: All the characters used and mentioned in this story belong to Warner Brothers in one way or another, I think. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Note: I received a call a few hours ago that one of my uncles passed away. Not really feeling the writing tonight.
Warning: this may very well be crackfic
Summary: Bruce takes Buffy out for a night at the opera.

“Buffy!” Bruce's voice called out as he stepped into their suite. The couple had flown across the country from Gotham to Los Angeles for several reasons including shmoozing some big wigs in the area in the hopes having them look favorably on the plans for a west-coast branch of one of Wayne Enterprises many divisions.

The changes that happened after Sunnydale were numerous. With the closing of the Hellmouth in Sunnydale, human evil had taken a sharp upswing to make up for the loss of demonic evil. Slayers were not made for fighting human evil, but there was still enough demonic that they needed to be careful, it was why Buffy had allowed people to think she was dating The Immortal while they brokered an agreement to keep the mystical and supernatural separate from the human.

Finishing that, she had wanted nothing more than to see her home country again, so when an opportunity came up to discuss re-initiating ties to Wayne Industries and the Wayne family in particular, she had quickly volunteered.

Of course she had almost repented that decision when she found out how much of a playboy Bruce Wayne actually was. She'd just gotten done with The Immortal and really didn't want to get tied up into another fake relationship. Especially since Wayne was a media darling. In Rome people may have known, but at least her face wasn't plastered on the front cover of every tabloid. She only hoped her cover story held up.

It had taken her all of ten seconds to see through Bruce Wayne's carefree playboy attitude. It was every bit as good as her blonde act, but there were subtle tells that let her know he was far more intelligent and aware than he wanted people to believe. She would need to keep an eye on him.

Apparently, he felt the same way since later that night she met Batman. Bruce was good at changing personae, but the cadence of his words - the few he spoke - his bone structure and a few of his mannerisms gave him away. A part of her sighed in resignation at meeting yet another danger-loving human with a hero complex.

Only, that wasn't really it. In the course of their negotiations, despite her best efforts to resist, Bruce had won her over. She tried to put up a fight, realizing from dealing with him as Batman that when he put his mind to something he could be scarily single-minded until he achieved success, but her heart wasn't in it as much as it should have been.

It took him three months to convince her that he was serious about her and a year more to put an engagement ring on her finger. So far he wasn't pressuring her for a wedding date, but she was pretty sure he was just giving her time to get used to the idea, or lulling her into a false sense of security or something.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Buffy placed one last pin in her hair before standing up from the vanity. “Coming,” she called out, picking up her wrap for the evening.

As she entered the sitting area of their suite, she couldn't help but stop to take in the sight of Bruce Wayne in evening wear. It was moments like this that let her know she was one lucky woman.

“So, where are we going?” she asked, pleased to see the same desire she felt reflected in his eyes.

“It's a surprise,” he said, helping her slip into her wrap.


“The opera? Really?” Buffy hissed while keeping a fake smile on her face.

Bruce's smile turned amused and his eyes twinkled. “You'll survive. You might even appreciate this one,” he said, trying to soothe Buffy's irritation.

He could say no more as the lights began to dim.

A few seconds later the curtains opened and the orchestra began to play. The first singer stepped out on the stage.

Buffy gasped and moved forward, to the edge of her chair, trying to make sure she really was seeing what she was seeing. When she realized she was, she quietly murmured, “Anya was right.”

Several hours later as they slipped into the back seat of the limo after leaving the opera. Bruce had an exasperated look on his face.

Turning to look at him, Buffy beamed, “You were right. I did appreciate this opera, even enjoyed it.” She sighed wistfully. “If only all operas were like this one,” she whispered before beginning to hum one of the songs under her breath. “Kill the wabbit. Kill the wabbit...”


final note: my uncle really enjoyed Bugs Bunny cartoons. We frequently discussed them and watched them when I visited. Miss you Uncle Joe.

fandom: batman, author: beriaearwen, !2015 august event

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