August 29, 2015 - Sports, 2 (FR-13)

Aug 29, 2015 20:12

August 29, 2015 - Sports, 2 (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 29 - Sports, 2
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: They were tricking the students into exercising.
Crossover: Harry Potter, mentions of a bunch of others
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 547
Challenge: for the livejournal 2015 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: Storywise - spring/fall 1982
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. HP characters belong to JK Rowling. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


By the time spring rolled around, so many of the students - and staff - were addicted to the novelty of new sports to participate in that Buffy had to think of spring sports to introduce so they wouldn’t mourn the ice rinks too much. As much as she would have liked to put track and field in, it was too similar to exercise for many of the students to want to participate in it. Maybe next year if she was still headmistress.

Jason Bourne offered to teach baseball to any student who wanted to play, regardless of sex. That had moderate interest, but was deemed rather tame by most. Compared to Quidditch, only hockey and rugby would be considered as exciting because of the sheer number of injuries sustained. What a weird indicator for interesting.

Not necessarily as violent, but pretty damn close at professional levels, was football. Not American football - although that was injury-inducing as well - but what was known in the United States as soccer. Given the immense popularity of the sport in the non-magical world, Buffy figured it would go over great at Hogwarts. At least the students who knew about it were excited the first year. The popularity would increase over the years. It was especially popular with the girls when they heard that Jarod (no last name) would be the one advising the soccer club.

Since this was the UK and they were already having baseball, Lily Potter pointed out that they should have cricket as well. Buffy agreed, as long as Lily didn’t try to explain the rules to her.

The absolute most popular decision Buffy made - at least with the male students - was introducing the wizarding world to cheerleaders. Their outfits would have been considered very frumpy in the non-magical world, but for this repressed community, the form-fitting clothes the girls - and one or two boys - wore left very little to the imagination.

To almost everyone’s surprise, it was Rajesh Koothrappali that offered to serve as advisor for that club. Apparently his mutism didn’t register the girls as women he couldn’t talk to, and he had a passion for the sport that carried over to the cheerleaders and their routines.


By the time fall rolled around the next school year, the returning students were wondering what new sports opportunities would be waiting for them. Quidditch and football were the recurring sports, as well as the cheerleading squads for them. Raj even suggested a flying cheer squad for Quidditch matches.

Buffy added archery, which one of the friendlier centaurs from the forest offered to teach in gratitude for her getting rid of the Acromantula colony. With the changes in the school, she was also able to add swimming/diving as taught by Eliza Thornberry.

Eliot Spencer offered to teach Tae Kwon Do, which was popular with the girls, and therefore garnered a lot of attention from the boys as well. Nevermind that Eliot had no intention of getting involved with jailbait; the boys didn’t want to take that risk. He was already swooned over by the girls because he could cook and ‘looked sexy doing it’.

Over the years, more sports would be added, but Buffy didn’t want to overwhelm them right away with all the choices available to them.

A/N: Figured I had to get back to this since the earlier Sports chapter was labeled ‘1’.

fandom: harry potter, author: mmooch, !2015 august event

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