Day 28: Fellow Parent

Aug 28, 2015 20:09

Title: Fellow Parent
Author: laney_1974
Crossover: BTVS/Supernatural
August Fic-a-day Challenge Contribution Date: 28 August 2015
Characters: Joyce Summers, Chuck Shurley
Verse: Sequel to Step In and The Art of Praying and Symbol.
Word Count: 910
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy and Supernatural are not mine, but they belong to their respective owners (Joss and whoever owns Spn).
Spoilers: BTVS: Season 3. Supernatural: Season 5. You will not get this unless you have seen the season 5 finale of Supernatural.
Author’s: This takes place the day before Graduation in BTVS, and the day Joyce leaves Sunnydale. This is taking place pre-series for Supernatural (given that it’s 1999). However, a Spn Season 5 character will appear.

I have not seen past Season 5 in Supernatural, so if it will veer from canon significantly and working on the premise from the end of Swan Song that Chuck is God. Please, for the love of spoilers, do not tell me about characters or events in the series past season 5 as I eventually plan to watch it when I have time.

“I'm sorry I scared you.”

Joyce is very proud of the fact that she doesn't jump at the sound of Chuck’s voice. She's only slightly surprised that Chuck is here. Mainly because the church she is praying in is in Sunnydale and not their Church. She came here almost straight from Rupert’s apartment.

“I'm also sorry about tongue-tying you," he goes on, sitting down on the pew next to her. "It's safer for everyone if they don't know that we’re...”

“Friends,” she finishes for him. Now that she's looking at him, she can see that he's worried. “We're still friends, Chuck, tattoos and all.”

“I wasn’t sure. Free will and all that.”

She smiles. “You didn't scare me. I didn't think for a moment that it was anything harmful.”

“I know,” he replies. "I should have known you would go to the Watcher."

It says a lot that she's not even shocked by his words. "I was curious, and I..."

"Didn't know if I'd appear if you asked?"

"I wasn't sure," she confesses, repeating his words.

He nods. "I suppose you have a lot of questions, and I suppose the first one is about the tattoo."

She nods.

"It’s a form of protection," he tells her. “It's main function to to make sure you know when you are dealing with demons or angels. And by demons, I mean Lucifer’s demons, not the demons that were created from Old Ones. Aside from vampires and any other half-breed, I have no influence on them. The other demons care more about the fact that you’re the slayers mother than any connection you have with me."

She nods and idly wonders if Buffy knows about the two types of hell demons.

“Like angels, Lucifer's demons need a vessel if they are to exist here on Earth. If either being comes near you, the tattoo will warn you. You will feel pain if it's a demon, and warmth if it's an angel.”

And is at that second it hits her, all of it. Everything she's been taught as a child is true, and she's not sure how to cope with that. In fact, she's overwhelmed with a feeling of dread as she remembers her last conversation with Chuck - remembers the advice she gave him.

“They won't come looking for you or anything," Chuck continues. "In fact, they won't be able to find you - not unless I allow them to. If my Celestial children discover that I have not only made contact with someone on Earth, but was actually friends with one, well there would be more of a revolt than they're already is. Like I said the other day, I haven't spoken to them for a long time.”

Joyce doesn't know what to say to that, especially now that she realises the significance of their last conversation. In fact, she's having a bit of trouble taking everything in. So, instead of asking the questions she so desperately wants answered, she asks the questions that she knows she can handle the answers to. She thinks. "The tattoo tingled when both Rupert and Buffy touched it."

"It's reacting to the magic in them. Your daughter, because she's the slayer, and Rupert because of a mistake he made in his youth."

“I guess better go back and tell Rupert to stop his research.”

Chuck pulls a face. “Actually, you don't. The Watcher has already forgotten about your conversation."

"I don't understand."

"The reason I made it impossible for you to tell anyone is about me, is because you didn't understand the gravity of the situation, or the danger anyone who knows the truth will be in. Until now, you thought the only demonic threats were from the demons created by the Old Ones. Now that you know about Lucifer's demons, and your Celestial siblings, I won't stop you from telling others about me. Anyone you tell will be in a danger, but you have the free will to choose to put them in that danger. It wasn't fair not to step in when you didn't know that. I removed the Watcher's memory because it's safer, but you can choose to tell him everything. Just remember word spreads fast in the supernatural world.”

“You know, I thought I imagined what you said when you disappeared the last time we met, but... You're God!” It seems stupid to say that now after everything he's said in the last few minutes, but she can't help it.

He laughs. “For you, I'm Chuck. A fellow parent who sometimes just likes to talk with other single parents like him.”

"But why did you pick me?"

"Because you sat in a broken down church with a homeless man while your daughter risked her life," Chuck says. "You were willing to sit back and do nothing, and let your daughter die if that is what it took for the world to keep turning."

"I don't want to sit back," she tells him.

"I know, but you do," Chuck says. "And you will."

Joyce's eyes close and she feels tears running down her face.

"So, to answer your question." Chuck slips his hand into hers. "That's why chose you. We're both parents who have to sit back and watch our children make sacrifices, make mistakes and all the time do nothing."

"That's not quite true. I can't step in, but you can," she corrects him. "When it's dire."

"When it's dire."


fandom: supernatural, author: laney, !2015 august event

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