Slayer to Destiny - August 28

Aug 28, 2015 03:01

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 28

Title: Slayer to Destiny
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG-13/FR18/T
Crossover: BtVS/Stargate Universe
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Stargate Universe people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Faith joins the Icarus Project

Notes: This is part of an unfinished epic-length story that I sidelined. It exists in my “Keys to Pegasus” universe but is a stand-alone.
Seasons: Post-Series/Season 1 “Air”
Word Count: 1758

: Colorado Springs

Faith squinted as the bright light faded. She found herself standing in a simple home.

“Faith,” a familiar voice spoke from behind her.

“Oz,” she greeted with a nod to the werewolf.

“Oh, good,” Leslie said as she pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. “We don’t have much time.”

“Time for what?”

“Here.” The girl handed her a clipboard. “Sign this.”

“And this is?”

“Standard non-disclosure agreement,” Leslie said pulling a pen from her hair. “SGC is requesting you sign it before we go any further.”

Faith scanned the document a moment before she signed it.

“Here,” Leslie handed her a handheld device and pushed a button.

A moment later, Dawn’s face appeared on the screen.

“Hey, Faith,” she said with a small wave. “So I’ve got a position for you with the SGC. There is a planet a couple dozen light-years from Earth. They are having some trouble with a group called the Lucian Alliance. In the not-so-subtle way my powers work, I got a vision of you, there. There is a man I talked to when I was at Icarus about six months ago. His name is Colonel Everett Young. He understands about Slayers, mentioned he’d like to have one on his team.”

Dawn put up a hand, “I know you aren’t a team player. But I also know that you need a new mission’ one that doesn’t involve children. Before you give up and let the next group of vamps eat you. So here is my request, join the Icarus Project, Faith. See if you can’t find something worth living for in this universe. I don’t know what is going to happen if you go, but I’ve seen what happens if you stay. The choice is yours. If it ends up going bad, you know where to find me to kick my ass.”

She soberly stared into the camera, “good luck.” The image went black.

Faith stared dumbly at the screen.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Leslie said from the side, “but we need your answer soon. The George Hammond leaves in less than sixteen hours.”

Faith scoffed softly, “you say that like I’ve got a choice, kid.”


“Ms. Lehane,” a voice inquired as the bright light cleared. It was an older man in a jumpsuit who greeted her. “This way ma’am.”

He led her to a room as he explained that they were guest quarters, which she would have to herself on the journey to Icarus Base. He offered her a chance to put her things down, but she shook her head.

“Very good, ma’am. The first order of business is orientation,” he said as he led her to a conference room a short distance away. “Please be seated, the orientation will begin as soon as our other guest arrives.”

Abruptly he was gone and the doors closed behind him. Faith sat down, placed her bag under her chair and waited. It was only a few minutes later a guy was led in. He stared at her. “Are you the one giving orientation?”

Faith quirked her lips in amusement. Ten years ago she would have been halfway to seducing him. But now she found it too childish. She was nearing thirty - though few would guess by her looks. The guy was younger than her. He had on jeans, a red shirt, and a gray jacket. He looked nervous.

“Nah,” she finally said.

“Oh,” he frowned but stuck out a hand, “Eli Wallace.”

“Faith,” she shook his hand with a strong grip before letting go.

“So did you solve an equation to get here?” Eli asked.

“No,” she tilted her head, “I was recruited by a friend for this. You?”

“Solved millennia old equation hidden in an online video game.”

“Hello. I’m Doctor Daniel Jackson. Behind me is a Stargate,” the television at the end of the table started playing.

Immediately, Eli sat and looked at the box.

Faith pulled out a second chair and propped her feet up. She grabbed a notepad and pen off the table. She wrote down random things as Dr. Jackson explained the Stargate and the technology related to it. It wasn’t until he stopped talking some hours later that her eyes focused on the notepad to find it mostly filled with notes.

“Wow,” Eli said as he sat back. “I never thought… well of course I thought - dreamed really… but the reality…”

Faith shook her head. “Tell me about it.”

She stood and winded her way back to the room she’d been assigned. She hit the button to lock it and fell into the bed. She stared at the ceiling. She tried clearing her mind, or just forgetting, but the moment she relaxed she remembered. She was running away. She was getting far out of dodge as possible.

Faith was the Dark Slayer, one to go all the way bad and come back. She was supposed to shrug things off, enjoy life, and make it through every tragedy without a scratch. That was all good and fine until about eight months ago. She’d taken some of the kid slayers out on a basic patrol… they’d been ambushed. Only her and one other got away; there had been four who died. Four families that had been destroyed by deaths she could have prevented. Four funerals, four faces that would not leave.

For the first time in a long time, Faith felt her age, and it felt ancient. She still took girls out, but only if she did a sweep first. The slayers were young, they were to learn about their powers, not die because of what the spell to defeat the First had made them.

Gone was the brash youth who slept with anyone. Instead she focused on others. Something she was almost certain Dawn had known. That had led the Ancient Key to send word from Atlantis about an opportunity.

She was pulled out of her morose thoughts by her stomach. She grabbed her bag and headed into the hall. The first person she saw she asked for directions to the mess. He smiled and gave her instructions. She found it without an issue.

She grabbed some fruit, milk, rice, and gelatin then headed for a seat. There weren’t any empty ones so she stopped at table with a marine and asked to join. The marine was named Morose and gladly waved her to sit.

“I apologize,” he said, “but I have a training exercise in ten minutes.”

“Of course,” she nodded and watched as the young marine left. Through the doors came Eli.

Luckily he didn’t see her. His eyes were well and truly glued to a young woman across the mess. She had brown hair and was a little thing. Faith watched as Eli flirt with Chloe - if she heard correctly with her slayer hearing. It was a disaster, but Eli seemed totally unfazed.


Faith was jittery and ready to leave when it finally came time to beam down to Icarus. She looked around as she, Eli, Chloe, the senator, and Dr. Rush were beamed to the planet’s surface.

“Senator,” a man said, “it is my honor to welcome you to Icarus Base.”

“Colonel Young,” the senator greeted.

“This is my executive assistant, Chloe.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” the young woman greeted with all the proper smiles.

“The pleasure is mine,” the colonel assureds.

“She is also my daughter,” the senator informed them.

Faith raises an eyebrow and studies them again.

“You must be…” Colonel Young looked at Eli.

“The contest winner!” Eli smiled widely. “Wow, big gun.” He took his phone out and snaps a picture.

“That makes you, Faith,” the colonel walked forward to take her hand.

“Your new slayer,” she nodded. “Thanks for having me.”

“Slayer?” Eli asked.

“Sir!” another man called for the colonel’s attention.

“Lieutenant Scott. He’s been assigned to you, Mr. Wallace.”

“And me?” Faith asked.

“I was told you don’t like to be watched after, I should just let you find your feet and make sure you have access to the training area,” he smiled.

“Dawn knows me too well.”

“Shall we go inside?” Rush asked impatiently.

“Of course,” he waved Rush and Lieutenant Scott to lead the way. Then he looked at Faith. “We’ll get you up to date tomorrow morning.”

Faith nodded. “Yes, sir.”

They made their way into the base. Faith watched things, sees things left unfinished or unguarded and notes them for later. When they entered the Gate room she stood in the corner, back to the wall. She listened as everyone was introduced, including a Colonel Telford. Rush was quick to dismiss everyone and get down to dialing the Stargate.

She watched as the military people left. Faith peaked outside the door, it was not very guarded. The closest person at a post was positioned to easily be avoided. She wondered what type of enemy they had to worry about out here. The Lucian Alliance was not much to go on.


Faith spent most of the afternoon with the senator and Chloe looking over the base. Colonel Young was finally able to pull Eli away from Rush after the failed attempt to dial the ninth chevron.  They all sat down to a dinner in the officers’ mess.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” the Senator asked.

“You should,” Faith replied evenly. “About seven years ago you met with those who survived the Sunnydale sinkhole. I probably didn’t make much of an impression, but I’m sure you remember Buffy Summers.”

“Oh.” His eyes were very wide. “You’re one of them.”

“One of what?” Chloe asked.

“Nothing,” the senator said quickly.

“I recognize you too,” Chloe said, “I just can’t remember where. I wasn’t working for my father that long ago.”

“Then you may remember me from three years before that.” She looked at the girl. “My face was all over the news.”

“Why?” Eli asked.

“I was wanted for murder.” She shrugged and gulped the wine in her glass.

“Excuse me?” Telford cut in.

“Perhaps we should steer this in another direction,” Colonel Young said.

“No,” the senator said, “this is where my money is going to.”

“I don’t get paid for this,” Faith said as she stood. “So don’t worry that your money is going into my rehabilitation.” She left the mess and let her feet carry her outside. She looked to the sky. “This was a mistake,” she muttered.

A explosion rocked Icarus, knocking Faith off her feet.

fandom: stargate universe, author: hermione2be, !2015 august event

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