August 27, 2015 - Magic School Bus (FR-13)

Aug 27, 2015 21:26

August 27, 2015 - Magic School Bus (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 27 - Magic School Bus
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: Ms. Frizzle reveals the origins of her special bus.
Crossover: Harry Potter, Back to the Future, The Magic School Bus, mentions of DS9
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 714
Challenge: for the livejournal 2015 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: Storywise - vague
A/N: Changed my mind about what I was going to cover today. Author’s prerogative.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. HP characters belong to JK Rowling. The Magic School Bus character belongs to Joanna Cole, Bruce Degen, Nelvana Limited, South Carolina ETV and Scholastic Entertainment. Back to the Future characters belong Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale and Amblin Entertainment. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Several years in the future (assuming Buffy doesn’t get kicked out)…

Before they packed their stuff up for the last time, Clara and Doc Brown’s sons took a side trip to speak to their favorite professor. They had a question they had been wondering about for as long as they could remember.

“Ms. Frizzle,” they said in unison.

“Jules, Verne…how are you doing this beautiful day?” she inquired. It didn’t matter what the day actually was like, she’d call it beautiful even if they were in the middle of a blizzard. Anything could be turned into an adventure with her.

Verne handled asking ‘the question’ for both of them, “We were hoping that now that we’ve graduated, you’ll tell us where the bus came from.”

She gestured for them to sit down, then said, “It isn’t that I don’t want to tell you; I can’t tell you…because it just appeared one day with a note that it was a present for me to use in my teaching. Inside was a basic manual to explain what it did, as well as the necessary paperwork showing I was the owner, not the school district where I worked,” she explained.

“So there wasn’t any hint as to who gave it to you?” Jules asked.

Ms. Frizzle gave them a secretive smile and answered, “Not at the time, but now I have an idea.” She paused while she considered whether she should say anything more, then decided to be a little vague about it. “There’s a plaque near the driver’s seat with a quote on it. It says, ‘Knowledge of the universe is only limited by imagination.’ It’s signed ‘Jules-Verne’. I don’t recognize the quote, but it certainly sounds like the man. Now…you should finish packing,” she said with a knowing look.

On their way back to their apartment, the boys discussed what she said. “Do you think she was talking about us?” Jules asked his brother.

“I don’t know if she knows she’s talking about us, but I think we could be the ones who make the bus for her. All of the professors agree that we are the best at combining magic and technology,” Verne said with barely a hint of pride. It wasn’t a competition, per se, but the challenge of seeing what they could invent next.

Case in point, his mind was already considering what spells it would take to make the bus do all the stuff it did without requiring magic from Ms. Frizzle. Delivering it to her was trivial since they already had their father’s work on time travel and could easily handle bringing the bus to the past.

“We’d need to put shrinking and growing runes on it,” he muttered out loud, starting to brainstorm.

Jules added, “And see if we can adapt the spells for Rowena’s chamber to be portable.”

“We should talk to Mr. Worf about his knowledge of space travel and whether we can replicate the engines somehow for the bus,” Verne returned. On and on they went as they moved through the halls.

Even further into the future…

Jules and Verne’s children continued their studies. They found it took too much power/energy to fuel actual trips into space, so they adapted the hologram technology that Worf explained to their fathers and made it seem like the bus left Earth. What actually happened was the bus turned into a holodeck which made it appear like they could leave the bus and walk on Mercury or Pluto or whatever.

The simulation would end when Ms. Frizzle said something akin to ‘we’re home’ or ‘home sweet home’ when they returned to the holodeck version of the school. Even she wouldn’t be aware they hadn’t left the school parking lot. To keep people from freaking out when a bunch of students went into a bus and didn’t go anywhere for several hours, a special avoidance spell was added; it was a mixture of thinking they saw the bus leave added to a compulsion not to park in that spot.

All that was required by their fathers was the promise that when the project was completed, there would be a plaque added to the driver’s side and that it would be delivered to Ms. Frizzle before they went to Hogwarts in 1981.

A/N: So it becomes a paradox of some kind. They create the bus in the future to give to her in the past because they enjoyed learning about science in the past using the bus, thus inspiring them to learn more about the origins of the bus itself.

fandom: harry potter, author: mmooch, fandom: back to the future, fandom: the magic school bus, !2015 august event

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