How the World Ends - August 27

Aug 27, 2015 03:37

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 27

Title: How the World Ends
Author: hermione2be
Rating: R/FR21/M
Crossover: Angel/ The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Connor surveys L.A.
Warnings: 1st person narrative, Zombie (non-graphic)

Notes: I only noted FtWD because it takes place in L.A., no direct crossover with either series. A standalone in the same universe as my existing TtH story “Slayer Walking”
Seasons: Post-Series/Between Season 2-3 (Approximately 6 months after the initial outbreak)
Word Count: 482

When LA went dark and Sunnydale fell into itself, that’s how we thought the world would end. In darkness. In an instant.

Instead, it crept upon humanity slowly. There was no last stand. No battle with a great evil.

Six months ago everything was normal. I worked in an office building during the day, slayed at night. Then something not so stealthy had come up behind me as I fought a vampire. Both the vampire and I had stopped fighting to investigate the slow, limping man heading towards us. It had dull, white eyes and a blank gaze. It had lumbered towards us reaching for the vampire, who had been a step closer.

“What the fuck is that thing?!” the vampire had snapped, nearly tripping over himself to keep out of reach.

“What does it smell like?” I asked him. Being the unhelpful sort, the vampire ran. I faced the thing, stepping back a bit to see if it would follow. Its gaze had locked on me and it stumbled towards me. It took me only a moment to spot a bite on the side of its neck. Not the tearing of vampire fangs, this was messier the jugular had been shredded, the clothing was covered in blood. I cut off its head and walked away.

Now I walk among the ruins of my city. Approximately half the population of LA were Redeads, a third were just dead. There were pockets of humanity. I’ve come across them, but never joined them. Some were familial, some were community, and others were gangs.

I jumped from one roof to another. My trajectory was slightly off and I landed hard on the fire escape. The noise drew Redeads below me. They responded to the noise, but none of them could see or smell me. I pulled myself onto the roof and studied the bright day. It was probably the most disconcerting thing about the world, it had died, but the sun still rose. It had taken six weeks for a rain to clear the smoke and fumes from the dead city. Once it had it had become easy to look out at the ocean and forget the Redead apocalypse.

I headed for the studio area. Some of the best security I’d found was around filming locations. While the living would have had no problem getting inside, the Redead just milled around the outside. I stopped on a roof not too far from what was currently home. There were signs of the living in a building two blocks over. But I have no interest in getting shot or stabbed or thrown to the Redead, so I just ignore them.

I probably need to see if I can find some survivors, get some company so I don’t go feral. But not today. Right now, I just need to check the roof garden and see about collecting water.

author: hermione2be, fandom: the walking dead, !2015 august event

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