Title: There's Always A Dive Bar Somewhere...
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Avengers
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of The Avengers (movie) belong to Marvel Comics, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Note: short on time - yet again
Summary: He leaned against the bar, took a sip of his beer and waited...
A dive bar somewhere
He leaned back against the bar, took a sip of his beer and waited, letting the occasional wince cross his face.
He'd only been watching a few minutes when the blond guy who'd come in with the redhead now tearing her way through one-half of a particularly vile looking pair of thugs, walked over and leaned on the bar next to him, eyes scanning the chaos in front of them.
“Do this often?” the newcomer asked after a few moments.
“Often enough.”
Both men winced.
“Clint Barton.”
“Xander Harris.”
Both men cringed.
“That had to hurt.”
“Yep. Glad it's not me out there.”
“I hear that.”
“Here on a mission?”
Xander snorted. “Yeah, mission let Buffy blow off some steam.” He cringed as Buffy sent one of the thugs through the wall. Good thing they were demons.
Clint blinked in shock at the man-sized hole in the wall. “I thought that only happened in cartoons.” Shaking himself, he continued. “Looks like she's a bit stressed.”
“Could say the same for your redhead,” Xander observed.
“Natasha's had a few rough weeks recently. Needed to blow off steam.”
They watched in silence for a few more minutes while Buffy and Natasha tore apart the bar and the thugs in it.
“Ever wish you were out there with them?” Xander asked.
Clint tilted his head and then shrugged. “I do my own version of crazy every now and then, but this isn't the way I would go about it. Besides, the beer's pretty good.”
“Yeah,” Xander agreed. “Of course, it's kind of a shame that they'll have to rebuild after tonight.”
Xander nodded placing his glass on the bar and moving to collect his and Buffy's things before heading out the door.
“What are you doing?” Clint asked, befuddled.
A sigh escaped the brunet before he turned and met Clint's eyes. “There's one very large thug left and those two just shared one of those smiles. I'm getting out before the place falls down on top of me.”
“They wouldn't...” Clint began, only to trail off as he saw the two women teaming up against the last thug. Quickly setting his glass down, he grabbed his and Natasha's things. “Yeah, they would.”
The two men made their way outside, a safe distance away from the gang members already out there and from the potential debris field for when the building collapsed.
They stood waiting for their partners to exit and winced occasionally at the sounds coming from the building and the way the walls shook under the impact of the large body.
“So, do this often?”
“Often enough.”
“Think we should coordinate our efforts and meet up again?”
“Could be nice to have a friend to talk to while they blow off steam.”
A final loud thud sounded and the walls and roof began a slow crumble before them. Before the destruction got too far, two figures darted out of it - one blonde, one red-headed - both grinning like loons and looking remarkably relaxed.
“Not sure we'll have a choice in the matter.”
A sigh. “Yeah.”