Aug. 24th, '15: Mean Green and the Killing Machine

Aug 24, 2015 17:55

Title: Mean Green and the Killing Machine
Author: SweetChi
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Crossover: Avengers
Wordcount: 929
Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Avengers, I'm making no money from this and am doing it purely for enjoyment.
Summary: Bruce observes an interesting young woman and an even more interesting phone conversation in Tony's lab.

Bruce snuck another look at the dark haired woman in the leather pants sitting on Tony’s work bench. She was leaning back on her hands looking at the ceiling and popping her gum while she swung her legs, heels bouncing off of the cabinets underneath with a clang each time.

Who she was Bruce had no idea - Tony had called her Faith, but had offered no explanation. He just told her to wait there and disappeared off into the building. It wasn’t so much her or the lack of information Tony had offered that made Bruce so curious. It was the way he’d acted towards her. He’d looked down and shuffled his feet like a kid in trouble. The look she’d given him in return solidified the comparison - unamused and unblinking, she waltzed into his lab like she’d owned it with nothing more than a nod in Bruce’s general direction.

Even more interesting was that he could feel The Big Guy’s watchfulness - and wariness. That was a definite first.

His phone vibrating in his pocket made him jump slightly. He felt a guilty flush creep up his neck as she looked over and caught him staring (although he had a feeling she was aware of him watching her anyway). Glancing down and seeing Fury’s name he inwardly groaned.

“Banner,” he answered.

“Take the phone to the girl in the lab with you,” Fury’s clipped voice answered.

“Nice to hear from you too,” he answered flatly, raising a brow.

“No time for pleasantries, Doctor Banner. The girl. Now.”

Giving a shrug he walked across the lab - stopping halfway when The Big Guy shifted restlessly as she watched him with hooded, dark eyes. Swallowing, he finished the trek and held the phone out.

“It’s for you.”

Eyes not leaving his, she took the phone and slid off the counter, putting her inches from him. He could feel the heat radiating off of her and could smell leather and high octane fuel. The Other Guy’s caution and his own interest made for an oddly compelling combination. He forced himself to take a step back as slow, dangerous smile crept across her face.

“You sneaky bastard,” she said into the phone, giving Bruce one last look before gliding to the other side of the room with slinky grace.

Bruce went back over to his work area and pretended he wasn’t hearing one side of one of the oddest conversations ever in one of the sexiest voices he’d ever heard.

“Ever think I didn’t answer because I didn’t want to talk to you?”


“Do you not remember the last job I took from you, Nick? First of all, you lied about-”



The barked gritty word made Bruce jump and almost drop the screwdriver in his hand. Risking a glance, he saw her standing with one hand on a cocked hip, her back to him and Tony standing by the door holding a metal briefcase. Shooting Bruce a questioning glance, he mouthed “Fury” back at the other man who cringed in a very curious way.

“You knew damn well what was going on there! Then, after I actually manage to finish the job anyway, your Iron Lap Dog shoves me out of a 25th story window! Do you know what kind of crap was in that lake, Fury? It would have been more sanitary if I’d fallen in a sewer. I should know.”

Tony’s shifty eyes wouldn’t meet Bruce’s wide ones.

“Yes, I noticed you tripled my pay. That’s the reason I didn’t hunt down your sorry ass and kill you. Slowly. It doesn’t mean that the next time I see you you’ll be so lucky.”


“How much?”


“That’s… a good starting point. Especially from a tight ass like you. What’s the job?”


“A what?!”


“Hell no! That’s way out of my area of expertise.”


“Yeah, but those are people size, or doubled at most. I’m not fucking with something that’s the size of a freightliner. And in water? No. Fucking. Way.”

With that she hung up the phone and tossed it to Bruce, who bounced it between his hands a couple times before getting a grip on it.

“What’s in the water? I have some-“ Tony started.

“What did I tell you about speaking to me?” Faith asked, leveling him with a dark stare.

“Not to,” Tony mumbled.

“And yet your lips are moving.”

“Um, can I speak to you?” Bruce asked, raising a hand slightly.

“Did you shove me out of a window into a putrid Mexican lake?”

“Uh, no…”

“Then yes.”

“This thing that’s the size of a freightliner-“

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to kill that… Don’t tell that dick Fury though, bastard’s sense of self-importance is way too fuckin’ high already.”

“Maybe I can help?”

She looked at him more closely and walked slowly over to him, stopping well inside his personal bubble.

“Got something going on under that scruffy nerdy exterior, huh? Not that I’m not digging the look.” She gave him a head to toe assessment that had him fighting off another blush. “Maybe I’ll just have to see what’s under that scrumptious candy coating…”

Bruce was feeling a little lost. And sweaty. But found himself nodding anyway, all the while wondering just what the hell he was getting himself into. That feeling got stronger as she led him from the lab and took the briefcase from Tony as they passed.

“Know anything about demons?”

author: sweetchi, fandom: avengers, !2015 august event

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