Title: Neighborhood Watch - Part XVII
Author: SweetChi
Rating: PG-13
Crossover: Castle
Word Count: 1397
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Castle, I am making no money from this and am doing it purely for enjoyment.
Summary: “Getting to knooooow you…”
Part XVII )
Comments 3
Willow, always with the dramatic exits/entrances
Only about a third of my key strokes get picked up when I try to type in the Visual Editor, so everything is copy/pasted. And highlighting anything for changes is next to impossible. Also, my change color icon offers no "default", just a box with a color spectrum.
I'm sorry you're having trouble seeing it. I do update the story the same day or the following day over on Twisting the Hellmouth if you'd like to follow it there - http://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-31184-
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