14 August 2015 - Slipping Into The Future

Aug 14, 2015 21:00

Title: Slipping Into The Future
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Logan's Run (film)
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Logan's Run belong to MGM, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 764
Author's Note: Got no clue where these movie ideas are coming from, but here you go... Please not, vast tracks of plot and dialog have been ignored and re-written.
Summary: When you realize that you will number your life in eons, age and time take on a new meaning.

After you've lived a few hundred years, you begin to be able to see patterns and trends. You begin to see when things will change and can guess in what direction they will move.

Buffy and Dawn had earned that knowledge the hard way - they lived it. Now, in 2274, they were prepared for the change they knew would be coming. The civilization that had risen after the last great war couldn't survive much longer and the number of people they'd managed to save and prepare was almost too few. It would be a harsh wake-up call for most of them when the time came, but they both knew it had to come.

This place wouldn't last. They had both felt it almost from the moment they found it, but they both knew they would have to bring it down, especially after they worked their way inside and discovered exactly what was going on. The way the people here lived was beyond horrifying to the sisters. The fact that they both still looked to be in their early twenties was a definite plus for them in this situation, even if it was a difficulty in many others.

So far they had only found a few people who they could persuade to follow them. Most accepted the brainwashing that lead to their death in the “Carrousel”. It was sickening, but they'd learned long ago you couldn't save everyone, especially those who refused to be saved.

Right now the sisters were sitting together in one of the tunnels that lead out.

“He's a sandman, Buffy,” Dawn whispered.

“I know.”

“He's gone under cover to hunt us down specifically.”

“I know.”

“And you're sure he'll turn.”

Hazel eyes looked into blue as Buffy spoke. “He may have taken this on as a job, but he's beginning to understand the truth.”
Dawn nodded in understanding, her face grim. “You gave him the ankh?”

“Had to. It's the best way out for him. If we made it too easy...”

“Yeah. You sure you'll make it past Box with him?”

Buffy grinned.

Dawn sighed, her sister was having fun with this. “Just don't forget the mission, 'Jessica 6',” she teased.

“Have you seen my assignment?” Buffy teased back wiggling her eyebrows.

With a laugh, Dawn swatted her sister. “Should have named you Faith 2.”

Buffy flashed her a brilliant smile before disappearing back down the passage.

Dawn, who was going by “Sarah 7” at the moment, sighed and glanced the opposite direction, longing for the freedom outside this cramped city. Of all the cultures they'd experienced in the past few hundred years, this one disturbed her most of all.


Logan 5 followed behind Jessica 6, glancing over his shoulder frequently. He'd been fine as they slipped from the main hallways of the city, but as they approached the less traveled sections, his nerves grew. “You're sure this is the way?” he couldn't help but ask. He felt a moment's shame for his doubt when hazel eyes turned to meet his. He didn't doubt Jessica 6, so he wasn't sure why he'd said that.

Something in her eyes seemed to soften and she reached back to take his hand in hers.

“We're almost there,” she whispered, continuing ahead.

A short while later, they found themselves standing in front of a door. There was a hole the shape of his ankh in it. Reaching out he almost had the ankh in the door when Jessica 6's hand reached out and grabbed his wrist. Turning, he realized how close they were standing and felt his breath catch for a moment as his eyes dipped toward her lips before returning to her eyes.

“Once we go through this door, everything changes. There's no going back. And it's nothing you've ever experienced, nothing you've ever imagined.”

Staring at her for a moment longer, Logan let her words sink in and truly penetrate his mind. His eyes shifted to the door. There was nothing left for him here, nothing he wished to save or claim - save one. “You're coming with me,” he declared, looking at her intently. “I won't leave you here. Francis 7 knows ...”

Her smile nearly blinded him. “I'll go with you for now. My work here isn't quite done yet.” Her smile faltered slightly. “Somehow, I don't think yours is either.”

That said she released his wrist.
He didn't hesitate as he placed the ankh in the door and opened it.

Logan 5 was ready to see what the future held.


fandom: logan's run, author: beriaearwen, !2015 august event

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