Believing - August 12

Aug 12, 2015 03:41

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 12

Title: Believing
Author: hermione2be
Rating: G/FR7/K/Everyone
Crossover: BtVS/Rise of the Guardians
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Rise of the Guardians people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Dawn has to be childish to meet the Guardians.

Notes: This is what happens when I watch movies with my son all day…
Seasons: Post Series (6 years)/Post-RotG (Movie)
Word Count: 1704

“What do you mean, ‘of course, there’s a Santa Claus’?” the Slayer demanded in irritation.

Giles rubbed the bridge of his nose as he felt a headache coming. “Santa, the tooth fairy and certain other fanciful children’s characters do exist. Why else do you think Dawn started researching it in the Watcher Diaries?”

“But we’re talking about Santa… about someone who gets around the world in one night and delivers toys.”

“It’s not that simple. He exists as a protector of children.”

Buffy turned and walked to the window of the International Council’s London Headquarters. “So he’s a jolly old man, fat and wears red?”

“Not exactly,” Dawn said as she pointed to a passage she’d bookmarked. “According to the diary of a mid-9th century Watcher, St. Nick is a man of diverse skill, including swords. He claimed to be a Guardian ordained by the Man in the Moon. Along with the “Sandman” they protect the innocence of children. When darkness became a force in the world, the only light - the moon - vowed to keep children from being swallowed whole. Darkness expanded and other Guardians were chosen. These Guardians help children to continue being children, in turn the children’s belief in them keeps their powers from waning. They also serve as protectors of Potentials for as long as they can believe in them. They are kept from monsters by the Guardians. - Account given by Potential (age 8).” She turned the book to the room, showing them a picture of a tall, burley man. “He looks Russian.”

“The origin of St. Nick is Turkish,” Giles corrected.

“I also found mention of the Guardians in a diary from Brazil in 1914,” Dawn opened another book. “They simply called themselves the Guardians. A tall man in red claimed the title Santa. A large hare, called himself ‘the Easter Bunny’ and a bird-like woman was introduced as ‘Tooth’. The most amazing of them all was a small golden man named Sandy. He had the ability to transform into anything of imagination. They had come to save a young Potential but the wraith had reached her first. They defeated the creature and returned the child to her family. They left behind a single card. - Account given by Slayer (age 12)” Dawn pulled something out of the book and showed it to them.

It was a simple card three inches by five inches and had a stylized ‘G’ on it in gold.

“I cannot believe you never told me about this,” Buffy said, facing Giles again.

“What need did you have to know?” he asked. “Encounters with the Guardians are rare. Besides, you are the Slayer and no longer a child. You can no longer see them.”

“Wait,” Dawn said, “do you mean the children Slayers are not protected? We’ve found that there are hundreds of them, the youngest of them only just turned 6.”

“Perhaps we should try to communicate with them,” Buffy suggested. “Anyone know how to reach them?”

“This,” Dawn showed them the card. “But I don’t think we’ll be able to.”

“Why not?” Buffy asked.

“We don’t believe. We’re not children.” Giles reminded her. “They are not Guardians to us.”

“What about an age of innocence spell?” Dawn suggested. “I can become a five year old, speak to them, and retain the memories when I’m back to myself.”

“That seems incredibly dangerous.”

“I can have Sabrina with me, she’s seven she should still be able to see them.” Dawn waited only a beat before bounding out of her chair. “I’ll have the coven find the spell. Should be able to perform this by the end of the week.”

10 Days Later

Dawn stood looking up at Buffy. It was the first time in over 7 years her sister had been taller.

“How are you feeling?” Giles asked.

“Excited,” Dawn said dancing from foot to foot. “I get to meet Santa!”

“Me too!” Sabrina said, just as excited. She had black hair and green eyes and was only a few inches taller than Dawn’s 5-year-old form.

“Which of you has the card?” Giles asked, trying to reign in the two children.

“I do!” Dawn showed it to him. She grabbed Sabrina’s hand and raced out the front door.

“Dawn!” Buffy tried to stop them.

“Leave them,” Giles said. “It’s probably better that we aren’t around for this.”

“Because we’re adults?”

“Because you don’t believe in any of this.”

Dawn and Sabrina made it to the old oak at the back of the property and hid behind it.

“They didn’t follow,” Sabrina informed her.

“The moon is visible,” Dawn said. “Look do you see him?”

Sabrina and Dawn stepped into the moonlight. “The Man in the Moon.”

Dawn held out the card they had found in the Watcher’s Diary. The gold ‘G’ sparkled then faded.

“Nothing,” Sabrina concluded.

Dawn kept spinning around looking for any signs of the Guardians. It was nearly twenty minutes before they heard something.

“What’re these kids callin’ us for?” an Australian accent asked.

“Do you hear that?” Sabrina asked, excited but starting to show a trace of fear.

“Yes.” Dawn moved forward, instinctively putting herself between the young Slayer and the unknown.

“I gave it to a young Slayer over a hundred years ago,” a thick Eastern European accent responded.

“Can’t be her,” a female voice said sadly.

“What are you going on about?” an American male said.

“We’ll explain it later,” the female promised.

“Do you see them?” Dawn asked. The Slayer had better night vision.

“Movement in those bushes,” Sabrina pointed to their right.

They took several small steps forward. Then they saw five creatures step out of the darkness.

“Eeek!” Sabrina said and ran forward. “It’s the Easter Bunny!”

“And Santa!” Dawn ran to look up at the extremely tall man then dashed to the shortest. “And the Sandman.”

“Tooth Fairy!” Sabrina pointed in excitement at the bird-like creature.

They both stood in front of the fifth member in confusion.

“Who is he?” Sabrina asked.

“He’s cute,” Dawn concluded. “But I’m not sure.” She took a step forward and found the air icy cold. She jumped back. “Jack Frost. Yeesh, cold much.”

Sabrina reached a hand out and found the same chill around the young man. “Wow!”

Santa kneeled down. “You are not a child any longer, Dawn Summers.”

“I never really was a child, Santa. I kinda just appeared.”

He chuckled deeply. “True. You are sister to a Slayer. Why do you call us here?”

“Are our child-Slayers protected? Are the new Potentials being protected?”

“Child-Slayers?” Jack asked. “What is she taking about?”

“Me,” Sabrina said with a small wave.

“They are warriors,” Bunny explained. “About six years ago they activated all of them, even the children.”

“And both of them are these Slayers?” Jack looked to Santa for help.

“Not me,” Dawn said. “I’m just a lot better at getting in touch with my inner-child, I’m actually 24.”

“Yeah,” Sabrina said, “She’s old.


“Enough,” Bunny said in exasperation. “We continue to protect the young Slayers, those who are under 12 or still believe are within our protection, as they always have been.”

“What about the new Potentials?” Dawn asked.

The Guardians exchanged uncomfortable glances and none would meet her eye. Finally the Tooth Fairy moved forward.

“Dawn, there are no more Potentials,” she said softly as she hovered over the ground.

“There have to be, they’d all have been born after May 21th 2003. All of them are supposed to be under six,” Dawn’s childish voice became higher in her panic

The Easter Bunny kneeled down to come face-to-face with her. “Calm down, luv. We thought your Slayers knew. There are no Potentials. Not a single one born since the Activation.”

“We thought we just lost how to find them or that the Slayer signals were too strong and drowned out the Potentials.” Tears welled up in Dawn’s eyes, her five-year-old emotions easily overtaking her. “But you’re telling me we have none.”

“Don’t think about it,” Santa said, “not until you’re back to yourself.”

Dawn swallowed and took a shuddering breath. She had to forcefully push away the childish impulse to cry. Instead she focused on the Sandman. He was about her height and was smiling at her.

“You should get back,” Bunny suggested. “It’s nearly time for you to turn back.”

“I’ll wait,” she said. She smiled at Sabrina. “You are still protected and all your sister-Slayers are protected as well.”

Sabrina smiled in return. “We are glad.” She took a step towards Bunny and instinctively gave him a hug. Then repeated it with the Tooth Fairy.

Dawn felt the magic thin and it took only a moment before she grew to 5’7” and her feminine assets emerged. She closed her eyes as the sudden growth made her sick. When she opened them again she was looking at a very worried Sabrina. She hugged the girl and sent her back to the house. Once she disappeared inside, Dawn turned her adult eyes back to the Guardians.

“I can still see you,” she told them.

“You probably could without magic,” Santa told her. “You are immersed in magic, you believe still, therefore you can see us.”

“But no more calling on us,” Bunny told her. The Sandman wagged a finger at her in agreement.

“Fine,” she rolled her eyes. “But let us know if you need anything. Or if there are ever any more Potentials.” She smiled at Santa and the Tooth Fairy as the Guardians turned to go. “Wait, Jack.” She called to stop him. “If you have questions about what we are, come back, I’d be happy to explain it.”

Dawn gave him a bright smile before turning and walking away. She heard the rest of the Guardians teasing Jack about her obvious attraction. But the moment the door closed behind her, she reminded herself of the danger to the future Slayer line.

Buffy and Giles waited for her in the office. She entered and slid into a chair. “The child-Slayers are still protected by the Guardians.”

“What about the Potentials?” Giles asked.

Dawn took a deep breath and looked her mentor right in the eye. “The Guardians have detected no Potentials since May 21 2003.”

The Watcher pulled off his glasses and started to clean them. “Dear Lord…”

fandom: rise of the guardians, author: hermione2be, !2015 august event

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