London, August 1990

Aug 07, 2015 23:25

Richard Castle, Watcher

Author: Starfox5
Rating: FR18
Crossover: “Castle”
Written for: TtH August Fic A Day Challenge
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Castle Characters belong to Beacon PIctures and ABC Studio. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
Summary: In every author's life comes a day when finally, his work is appreciated.

London, August 1990

He had gone through hell. His pride, his self-esteem, his sanity had barely survived. But he had persevered. And after four weeks, his mother was finally returning to New York. Richard Rodgers had personally driven her to Heathrow, just to make sure she didn’t miss her plane and had to spend another night at his flat. He couldn’t wait to see her gone. Really.

“I am telling you, Richard, only you could find a conservative English girl who shared your fantasies.” Martha Rodgers was stating while her baggage - which had mysteriously multiplied during her stay in London - was checked in.

“The way you say it, mother, you make it sound as if it’s something dirty.” He didn’t quite check if anyone was listening in, but he glared at an older gentleman who was eyeing them just in case.

“Don’t worry about me judging you if you like to play ‘Vampire Hunter’ in the bedroom using authentic props. It’s obviously the fault of my acting genes finally making an appearance.” His mother sighed. “I should have made more of an effort to raise you properly.”

“You didn’t make much of an effort to raise me at all.” Nannies and boarding schools didn’t count, in his opinion. If he ever had children, he’d make sure they’d be raised better. And saw their grandmother maybe once a year. Under supervision. No telling what they could be picking up from the impossible woman otherwise.

“Oh Richard!” she actually patted his cheek! “But at least you’ve found a woman who believes you, and in you. That’s something to be proud of.”

“Thank you, mother,” he said while smiling toothily at her.

“A mother should be always supportive of her children’s endeavours. Even if they do not work out.” Martha nodded sagely.

“I am sure my manuscript will be accepted by the next publisher.” Someone had to recognize a future bestseller if they saw it. Otherwise, how could any publisher stay in business?

“Of course, dear. Never give up, I always say. I wouldn’t have gotten the lead in “As you like it” if I had let rejections worry me.

“You didn’t get the lead role in that play, mother.” He sighed when he saw her smile. “Please, be careful back home, mother. Wear the cross I bought you, and don’t invite anyone in.”

“I will certainly not hide this marvelous gift you must have spent half your paycheck on!” Martha smiled, but Richard knew she was just humouring him. Then she grew serious as well. “Look, Richard. Mary is a very nice girl. Charming, cultured, tolerant of your foibles..”

He held up his hand to interrupt her. “Mother, we went over that already.”

“I am just saying. If you plan to marry her, then one of you needs to be the responsible one for the marriage to work out. And you are not very responsible.”

“Mother.” He didn’t ask how she would know that, not having been married herself. Or being responsible at all.

“Promise me, Richard, that you’ll not do anything rash. Please.” She smiled at him, and he sighed.

“Of course not mother. As long as you take precautions.” He looked at her with as much seriousness as he could muster. The thought of her falling prey to a vampire or other demon, just because he had not managed to convince her...

“Against vampires.” She stared at him.

“Yes.” Was it so hard to believe?

“Alright, dear. If only so you will not blame me for whatever mess you make while being distracted with worry about me.” She hugged him, and he could feel her trembling slightly. As much as he claimed she had never been around when he was growing up, they had never been separated for as long as they had been since he had moved to London.

“Mother.” He nodded at her as she turned away. And closed his eyes in embarrassment when she started to flirt with the older gentleman who had been watching them. He doubted she’d ever change. And he didn’t really want her to. Most of the time.


“Did everything go well at Heathrow?” Mary asked as soon as he stepped through the door. She hadn’t been around as much as usual while his mother had been in town. Understandably, really. Martha Rodgers was best met in small doses.

“Unless she missed the plane because she was having an affair with a fellow traveler she picked up at the transit lounge, yes.” He closed the door, locking it carefully, and plopped down on the couch.

Mary laughed, then stopped when she realized he hadn’t been joking. “You know, when you told me you were the responsible one in your family, I didn’t believe you.”

“No one does. Story of my life.” He sighed.

Mary went to the kitchen. “Did you convince her to take precautions?”

“She said she’d wear the cross and stop inviting people to her apartment. I believe she’ll do the first, but not the second.” He sighed. “We should have gone with my plan.”

“And how would we have managed to overpower a vampire and transport it with us to your flat? Without anyone calling the bobbies?” he heard Mary ask.

“A coffin wouldn’t have been that suspicious.” Less than a body-bag, at least.

“Perhaps not in a frat house in New York. But we’re in London.” She returned with a beer for him, and a soda for herself. “And you never came up with a plan to actually take a vampire captive with just the two of us.”

Taking the beer, he went through his mail. Bill, bill, ad, rejection letter from a publisher… he froze and stared. He was actually holding his breath. ‘Dear Mr. Rodgers… glad to offer… some changes...’ He had dreamed of this moment, of what to say, exactly, when it happened, but now that it had come true, he simply handed the letter over to Mary with a silly smile on his face.

Mary’s shriek warned him a second before she jumped on his lap. He still spilled part of his beer. Neither he nor she cared. “You’ll be published! Oh, Richard! I am so happy for you!”

“Was there ever any doubt? Don’t answer that!” he quickly added, holding her. His proposal would have to be edited, of course. Partially rewritten, probably. It would be a lot of work. But his dream was coming true. Finally. He would have commented on the fact that this letter arrived just after his mother had left, and not a day before, as proof that the universe liked to play games with him, but Mary was already pulling at his shirt.

The next day he had a terrible time trying to explain to his nosy neighbour that he hadn’t loudly celebrated his mother’s departure.


New York, December 1990

“Oh, Richard. I am so proud of you!” His mother hugged him, slightly tipsy from the champagne. She was, he realized - she was telling everyone around them that her son was now a published author. Richard suspected that his mother hadn’t really believed him until she had held the advance copy in her hand. The timing of the letter had just been a bit too suspicious for her. But she was wearing the cross he had given her.

Richard and Mary had flown over to New York for the launch of his book. It wasn’t a big affair for the publisher - just another paperback novel on the market. But for him, for Mary and his mother, it was a big event. He was a published author, earning money with his writing. If he still was with Kyra, her parents would have to eat their words now! Maybe he should send them a copy of his book.

Mary’s parents didn’t know “Richard Castle” was their daughter’s boyfriend, of course. They might be less understanding than their daughter of Richard using Watcher journals as inspiration. Though truth to be told, after the editor had gone over it, the story wasn’t that recognizable anymore. Although the details about the vampires and demons - he had insisted nothing there would be changed, no matter how “original” it was - were spot on, which would make them suspect the author had personal experience with demons.

Which he had. In spades. Not that the Council was aware of that. As far as the other Watchers were concerned, Mary and himself were mere researchers, providing important information to the Watchers in the field. Their personal “hunting expeditions” were a secret. Although he wasn’t sure how much of a secret they really were - no one of their co-workers had ever questioned their claims of having fallen down the stairs when they arrived with bruises their clothes couldn’t cover up. People couldn’t be that blind. Mary claimed they were not the only ones doing some private hunting. Richard didn’t know the other Watchers well enough to judge that - he still was “the Yankee” to them, even if only Mary ever called him that to his face, and from her, it was a term of endearment.

“Mary! Did I ever tell you about Richard’s first ‘book’? He was twelve, and adorable!”

Richard knew the story by heart. So did Mary, but she was far too polite to mention it. While his mother talked to his girlfriend, Richard looked out of the window next to their table. New York at night, a wonderful and familiar sight. But it felt different now. He knew that somewhere out there, vampires and other demons would be hunting. Could he really be happy about his success while people were dying that night, murdered by creatures they didn’t even suspect existed?

“And do you know what’s the best thing about your book is, Richard?” His mother interrupted his  thoughts before he could start to brood. He was about to answer with a witty remark when she continued. “Now you’ll not be seen as crazy, but as eccentric when people discover you believe in vampires and keep props at your home!”

He glared at her, then realized that she was right, and beamed at her. “Mother, that’s a great idea! We’ll be able to keep all sorts of weapons at hand without anyone suspecting anything!” They might even be able to carry them around, claiming they were doing research.

Richard and Mary started discussing where best to display the stakes, crossbows and swords in their new flat while his mother, for once, looked flabbergasted. Richard enjoyed every second.

fandom: castle, author: starfox5, !2015 august event

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