6 August 2015 : Where In The World Was Clint Barton - option 5

Aug 06, 2015 20:47

Title: Where In The World Was Clint Barton - option 5
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Avengers (movieverse)
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word count: 1117
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Mutant Enemy, etc. The Avengers movieverse belongs to Marvel, etc. All characters are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Where exactly was Clint Barton, aka “Hawkeye”, when the “Captain America: Winter Soldier” happened? Here is yet another option.

Clint slowly lifted his aching head. Of course, given how most of him was feeling, his head probably felt best of all.

He'd been sent under cover to infiltrate a smuggling operation who they thought had ties to various terrorist groups. There were any number of reasons he, rather than Tasha had been chosen, not the least of which was that he knew about the supernatural world and she had no definitive proof. His early years had exposed him to more of the world than he generally like to admit to.

Still, that did absolutely nothing for him. In fact, he couldn't figure out exactly what had given him away, but given that they knew exactly who he was meant he hadn't slipped up, but, instead, had been ratted out.

The real question was: why?

The other question he wanted to know was how long had he been chained here in this prison.

Before he could ponder that any further, the noise that originally drew his attention grew louder. He could identify it now and felt a small amount of surprise. It was the loud protests of a very American female.

Moments later, his cell door opened. The flickering torch flame outside his cell gave just enough light for him to see a tall, lithe, long-haired brunette be tossed inside. He watched as she stumbled across the cell and caught herself on the wall before she fell.

Honestly, he would have tried his escape if it hadn't been for the heavy shackles on his wrists which kept him chained to the wall.

“You just wait until my sister gets here!” the brunette called after her captors as they closed, locked and bolted the door.

“Your sister?” Clint managed to croak out, unable to resist the small smirk on his face at the threat.

Dawn looked at him as she pushed the hair out of her face. “Yeah, well. If you knew Buffy, and especially angry Buffy, you would understand why it's a threat. Stupid creatures aren't smart enough o figure it out.”

As she finished her explanation, which explained nothing, Clint watched her eyes narrow on his face, as if trying to place it. A moment later her eyes got very wide and her mouth dropped open. “You're Clint Barton!” she exclaimed. “Everyone has been wondering where you were, after Black Widow and Captain America brought down SHIELD and released their files.” As if embarrassed by what she just admitted, the young woman began back peddling. “Not that I read all of them, just, you know, some and...”

As much as it hurt, Clint chuckled softly at the way she was running on. “Why don't you have a seat and tell me about it?” he asked, shifting slightly. “I'm afraid I don't know much of what's been going on recently.” Then, thinking about his previous thoughts, he couldn't help but query, “By the way, what day is it? And what your name is.”

“Oh!” the girl exclaimed, a look of growing horror on her face as she began to realize exactly how long he might have been down here. “Oh. Well... Um... I'm Dawn Summers and it's kind of a long story about what happened to SHIELD and all.”

Clint grinned at her and tipped his head back against the wall. “Think I've got some time.”


Dawn had finished updating him on the changes in the world outside a few minutes ago. Silence reigned in the cell while he processed it.

He would need to work on his covers and could only pray SHIELD never found out about his sister and the farm. He would need a place to lay low until he healed.

His attention was caught, once again, by a sound in the hallway. Only this time, the screaming sounded decidedly less human.

Dawn perked up. “Sounds like Buffy's here. She always did like making an entrance.” Standing, she brushed off her pants and stood waiting. “Sorry I couldn't get you out of those, but I'm sure that Buffy or one of the others will.”

Clint shook his head slightly at the improbability of this rescue.

“Dawn!” a female voice called.

“In here Buffy and we have another rescuee as well.”

A moment later the door opened and one of the hinges gave out. A small blonde raced into the room and greeted the younger woman with a hug.

Pulling back, the blonde, obviously Buffy, the sister Dawn mentioned, started to scold the other woman. “Dawn Marie Summer! What were you thinking? You weren't were you. Oh, no. You just decided 'Hey, it's Tuesday. Nothing can possibly go wrong if I go out to the demon section of town on my own!'. How could you!”

“It wasn't my choice,” Dawn defended. “Beside, this is a conversation for other times. You need to free Clint and then he needs medical attention.”

Turning to face him, Clint watched as her calculating eye took in ever inch of him. “Sure, sure. Distract me with the cute, injured prisoner.” She spun around to look at Dawn again. “Don't think this gets you out of our discussion.”

Dawn rolled her eyes. “Of course, not Buffy.”

As Buffy moved toward Clint, four other people entered the room, each greeting Dawn. They distracted Clint enough that he didn't even realize that Buffy had broken the first shackle until she gently lowered his arm. He still winced as soon as the blood started flowing into it again. Pins and needles had nothing on this feeling. It drew his attention back to his immediate surroundings, however, and he watched as Buffy broke the other shackle.

“Xan,” the blonde called to the only male in the group. “You want to come give me a hand getting him on his feet, if possible. I think it might be more comfortable to lean on someone closer to his size.”

“Sure thing, Buff,” the man agreed, moving across the room to help Clint get to his feet.

Not sure how he managed to stand, he allowed Buffy and Xander to lead him out of the room. He distracted himself from the pain his body was in by listening to the sisters bicker back and forth.

Though he was immensely grateful, he decided this was definitely the strangest rescue he'd been a part of.


fandom: avengers, author: beriaearwen, !2015 august event

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