The Power of Shazam!

Aug 06, 2015 12:18

Title: Meeting on a rock.
Author: Sirtechlocke
Rating: pg-13
Crossover: Buffy:TVS and The Power of Shazam
Pairing (if any):
Disclaimer: I do not own these intellectual properties. Darn it.
Summary: Getting lost in New York could sometimes be a good thing.
Warning (if any): none
Author's notes (if any): This one has caught my attention. Yay! Also, !tag needed: The Power of Shazam!

“Greetings Alexander Lavelle Harris!” the old man’s voice boomed forth, “I am SHAZAM!”

“Okaaayyy.” Xander said, “Yeah, so? That is a funny name mister.”

Perplexed, the old man in the stone chair stared at the young boy. He mentally went over his spell and decided that he had done it correctly. The child should be awed and respectful. He snorted, “What are they teaching children these days?”

“Very well,” he thought, “If awe and grandeur doesn’t work then maybe a more personable approach.”

Rising slowly, knees cracking from use, the old man (older than some nations) stood up. Slowly, one step at time, favoring his bad knee the wizard stepped down from his throne. He had been a simple farmer in his previous life and he never did like the pretentiousness of his throne room. He much preferred a simple comfortable chair and a good ale to while away the day.

Xander watched the old man walk down the steps slowly, looking for any telltales of sudden violence. He didn’t let the old guy’s age fool him. After all, his daddy with the pot belly still moved pretty quickly when he wanted to smack Xander for… whatever reason.

“Now then, young man” Shazam said stopping before Xander, “do you know where you are?”

Looking around Xander replied, “The end of the line?”

“Huh?” Shazam wisely asked, brow furrowed in puzzlement.

“Well, I rode a subway train here through the tunnels, passed a river on one side with this crazy old guy in a dress standing in a boat. Then we entered a really old tunnel. I could tell cause the walls were crumbling, then the train slowed and here we are. And what’s with those crazy statues, cause they’re all icky and gross. I think I saw one of them move. Are they uni… ani… uh, ami-ma-chronic? Like in Disney land? Huh, mister? Huh?” Xander belted out, excitement lighting his eyes at the end. He had been to Disney land and loved the rides with the moving figures.

Left eyebrow trying to climb up into his scraggly hair the old wizard chuckled. The chuckle turned into a laugh and pretty soon he was coughing and wheezing, thumping his chest. The boy gave him the evil eye at first, but that dissolved into concern when Shazam had his fit from laughing too much.

Backing up a little, in case the old guy was going to hurl, Xander asked, “You okay mister? Should I find a phone and call 911?”

Xander hoped the old man wasn’t going to have a heart attack. That would suck! The old man looked at him, cleared out the last cough and hoarsely said, “No, young fellow. It has just been… a very long time since I have laughed out loud.”

“Oh? Sorry about that.” And Xander was. He liked to laugh and to hear laughter, it meant no one was mad at him. “Hey!” he said, hurt coloring his voice, “Why were you laughing at me?”

Shazam hurried to reassure the young boy, “Oh no my child, I was not laughing at you! Let’s see. How to explain this, no that would take too long, let me sum up. I found your enthusiasm and curiosity very refreshing young Xander. It has been too long since I have spoken with such a pure soul.”

Xander, a little perplexed, said, “Um, thanks. I think?”

Chuckling Shazam said, “Yes, that was a compliment. Though I was also laughing at the fact that you though Charon was a… how did you say it? Oh yes, a crazy old man in a dress!”

“I don’t get it.” Xander flatly said.

“It’s not a dress my boy, but a robe.” Shazam answered.

“Oh?” Xander thought about that for a minute, then snapped his fingers. He said, “My Willow made me read a book about the Greek Gods and it had pictures! They wore robes and, uh, what were they called?” Holding up his hand towards the old guy he said, “No, wait. I got this. Oh! Right! Togers! No wait, that doesn’t sound right.”

Snapping his fingers he realized, “Toga’s! That’s it!” looking up shyly at the wizards bemused expression he asked, “That’s what they were called right? Toga’s?”

Smiling Shazam said, “Yes, my boy, you are correct.” Leaning in toward the boy and placing a withered hand on the child’s shoulder he said, “Never doubt yourself Alexander, protector of man! Never! You have a touch of the wisdom of Solomon about you already.”

Straightening up Shazam said, “Speaking of which…” he pointed at the wall near his throne, “would you read that for me? My eyes aren’t what they used to be.”

“Okay.” Xander said. Focusing on the writing on the wall he read, “Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury.”

Puzzled, Xander asked, “Aren’t they some of the greek gods and some of the roman gods and a just a regular guy?”

Smiling, Shazam answered, “Very good Alexander! They are...”

“Mys-o-logi-kal.” Xander sounded out, “I know, I read them in Willows book.”

“Actually my boy,” Shazam paused for effect, “They are quite real.”



“Naw, you’re joshin’ me!”

Drawing himself up to his full height, back snapping and popping, Shazam haughtily declared, “I assure you young man, I do not ‘josh’!”

Hold his hands palm out Xander said, “Okay, okay! Jeeze ask a simple question…”

Smiling ruefully Shazam relaxed and said, “Sorry. That was a bit pretentious of me.”

“Pre, uh, pretent…” Xander tried to sound the word out.

Taking pity the old man said, “Yes, it means I was too big for by britches.”

Xander giggled at that, picturing the old guy in tiny pants.

Smiling at the boy Shazam said, “These people, or as you would say, these guys have power. They have agreed to give me a small piece of their power to use for a champion. Would you like to be that champion?”

Xander thought about it. He said, “I don’t think I’m old enough to be a champion sir.”

The old man said, “Nonsense my boy. You are pure of soul and have the heart of a champion.”


“Really, really.”

Xander bit his lip in thought, then said, “Being a Champion… that means I’ll be helping people, right?”

At Shazam’s nod Xander continued, “I like to help people. Okay, I’ll do it. Uh, what do I have to do?”

“Just say my name, young man.” Shazam said.

“Okay.” Xander said, then he turned around and walked away.

Shazam, caught off guard, hesitated a second then called out, “Wait! Where are you going?”

Stopping Xander said, “Well, you said all I have to do is say your name, right?”

At the man’s nod Xander smiled and said, “Well, you didn’t say I had to say it right now, right here. So, I’m gonna wait awhile and when the time is right then I’m gonna say it!”

At that Xander turned and ran to the train and boarded it. As soon as he was on board the train lurched down the tracks taking the boy back to the city. Shazam stood, rooted to the spot in shock.

“I can’t believe it! Outwitted by a ten year old boy!” he mused, “Me, a some odd thousand year old wizard out maneuvered by a child!”

At that, Shazam, mightiest wizard of the ages, past champion of man, threw back his head and roared with laughter!

author: jakedaman, fandom: power of shazam, !2015 august event

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