Cookies and Tears

Aug 24, 2014 23:53

Title: Cookies and Tears
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Avengers / Marvel Universe
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Marvel Universe / Avengers
Summary: Willow is upset with and runs to Joyce’s
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: After the Avengers movie, and during freshman year of college for the Buffy crowd (pre to early season 4). All movies Post Avengers have not occurred, and wont.
Author's notes(if any): nope. It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.

Joyce hummed as she watched the chocolate chips get mixed into the dough. Xander had come over with a new friend wanting to watch a movie. She was happy that Xander and Willow felt comfortable enough to spend time there even when Buffy wasn’t. This was the first time either one of them had brought someone else on their own, and she wanted to make them both feel welcome. She did wonder how and where Xander had met this Steve guy. He seemed more experienced and wordly than someone his age should be, not to speak of the few years age difference between them.

The laughter from the living room was interrupted by a rapid knocking on the back door. Joyce had almost reached the door when it opened and Willow stepped in crying too much to talk. Pulling Willow close in a hug Joyce let her cry into her shoulder.

“Xander! I need you in the kitchen.” Joyce hollered hoping Xander would have some idea of what was going on.

Xander and his friend walked in and hurried over when the spotted Willow. Xander rested a hand on her shoulder and when she saw them Willow turned and reached in the direction of both of them. Steve picked her up and cradled her in his arms so smoothly Joyce missed seeing it.

“You’ll let her cry on you and I’ll make the cookies and cocoa for when she’s ready.” Joyce proposed somehow not worried seeing Steve’s worry and care. As she finished the cookie and made the hot cocoa for everyone she checked on Willow and the guys as much as she could. The boys had her sitting between them on the couch and Steve was holding a handkerchief that Willow would take to wipe her face and hand it back.

When the tears stopped and she had blown her nose and wiped her face one last time Willow accepted a cookie from Steve. “I talked to my mom about you and we had a fight. She doesn’t want to know you and is furious that I do. My Dad really isn’t my dad but she won’t tell me who she ‘acquired an ideal nature sample from’ even though she knows and she talked about nurture nature and I was really confused but she wouldn’t explain or tell me anything. When she said I was no longer her daughter but she wanted to monitor my development I left and came here.”

Steve talked before Joyce was able to think of something to say. “It’s her foolish loss Willow.”

“Your friend who helped you, do you think they would want to or could help me find who really is my dad?” Willow hopefully asked.

“Yes and I think I know the trick to getting fast impressive results from him. Tony Stark thrives on a challenge and proving folks wrong. We’ll just used words like impossible, no one can do it, and he will have answers for you.” Steve said appearing to have forgotten about his arm wrapped around Willow.

“Your friend has the same name as the billionaire.” Joyce softly said handing Willow a warm mug.

“Actually he is the billionaire, one and the same guy.” Steve clarified quickly saving Joyce from spilling her drink from the surprise. “We’ll call him later today.”

fandom: avengers, !2014 august event, author: indra leigh

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