August 7, 2014 - Potions

Aug 07, 2014 22:52

August 7, 2014 - Potions
Alt Title: Day 7 - Potions Professor Zelda
Author: mmooch
Chapter Summary: **For the 2014 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** challenge. Potions are like chemistry…and that’s not necessarily a good thing.
Chapter Crossover: Charmed, Breaking Bad, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 1458
Challenge: for the livejournal 2014 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: Season 3 of Breaking Bad; season 7 of Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Warning: It might come off a little anti-Charmed Ones, but just remember where everyone’s emotions are during this time. I really wasn’t planning for it to go that way when I started writing the scene.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. HP characters belong to JK Rowling. Charmed characters belong to Constance M. Burge and the WB. Breaking Bad character belongs to Vince Gilligan, High Bridge Entertainment, Gran Via Productions and Sony Pictures Television. Sabrina, the Teenage Witch character belongs to Nell Scovell and Viacom Productions. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


Buffy had a really good feeling about this woman. She knew how to make potions; she was really friendly; and she was a hero! How great was this?! The only down side was that she had to live in San Francisco with her sisters, but that could be solved with a floo connection to their home.

But something else was nagging at Buffy in the back of her mind. Something it seemed like she was forgetting. Oh! Maybe it was the time difference!

There was a knock on her door and Cole stuck his head in. “Sorry to bother you during your interview, but we have a small crisis down in the kitchen that needs your immediate attention.”

“That’s alright,” Buffy answered with a smile. “While you’re here, I’d like to introduce you to the new Professor of Potions…”

“Piper,” Cole finished in a flat tone. “Good to see you again,” he said with forced politeness.

“You have Cole working here?” Piper demanded. “Are you insane?! How can you have him around the future of magic?”

“Oh, crap! That’s what I was forgetting! I knew the name Halliwell sounded familiar,” Buffy muttered softly. This is what she deserved for not letting Cole know about the interviewees. “Well, I’m going out on a limb and guessing that you won’t take the job now; not with Cole being the Deputy Headmaster of the school.”

“What?!” Piper shouted. “Leo! Get your ass here, now!!!”

“If it makes you feel any better, all those new powers of his are gone. He’s back to being his old self again - except for being evil, that is,” Buffy attempted to reassure her.

Leo orbed in and asked, “What’s wrong?” He looked around and absently greeted Cole, “Hey, Cole. Did something happen during your interview, Piper?”

Piper glared at him, pointed towards Cole and snapped, “I saw a demon! And he’s second-in-charge of the school!”

Finally remembering how the family felt the last time they saw Cole, Leo turned to his ex-brother-in-law and asked, “What are you doing here, Cole?”

“He’s getting his second chance,” Buffy answered for him, starting to feel defensive on his behalf.

“This isn’t his second chance!” Piper yelled. “It’s like his tenth!”

Crossing her arms and giving her own glare, Buffy snarked, “And how many have you gotten? I get that you and your sisters are these great hero-types, but I also know how many times hero-types screw up royally and need a second, third, fourth, and so on chance. If he needed that many chances, maybe it was because he was with the wrong people.

“He has been a miracle-worker here - and before you get all self-righteous and judgmental, he hasn’t used any powers to do his miracles…unless one of those powers happens to be charisma, listening and general brilliance. What we expected to take several years to turn around, we now expect to be done by the next school year, and that’s thanks to Cole!”

Buffy paused to take a breath and calm herself down. Giles would be so disappointed that she flew off the handle like this again, but she just had an emotional flashback and snapped. “I get that you’re angry and you have every right to be skeptical, but he’s here and he’s going to stay. I’m sorry that this didn’t work out because you would rock as a teacher. Please feel free to contact us if you ever need help saving the world,” she said, handing a business card to Leo as she steered them towards the door.

When she came back in the room, Cole smiled and thanked her, “That was very nice of you. It’s been a long time since somebody stood up for me.”

Albuquerque, New Mexico

While she waited to hear back from some other potential potions professors, Buffy decided to check out some chemistry teachers. After all, potions and chemistry were pretty close, right? Potions was just a little quirkier.

For some unknown reason - but probably just to annoy Angel - Spike wanted to come with her on this trip to the States. While she couldn’t convince him to wear a nice suit, he at least took off the nail polish and only used about one-fourth the amount of hair gel he normally used. He actually looked semi-respectable - even in his trench coat and bleach-blond hair. “Who’s the bloke we’re meeting today?” he asked.

“His name is Walter White, and he used to be a chemistry teacher at the high school until they suspended him. Willow found out that he was basically screwed by his former business partner and girlfriend. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, plus his son has cerebral palsy. I mean, he’s a walking advertisement for when bad things happen to good people!” Buffy said, tearing up a little at how sad this guy’s life was.

Spike sat quietly as Buffy interviewed the man, studying the man and trying to figure out what was bothering him.

“Does your associate have any questions for me?” Walter asked. He was hoping that this job opportunity could get him out of the drug business for good without any further bloodshed.

“William?” Buffy prompted Spike, using his human to appear more professional to others.

“How’s the cancer treatment going?” Spike asked, finally getting at least part of it figured out. This guy wasn’t sick…at least not at the moment.

“I still have my bad days, but I’m hopeful,” Walter lied, assuming that at least part of the reason they were here was because they felt sorry for him. In the past, he would have been too proud for that, but he was so desperate to get out of Albuquerque, that he’d tell them anything they wanted to hear.

“Good to hear,” Spike said with a nod. As they shook hands goodbye, he looked into Walter’s eyes and found what he was searching for.

Back in their adjoining hotel rooms, Spike shook his head and told Buffy what he learned. “Pet, the wanker isn’t sick and he knows it. To make matters worse, he’s making drugs - meth if I had to guess.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, dreading the answer.

Spike tapped his nose a couple times. “Can’t lie to a vampire. He might be able to mask the smell to other humans, but not to a vampire. I’d bet my coat that he just came from his lab for the interview.”

“Damn!” Buffy cursed. “I was really hoping to help the guy. Think we should turn him in?”

“Got no proof; just the word of a vampire who can smell it on him,” Spike reminded her.

Other Realm

Okay, this place was different.

When Buffy pictured a separate realm for witches, she didn’t expect it to look like the inside of a cotton ball.

“You aren’t a witch! What are you doing in the Other Realm?” a man demanded. “State your name, age and request!”

“I’m Buffy Summers, none of your business, and I’m looking for a potions professor for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of my contacts suggested coming here.”

“You’re rude…I like that in a mortal,” he replied. “Go knock on that door and tell Zelda that I sent you.”

“Okay, and you are?” Buffy asked.

“Drell, the Head of the Witches Council. Or at least I was until those ungrateful upstarts got rid of me.”

‘Great, another Council!’ Buffy thought. “Thanks for your help.”

When she knocked on the blue door he pointed at, a little girl answered it. “Is your mom at home?” Buffy asked.

“I hope she’s there and not here!” the girl exclaimed. “That woman drives me up the wall! Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for Zelda; some guy named Drell sent me here,” Buffy said, feeling the desire to reach for her aspirin bottle suddenly.

“Oh, I’m Zelda,” the girl replied.

Grumbling about how unfair life was, Buffy said, “Great, I need a potions professor and get sent to a kid.”

“I lost my adult years in order to save my niece’s life,” Zelda explained. “I’d love to hear about this job you have. Potions are my passion, along with physics and chemistry! Come check out my labtop!” she demanded, pulling Buffy into the room.

An hour later, Buffy walked back out, stunned that she just hired a pre-teen for the job. Unfortunately, as much as she wanted to regret it, she honestly felt Zelda would make a great teacher…despite the age thing. She certainly knew her stuff and was able to get Buffy excited about trying a potion. After Sna-- Severus - eventually she’d get used to calling him by his first name - a little excitement would be a good thing, especially when coupled with the firm, disciplinarian nature Zelda possessed.

A/N: Again, I knew that I wouldn’t use Piper, but I’m stunned that it went so badly.

Tomorrow…Not sure, I’ll sleep on it.

fandom: harry potter, fandom: breaking bad, author: mmooch, fandom: sabrina the teenage witch, !2014 august event, fandom: charmed

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