Day 4 - A Beginner's Guide [Teen Wolf]

Aug 04, 2014 12:22

Title: A Beginner's Guide
Author: Twisted_Slinky (TwistedSlinky at TTH)
Crossover: Teen Wolf
Rating: PG
Summary: Danny has been putting off calling Willow about her offer.
Wordcount: ~600
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Teen Wolf. I'm making no money off this fanwork.
A/N: Danny-focused. Buffy is post-series; Teen Wolf setting is the end of season 3B (so, spoilers). This ficlet came from way out in left field, but is my explanation as to why we don't see Danny after his talk with Ethan. There will likely be a sequel (or 2), but I don't what I'm going to call this 'verse yet...


If you ever change your mind, you know how to find me. It's never too late to learn. In the meantime, read this.

The note was short and unsigned, but it had arrived by Fed Ex at the beginning of the school year, folded between the front few pages of a book. The book certainly didn't look like anything special, and it definitely didn't appear to be mystical. It wasn't even an old book, in fact it even smelled new, and he wondered if it was print-on-demand, which would make a certain kind of sense considering the subject matter: Tech and Magic, a Beginner's Guide.

He couldn't help his slow grin when he read the author's name again. He wouldn't be surprised if she'd written it with him in mind. Not that he was her only perspective student. From what he could gather, Willow Rosenberg was fairly well known in the magical (and hacking) circles but she didn't mentor just anyone. He knew he should be honored that she'd hunted him down while he was on his family vacation last summer.

And she'd been funny and smart, and who was he kidding, if he was into girls, he'd have probably developed a slight crush on the woman after he'd seen her programming skills in action, even if she wasn't a super-powerful witch.


Danny sat back down on the edge of his bed, the book on his lap. He hadn't even read it. Most of the school year had passed, and he still hadn't read her book. In fact, up until now, he'd kept it hidden away, not even bringing it up with his parents.

He was interested. He was definitely interested. But every time he even thought of magic, he remembered that he'd once had a big sister. One who'd spoiled him because he was the baby, one he barely remembered. She'd been dead for, God, had it really been over a decade now? All because she was a "potential," all because she had a destiny.

When Willow had met with him, she'd told him what little she remembered about his sister. It wasn't much. She hadn't survived that destiny for long. Danny had told Willow he couldn't be a part of her world. He'd turned down her offer to teach him.

But that was before...This year had changed everything.

Danny let out an uneasy breath, trying to let go of some of the guilt he felt, but he couldn't. He had to wonder if he'd made the right decision, not to call Willow when he realized there was something horrible happening in Beacon Hills, but he'd been afraid. Afraid of involving more of the supernatural world, afraid of what Willow's allies might do to people like his new boyfriend...

And he'd thought the crazy was over after the sacrifices. It wasn't.

It was too late to question his decision to stay out of it now. Aiden and Allison were gone, forever. And tomorrow, he'd break up with Ethan. Maybe even tell him the truth, at least some of it.

Danny didn't open the book. Instead, he reached for his phone. He still had Willow's number.

"Hi, Willow? It's Danny Mahealani. Could we talk? I think...I think I'm ready to learn."

fandom: teen wolf, author: twisted_slinky, !2014 august event

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