Does What It Says On The Tin

Aug 25, 2013 20:38

Title: Does What It Says On The Tin
Author: Grundy (jerseyfabulous)
Rating: FR13
Crossover: NCIS
Disclaimer: Buffy belongs to Joss. NCIS belongs to Bellisario. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: Gibbs unexpectedly meets the man who made up the job titles for the new Council. (Part of the One Good Day series.)
Word Count: 740

Gibbs frowned as he entered the lab, because the person with Abby wasn’t who he was expecting.

Abby had mentioned she was taking delivery of some equipment ordered for her by COG. They had no problem with NCIS also using it as long as it was available when Abby needed to use it for their assignments. Vance was impressed that COG had been crazy (or foolish) enough to give Abby carte blanche on ordering equipment. Gibbs had been a little floored by such generosity, but Abby had just given him a look and told him they were good people and didn’t want her to have to ninja something together when apparatus that would do exactly what she needed already existed.

So he had expected to see Summers or Rosenberg, or possibly even Harris. Instead, the person next to Abby was a skinny guy who was trying to dress professionally but not quite succeeding- he had the pants and shirt right, but green Chucks weren’t usually an accepted part of business casual.
“Abbs,” he said, walking up behind the pair. “Who’s this?”

There was a startled ‘eep’ from the man, who was jumpier than McGee had ever been.

“This is Andrew,” Abby introduced him cheerfully. “Willow is in South America, Dawn has the flu, and apparently there was a major incident at one of the houses in Africa, so Xander’s supervising repairs. Andrew, this is Special Agent Gibbs.”

“Have a last name, Andrew?” Gibbs asked, gripping the hand that was cautiously extended to him harder than was strictly necessary. He wasn’t looking to intimidate, just to gauge the man’s reaction. So far he was finding it difficult to believe this man worked for an organization that dealt with vampires and demons.

“Wells,” Andrew squeaked, all wide eyed nervousness.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow at Abby.

“He’s in charge of logistics,” Abby told him. “When no one’s trying to intimidate him, he’s amazing at organizing things and making sure everyone gets the food and supplies they need. You should have seen the awesome brunch he put together for us in London.”

Gibbs took the hint and released Wells’ hand undamaged. He tried not to snicker as the kid checked it to make sure it was still in working order.

“You’re the guy that got to give out the job titles, right?” he asked.

Gibbs had heard titles for the other three that came to visit Abby from time to time, and he knew that the people he’d met all had more than one- it had become something of a game for him to try to find them all out. In addition to the title for Rosenberg that he’d gotten from one of his contacts, Abby had let slip that she was also Tech Goddess, and Xander was Mr. Fixit. Summers had flatly refused to reveal any title beyond HR Despot- and if he recalled correctly, she’d muttered something about putting ‘kill Andrew’ on her to-do list. Abby was keeping mum on that score, but she grinned anytime he brought it up.

Abby had also been granted titles when she started working with COG. She was pleased as punch at being dubbed Senior Goo Girl and Lab Goddess. She even had a plaque on her desk, courtesy of Harris. There was no logo, so if anyone who wasn’t familiar with COG asked, Abby could just say it had been made for her by a friend.

Wells nodded warily.

“So what’s your title?” Gibbs asked curiously.

Wells looked sheepish and mumbled something in the general direction of the floor.

“Didn’t catch that,” Gibbs said.

“I Order Your Food,” the young man repeated, this time much more audible.

“I Order Your Food?” Abby asked in disbelief. “You’re in charge of all the logistics for the Council and that’s what you tagged yourself with?”

Andrew shook his head, cheeks flaming.

“I didn’t pick it. Faith made up my title. She said the girls would respect it more than anything I came up with.”

Gibbs considered it for a second. On one level it sounded silly. But on another, there was an implicit threat in it. And if the people at the Council were anything like Marines, it was one that would be respected- you didn’t mess with mess.

“Did you get to pick her title?” he asked, seeing Wells looked so miserable about his own.

“No,” came the morose reply. “She picked her own. She’s Head of Kicking Your Ass.”

!2013 august event, fandom: ncis, author: grundy

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