23 August 2013 - Brother, Mother, Sister, Mister by Laney

Aug 23, 2013 21:01

Title: Brother, Mother, Sister, Mister.
Author: laney_1974
Crossover: BTVS/Supernatural
Challenge Contribution Date: 23 August 2013
Word Count: 1,230
Rating: 13
Sequel: Set in the 'Sugar 'Verse' (actually called the Missouri's Hunter 'verse)
Timeline/Authors Notes: BTVS: Set just after Welcome to the Hellmouth. Supernatural - pre-series by about 8 years. I'm keeping to the original timelines. Also, contains mostly secondary characters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy and Angel people belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. Supernatural belongs to whoever owns them.

Story Notes: The idea for this fic hit me on the way to work today, and I couldn't write anything else. Takes place in the distant future. PLEASE NOTE: Supernatural is completely AU in this series. While some events occur the same (John's death etc) others occur differently. This is fun, fluff - something to get away from the main series.

Summary: She's been over everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours in her mind, and she can only come to the one conclusion.
She's a dead woman.

Jo Harvelle leans back against the hospital bed and groans. She's been over everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours in her mind, and she can only come to the one conclusion.

She's a dead woman.

There's no two ways about it. Nothing she says is going to save her now, especially not the only excuse that can come to mind, namely 'it seemed like a good idea at the time'. God, she doesn't even have enough time to make a run for it. She just knows that her mom has discovered her gone, which one means one thing. Her --

"Hey Jo, how are you feeling?"

She looks up to see Sam Winchester walking into the room, followed closely behind by Dean. Jo can't help but wince at the sight of the Winchester boys. Their presence really isn't going to help her situation, it's just hard evidence that she's broken Rule Number Eight.

God, what the hell had she been thinking?

"Hey, you okay?" Dean Winchester asks. "You look kind of green. Do you need a doctor?"

Doctor? No. Priest? Yes. "I'm fine," she assures him. "Did you speak to the doctor? Did he say that I can go?" She's still living off the hope that maybe she can get out of here in time.

"No. He wants to keep you over night, just as a precaution," Sam tells her, his face darkening in concern at the expression on her face. "Are you sure you're all right?"

Jo sighs.

"Are you worried Ellen's going to be upset that you went on a hunt with us?"

"No... Well, yes, but Mom isn't the one I'm actually worried about."

"Who are you worried about?" Dean wants to know.

"That would be me," an all too familiar voice says from the doorway.

Jo's first instinct when she sees the man is to jump out of bed and give him a bear hug. Her second instinct is to remind him that she's nineteen years old and he started hunting years before she did. Although, she knows full well his problem isn't going to be with her hunting. After all, he's the one who trained her (not that they would ever tell her mother that - Rule Number Five).

"Who the hell are you?" Dean demands.

"Xander," he replies, not at all bothered by the tone in Dean's voice nor by the fact that both Sam and Dean are standing protectively between her and Xander.

She resists the urge to snort. Men. "He's my brother."

Sam and Dean instantly relax, but Xander doesn't. The fact that he's still on edge tells her that he knows exactly who the two men were.

"How did you find me?" Jo says.

Xander rolls his eyes and enters the room, making a beeline straight for her bed where he kisses her on top of her head in greeting. "Like there's a place in the world where I couldn't find you."

It's her turn to roll her eyes. "You called Willow."

"I called Willow."

Sam and Dean watch the exchange, both of them staring at the two of them with thoughtful expressions. Jo knows exactly what they're thinking. It's what all hunters think.

"You're brother and sister?" Sam says, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Ellen never mentioned that she had a son."

She groans at the comment, while Xander beams. He always loves it when people say that, especially hunters who don't know him. He loves playing the clown - they always underestimate him because of it. Well, that and he loves messing with people. She wonders if he will ever grow up.

"I'm her brother from another mother," he tells them proudly.

Jo contemplates saying nothing, but when Xander clears his throat she knows she can't. "I'm his sister from another mister."

Both Sam and Dean stare at them like they're nuts, and Jo can't help but be a little amused. This is why she loves Xander so much, no matter how much trouble she gets in he always manages to cheer her up.

"Wait, so you're not brother and sister?" Sam asks.

"Oh, I'm her brother. It was officially ratified in the Great Harvelle-Harris Treaty of '97. We sighed in blood and everything."

Dean expressions darkens at his words. "Wait! You signed a contract in blood? When you were ten? What the hell?"

Jo rolls her eyes, and counts to ten. She knows exactly what her brother is doing and it's taking everything she has not to hit him. Hard. He's treating her like she's fifteen again, probably because he knows the man he's antagonising is Dean Winchester.

"Okay, firstly, no the contract wasn't signed in blood," Jo tells them, trying to gain control of the situation. "It was signed in red pen and not a Blood Quill. We've discussed this, Xander. Just because the supernatural is real, doesn't mean the Harry Potter world exists. Secondly, Xander, I've told you not to tell hunters we signed the treaty in blood. Remember what Willow said?"

"No one expects a Spanish Inquisition?"

She fixes him with a glare.

"It's all fun and games until a hunter shoots you in the ass?"

Jo can't help it, she laughs. "God, I've missed you."

He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I missed you too, Joanna Beth." His eyes turn serious. "But as much as I love seeing you, I gotta say, I'd prefer it when you're not in hospital. I mean, what the hell, Jo?"

"I know."

"If you wanted to hunt, you could have just called," he tells her. "Or even if you didn't want to call me, you could have just gone on your own. What about the We Hate You Know Who Club, of which you are the president?"

"You have a 'We hate Voldemort Club'?" Sam asks, confused.

A burst of laughter escapes her. "No, it's... never mind." She can't tell them that when she was ten she and Xander formed the 'We Hate John Winchester Club'.

Dean shakes his head. "Are you two even speaking English?"

She ignores the question and stares at the man who is the only brother she will really know, regardless of who gave birth to either of them. She knows why he's upset, but he's never met Sam and Dean before. He doesn't know what they're like as hunters, just what their father is like and he's never been a fan of John Winchester. Although, she admits she'd be a little wigged if Xander went on a hunt with Sam and Dean and ended up in hospital - especially knowing her father died on a hunt with their father.

Still, she likes Sam and Dean and what happened to her wasn't their fault.

"Xander, they're cool. I promise you. I screwed up, not them." She knows that, as upset as he is, Xander will always trust her judgment.

He stares at her for a full minute and then nods. "As long as they know that if either one of them lays a single hand on you, I'll sick Missouri on them, we'll get along fine."

"You know Missouri?" Dean asks, a little stunned.

Xander doesn't answer the question, instead he focuses on the two men. "So, you're Sam and Dean Winchester, huh?"

The two brothers nod.

"Xander Harris." He holds his hand out to Dean and then Sam. "It's nice to meet you both."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Sam says as he shakes Xander's hand.

Xander tilts his head to the side and studies Sam thoughtfully. "You know, it's funny, but I thought you'd be taller."

Jo rolls her eyes. Brothers!


!2013 august event, fandom: supernatural, author: laney

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