Buffy’s Real Family - Reid (FR-13)

Aug 22, 2013 16:14

August 22, 2013 - Buffy’s Real Family - Reid (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 22 - Real Brother
Author: mmooch
Summary: **The ‘Real Family’ Part of the 2013 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD ** series. Career day turns into a family reunion.
Crossover: Criminal Minds
Warning: I’ve only started watching CM the past few months, so my characterization may be a little off.
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 2616.
Challenge: for the livejournal 2013 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: season 2 for BtVS; early season for CM.
A/N: If you have any suggestions for family members, please let me know.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Criminal Minds characters belong to Jeff Davis, The Mark Gordon Company and CBS. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Sunnydale High School
Career Day…

Normally, Reid and Garcia wouldn’t be allowed out without a minder (meaning bodyguard, not babysitter), but this wasn’t a case they were dealing with; it was career day at a high school in California. They weren’t sure how the principal or mayor managed to get them there, but since the rest of the team was in LA doing follow-up interviews with witnesses, they weren’t too concerned.

Nobody else could do the tech side recruiting as well as Garcia - at least nobody in California could, so she was a given. The others drew straws and Reid lost. He still thought he had grabbed the correct straw. It wasn’t that he doubted his knowledge of the job, but he had been told that his social skills could be a little lacking at times.

Rossi just told him that this would be good practice for him then.

Trying to get other people to sign up for the Bureau made him think back to the reason he did it several years ago. Everyone knew that the only career he ever considered was profiling, but not too many knew why.

It started when he was 10 years old.

Even as a child, he was ‘quirky’, but it was the loss of Elizabeth that tipped the scales to what he became. His parents were concerned that given how much special attention he needed, he would be jealous of his baby sister, but he loved his ‘Bethy’ furiously. When she was kidnapped, a part of him broke.

As he grew older, he found hundreds of cases very similar to hers from around the world. Young girls who disappeared shortly after they turned six months old. The one thing they had in common were visits from people a few days prior to the abduction. In the case of Bethy, it was a man named Quentin Travers.

Yes, Reid knew the name of the man who most likely had a hand in his sister’s disappearance. It didn’t bring him any comfort, though, since Travers had diplomatic immunity and without any physical evidence proving he was the one responsible, England wouldn’t consider handing him over to even be questioned.

So while he couldn’t bring his sister back or get the man who took her, he could at least try to make sure another family didn’t suffer like his did. That was the final straw for his father, who left within months.

About midday…

Even though it was a bit slow on the recruiting side, Reid took the opportunity to study what a ‘typical’ high school was like. Having graduated when he was 12, he knew that his experiences weren’t typical…or fun.

He tried talking to the policewoman who was recruiting at the next table, but she completely ignored him and watched the students like she was looking for a suspect. Most of the kids went over to her table, so he thought it was a good time to take a break and check in with Garcia.

Only seconds after he found her in a nearby classroom, they heard shots ring out. “Stay here,” he ordered her unnecessarily; she wasn’t about to head out into danger regardless. “Call the local police department, then call Hotch,” he added. He hoped that the policewoman could handle the situation, but it couldn’t hurt to have backup.

Reid was almost to the door before he remembered that he should arm himself. God, he hoped that he wouldn’t have to actually shoot anyone, seeing as how he couldn’t even qualify on the range. Carefully, he checked the hallway for danger before creeping along the wall towards where he thought the shooting had taken place.

He found the policewoman wrestling with a young blonde girl and then an African-American girl. As he got as far as yelling, “FB--” when the officer grabbed another student and held a knife to his throat. She was the assailant? “FBI!” he called out belatedly.

While he didn’t exactly stop the woman, he did distract her long enough for the dark-skinned girl to catch up, disarm and subdue the rogue officer. How had she managed that? She shouldn’t have been able to cross that amount of distance in that short of time.

He tabled that question for later and went into damage control. First he went over and secured the policewoman with his handcuffs. Then as he was walking over to where the blonde was talking to two students who apparently were caught in the gunfire earlier, he pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance.

“Can anyone tell me what happened here?” Reid asked the group of students.

A short boy spoke up when it didn’t seem like anyone else wanted to, “She called out Buffy Summers’ name, then started shooting at her. That wasn’t a demonstration, was it?”

“It had better not have been,” Reid replied. “Could you tell if there was anyone else with her, targeting other students?” He kept asking questions until the local law enforcement showed up, then he went to find Garcia and let her know he was okay and the situation was under control.

As he went over the students and what they said - or didn’t say in some cases - he found himself fixating on the apparent victim of the crime, Buffy Summers. She was shaken up, but not as much as one would expect for a girl her age. And the way she and her other friend, Kendra, fought the trained officer seemed out of place as well.

That evening…

The rest of the team dropped what they were doing and came to Sunnydale when Reid found out that the woman escaped police custody, and the local LEOs didn’t bother to put up any roadblocks, or an APB, or even notify Buffy Summers’ family that the woman who tried to kill her was loose again. He did find out that she wasn’t a real police officer, though.

Hotch used his pull with the LA Special Agent in Charge and the fact that two of his agents were at the scene to claim jurisdiction until the woman was re-captured.

“Let’s re-interview the witnesses and see if they can think of anything else that could help us find the unsub. And it wouldn’t hurt to know why she targeted Buffy Summers, either,” Hotch said. “Garcia, why don’t you do a check on both of them.”

But finding most of the witnesses was easier said than done. Except for Jonathan Levinson, none of the students were at home or at the local teen hangout, the Bronze. Although that was a little frustrating, the agents hoped that if they couldn’t find Buffy Summers, neither could the fake officer…assuming the unsub hadn’t already found her.

A call from Joyce Summers a couple hours later assured them that wasn’t the case, however. At her request, they opted not to interview her daughter until the following morning. Again at her request, Morgan and Reid stayed at the house to protect them in case the woman showed up to finish what she started at the school.

After the women went to sleep, Reid talked over his observations with Morgan, including his opinion that Buffy wasn’t as upset as he thought a normal teenage girl should be. Having watched Buffy’s exasperation when she was told the FBI was camping out in her living room, Morgan tended to agree. She was more annoyed with them than she was afraid of the person who tried to kill her. And it didn’t appear to be because she was in shock, either. She honestly wasn’t worried about the woman.

The next day…

Over the objections of Principal Snyder, Emily and JJ went to the school to keep an eye out for any more attempts on their reluctant victim. Meanwhile, there were several reports of crimes that had taken place over night for the rest of the team to check out for signs of their unsub.

On his way to one of the more promising leads, Hotch called Garcia for an update on her searches. “What do you have for me?” he inquired after letting her know it was him calling, and that she was on speakerphone with him and Spencer.

“Nothing on our shooter,” Garcia admitted regretfully. “The name she gave was a fake and her prints aren’t in our system. Summers had a slight blip in her records a year ago or so. She was suspected of starting a fire in her school gym, but no formal charges were ever filed due to lack of evidence. She was expelled for ‘delinquent behavior’ though. That doesn’t seem fair, to me. If they had proof she was responsible for the fire, then they should have filed charges; since they didn’t, she shouldn’t have been kicked out. The suspected fire was the only delinquent behavior on her records.”

She paused to take a sip, then continued, “There’s another flag on her file about an attempted kidnapping when she was a baby, but that turned out to be a mistake. Her stroller was identical to another stroller nearby at the airport they were in.”

“How old was she at the time?” Reid asked frantically.

Startled at his tone, Garcia stuttered a bit, “About six months.”

That made him even more agitated. “When and where exactly did this happen?” he demanded.

She typed a few seconds, then said, “Uh, July 13th, 1981, at the McCarren International Airport in Las Vegas. Why? What’s going on?”

Hotch answered her instead of Reid, “We’ll get back to you on that; it might tie in with an old case.” He pressed the disconnect button, turned his head slightly to glance at Reid from the corner of his eye, and asked, “You think this is related to your sister’s kidnapping?”

Reid wasn’t surprised that Hotch knew about Bethy; it made sense that his boss would know everything publicly available about the people on his team. It also didn’t surprise him that Hotch didn’t bring it up until he felt it was necessary to. “That was the day she went missing, and the man we believed was responsible was from England. He flew out of McCarren that day.”

“Okay, then after we find our missing unsub, we can go to Joyce Summers and ask her about that day,” Hotch offered, reminding Reid they had work to do before they could chase the past. He pulled over in front of one of Sunnydale’s many churches and said, “We’re here. There was some vandalism and a small fire last night. We need to be careful inside because they haven’t cleared it yet.”

“What is with the professionalism in this town? First, the police department not following basic procedures concerning escaped prisoners and now the fire department not clearing a possible arson scene,” Reid complained. Despite his difficulties with the physical aspects of his job - like qualifying on his firearm - he believed in upholding the standards of his profession. People depended on the police and fire department to keep them safe, but it didn’t sound like they should in Sunnydale.

They walked into the building together, carefully looking for any danger from falling debris or evidence that their unsub had been there. It appeared as though the fire began in the sanctuary, but there was a strange smear of something on the floor in front of the doors leading to that room. The fire wiped out any immediate hint of what it was. Forensics might be able to find out, though.

“Got a body here!” Reid called out, finding a bleach-blond man trapped under an organ and some columns. He leaned over and felt for a pulse. “He’s dead!” Since there wasn’t anything they could do for the man, he left the body for the locals to recover, even if they had to force them to do their jobs.

Hotch yelled back from his side of the room, “Got another over here! It looks like our unsub,” he added after examining the face. “She’s gone as well.”

“There goes our hope to finding out why she targeted Buffy Summers,” Reid commented. “Unless somebody else attacks her in the future for the same reason.”

“Let’s call the fire department and get them to search for other bodies,” Hotch said, knowing that it was a near impossibility for anyone to survive the amount of smoke this fire would have generated, even if they survived the flames.

Sunnydale High Library

It had been Ms. Summers’ choice to talk to the BAU agents in the library as opposed to an empty classroom or her home, and even stranger, she insisted on having the librarian with her. Given his protective attitude towards her - as opposed to the principal’s indifference about the attempt on her life - the agents thought maybe he was dating the girl’s mother.

“She’s dead?” Buffy repeated dully after they gave her the news. “Gotta say that’s a relief. I don’t like it when people try to kill me.”

The blasé way she said that had JJ asking, “Do people try to kill you often?”

After a quick glance at Mr. Giles and a moment of thinking about her answer, Buffy vaguely replied, “Not technically, but badness seems to follow me around.”

Following his instincts, Hotch handed Buffy one of his cards and said, “If anyone tries to kill you again, and the police here don’t take it seriously, call me. We’ll do what we can.”

It concerned all of the agents that Buffy snorted a little, like she was trying to fight back a laugh. What did she find funny about this situation?

Hotch gestured to the other agents to leave him and Reid alone with the girl and her chaperone.

“Is there something else, agent?” Giles inquired politely.

“In the course of our investigation, we uncovered something about Ms. Summers that has ties to an old case concerning Agent Reid’s family. We were hoping to talk to her mother about it,” Hotch answered.

“Why her?” Buffy demanded to know.

“Because you were too young at the time to remember the incident,” Reid replied.

“What was the incident?” Giles asked.

Hotch debated whether he should say anything, but ended up deciding that if they wanted Joyce Summers’ cooperation, he should be honest. And it didn’t seem as though much unnerved the young woman. “When you were about six months old, your mother was worried that somebody attempted to kidnap you at the airport in Las Vegas. While she found you later, that incident happened on the same day that Agent Reid’s baby sister was taken from his family,” he explained to Buffy.

Buffy’s face went from wary to sincere sympathy at that news. “I’m sorry about your sister,” she told the younger agent.

On the other hand, Giles’ face was one of carefully hidden shock. He knew the name Reid and Travers’ failed attempt to bring in a Potential from the States. It was a source of great embarrassment to the man when they found out the baby he returned with had no hint of being a Potential Slayer. It took a decade of politicking before he was in the upper circle of the Council again.

Could this be why they never knew about Buffy before she was Called?

But how could her parents not notice they had somebody else’s baby?

He would have to discuss this with Buffy after the agents left them alone. She wouldn’t be happy to know that her parents might not be her real parents after all. Not to mention, how would they explain the truth to Agent Reid without implicating Giles as being in a ring of kidnappers that stole Buffy from him years ago?

A/N: Ugh, spent so much time with the backstory that I never got to the reveal. Maybe I can find a way to do a sequel later this month that handles it after I figure out how to do it without getting Giles arrested.

!2013 august event, fandom: criminal minds, author: mmooch

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