Fic: Welcome To Eureka

Aug 20, 2013 23:54

Title: Welcome To Eureka
Author: Wyndewalker
Xover Fandom: Eureka
Series: 5 More Relatives Xander Never Met
Challenge: twistedshorts August-Fic-A-Day - Day 20
Authors note: Kind of ran out of time so this ends a bit abruptly
Rating: PG-13
Warning: none
Word Count: 1,027 words
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Eureka or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  All rights belong to their owners and I merely borrow the characters for your amusement.

Summary: Xander follows some demon dogs through a portal to an interesting little town

Jack Carter had just sat down at his desk, a Vinspresso in hand, when Jo came running in.

"Carter! You better get out here," she said hitting the remote for the armory. Without hesitating she grabbed her three barrel assault rifle, hightailing it back out the door. Jack was right on her heels.

"What the hell is that?" He demanded, catching sight of the swirling blue discus thing that was forming in the middle of Main Street. "Any word from GD? Is this one of theirs?"

"No idea. They're sending a security team. ETA is 15 minutes."

"Yeah, that's not exactly reassuring," he muttered, hand on his gun. Seeing the gathering crowd, Jack let out a soft groan. Lemmings. The whole town was full of suicidal scientific lemmings. "Vince! Get them inside. Everyone! Inside now!"


He glanced at her then at the blue thing that had grown to almost man height and was starting to pulse in a way that made him very uneasy. Suddenly something came hurtling through, followed by a second one. Jack gaped for a moment. Whatever they were they weren't of this earth. They looked like the thing from Predator only they went on all fours. Catching sight of him and Jo, the things hissed and snarled.

"Open fire!" Jack snapped bringing his handgun up to bear though he doubted it would do any good. They both opened fire. Jack's bullets didn't faze the things. Even Jo's rifle did little more than piss them off.

"What the hell are these things?" Jo snarled, still firing despite its lack of effect.

The portal rippled again spitting out a third creature. Jack didn't have time to curse before a fourth figure followed the third creature through. The latest gate crasher looked human and was wielding a rather large double-headed axe. The third creature barely hit the pavement before it's head was split in half by the axe. It's short-lived howl of pain was enough to draw the attention of the other two.

The man who'd come through the portal seemed unconcerned as he put a booted foot on the dead creature's head to hold it in place as he yanked the axe free. The two remaining creatures snarled and hissed at him. He grinned savagely at them, swinging the axe in a lazy circle.

"Come to poppa you ugly scum-sucking demon mutts."

What happened next was practically a dance as the two things rushed the man. He dodged out of the way at the last minute, axe moving in a neat arc to decapitate the creature on his right. unfortunately he didn't move fast enough as the one on his left managed to catch him with a wild swipe of it's claws. Jack couldn't help wincing though the man only grunted when it connected with his outer thigh, gouging deep furrows into his flesh. Even as he staggered the man brought his axe around and down across the creature's back clearly breaking the spinal column.

Even with it's hind legs useless the thing still tried to go after the guy who was now leaning heavily on his axe. Heaving a sigh, the guy pulled what could only be called a hand cannon out of a shoulder holster and leveled it at the creature's head.

"Bad doggie," the man quipped. "No snausages for you."

Jack flinched at what sounded like an explosion followed by the creature's head bursting open like an overripe melon. The guy turned from the now very dead creature to where the swirling blue thing had been. Only to find it was no longer there.

"Well crap," the guy muttered. "There goes my ride home."

Deciding that was his cue, Jack took a couple steps forward, gun held loosely at his side. "Uh, excuse me?"

Startled, the guy whirled around all gracefulness gone as he tripped over his own feet, his injured leg starting to buckle. It was only using his axe as a crutch once more that kept him from landing on the ground.*** Swearing to himself in a language Jack didn't recognize, the stranger glanced around a second before gesturing to the stone planter a couple steps away. "You mind if I sit down before you start questioning me, Officer?"

"No, go ahead. You okay? What were those things? And what was the blue thing you came through?" Jack probably would have kept asking questions but Jo hissed his name catching his attention. "What?"

She gestured him towards her while staring at the guy as if she'd seen a ghost. "We need to get him to GD and the infirmary *before* Stark sees him," she whispered furiously.

"Uhm, okay. I can agree with getting him to the infirmary, he got some pretty nasty cuts from those things but why don't we want Stark to see him?"

Jo looked at the guy then back up at Jack. "I don't know who this guy is but give him two eyes and he's a dead ringer for Stark's son."

Jack frowned looking over at him as well. "He looks nothing like Callister."

Jo shook her head. "No, I'm talking about his actual son. He... He died about five years ago now in a car crash."

"Right." Jack looks between the two again before settling on Jo. "I can drive him up to GD while you wait for the security team and a containment team for those dog things. Can we tell Allison? Because I don't think trying to sneak someone who came through a blue glowing disc thing past both of them is a good idea."

"She should know so she can tell Stark."

"Yeah, good idea." Turning back to the guy who'd been waiting patiently, Jack gave him his best Sheriff smile. "I never did catch your name. I'm Sheriff Carter."

"Xander Harris. Nice to meet you."

"Same here. If you'll come with me I'll drive you to the local equivalent of the hospital and maybe you can answer some questions for me. Like what those things were?"

"Sure. Where am I anyway? Last time I looked at my GPS I was in Zambia."

"Ah, yeah, not anymore. Welcome to Eureka, Oregon."

!2013 august event, author: wyndewalker, fandom: eureka

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