Buffy’s Real Family - Tony and Sam (FR-13)

Aug 19, 2013 14:13

August 19, 2013 - Buffy’s Real Family - Tony and Sam (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 19 - Real Parents
Author: mmooch
Summary: **The ‘Real Family’ Part of the 2013 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** series. Just when her life couldn’t get any weirder…it does.
Crossovers: Stargate SG1 and Iron Man.
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 1641.
Challenge: for the livejournal 2013 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: AU for pre-movie BtVS; vague for Stargate SG1; vague for Iron Man.
A/N: Decided to combine a couple requests for family members. If you have any suggestions for family members, please let me know.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Stargate characters belong to Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright / SyFy Channel. Iron Man characters belong to Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck and Jack Kirby; the producers were Avi Arad and Kevin Feige. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Summers home, LA

Joyce sat her daughter down to inform her that her and Hank were separating. Because of a contract she signed sixteen years ago, that meant telling her about something else as well. After debating how to handle it, she decided to ‘rip the bandage off’ so to speak. “Buffy, we aren’t your biological parents.”

“And you’re telling me this now because…why?” Buffy demanded. Seriously, the woman tells her that her parents are splitting up, but also that they aren’t her parents?!

“Your father and I couldn’t have children the traditional way, so we decided to go with artificial insemination. The man we picked had some conditions for whoever used his sperm. First was that if something ever happened to us - either death or divorce - that he would be notified to be given the option of being part of your life.”

Buffy’s eyes grew wide with fear. “Is he taking custody of me?” she asked.

“Not if we have anything to say about it. You are still our baby girl and we love you!” Joyce declared vehemently, grabbing Buffy’s hands to comfort her while not smothering her.

Nodding, Buffy felt a little better that her not-bio parents would fight for her. “The second condition?” she prompted.

“The mother had to have a genius level IQ,” Joyce answered.

“Way to go, Mom!” Buffy praised, then pouted. “Wish I got some of those smart genes.”

“You do have them; we had you tested when you were younger and you have a score of 165. You just don’t apply yourself at school. But it isn’t from me. I was infertile, too, so we used a surrogate mother. During the pregnancy, we became friends, so I give her updates on you in our Christmas cards.”

Buffy remembered seeing her mom send quick form letters with most of the cards, but a small novel with one. “The Air Force lady?”

“Samantha Carter,” Joyce confirmed. “One last thing--”

“There’s more?!” Buffy interrupted. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

Joyce smiled. “This part isn’t so bad. When you were born, we started receiving child support from your sperm donor. We weren’t told about it when we chose him because he didn’t want somebody using his sperm just to get money from him. We don’t know who he is, but apparently he’s somebody in the public eye. If it ever came out that he had a child he didn’t support financially, it would be a PR nightmare for him.”

“Even though that child was being raised by a couple with money?” Buffy asked. They weren’t 90210-rich, but they were still fairly comfortable. And the way she was born had to cost a lot, so it wasn’t because of the guy’s money.

“The public can be very unreasonable in its judgment. Just the fact he was a sperm donor might come back to haunt him,” Joyce said.

Buffy snorted, “No pressure on me to behave then.”

Smiling fondly as she ran a hand through Buffy’s hair, Joyce said, “I can’t imagine you’d misbehave anyway…at least not seriously. Just so you know, your father and I set that money aside in a college fund for you.”

“Any chance of using a little for a car when I turn 16?” Buffy teased, hoping the bombshells were done for a long time.

Five months later…

Merrick gathered his Slayer into his arms, attempting to console the broken-hearted girl. “I’m terribly sorry about your parents. It’s tragic that Lothos discovered your identity and used them as a way to hurt you. This is why it is so important to keep it a secret from people, even those closest to you.”

Buffy pulled away and started ranting, “It’s not fair! They were starting to get back together!”

“At least you made him pay, and found your passion as a Slayer,” Merrick tried to find a silver lining. “If any of his minions survived, they will establish your reputation as a ruthless Slayer.”

“Joy!” Buffy snarked. Her Slayer rep wasn’t exactly high on her care list.

Even though he didn’t want to hurt her any more, Merrick needed to know about her family situation. “Will your aunt fight me for custody?” he asked, referring to the woman who flew in to handle the funeral arrangements and take care of Buffy.

“My parents might,” Buffy replied offhandedly, having thought of the same thing.

Merrick looked at her in concern, wondering if she was having a breakdown.

She smiled wanly at him, then clarified, “My biological parents, I mean. I know who my egg donor was, but not the sperm donor. Maybe I’ll find out at the will readings tomorrow. He was supposed to be notified if anything happened to Mom and Dad.” She went on to explain the conversation she had with Joyce months earlier.

He nodded in understanding, “That could be why we weren’t able to find you using the Potential Location Spell. Our coven has been bothered by that since you were Called. When the reading is over, please let me know what happened. It would be better if I wasn’t seen with you there. They might think--”

“That you’re a perv for hanging out with a 15 year old?” Buffy finished his sentence after he stumbled for words. “Got it.”

The next day…

Buffy looked around at the strangers in the room, trying to work out who they all were. Other than a couple of her dad’s colleagues and her aunt, she didn’t recognize anyone. Then a woman with short, blonde hair and sad, blue eyes came over to where Buffy and her aunt were sitting.

“Buffy, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your parents and I were…friends,” she struggled to say. Clearly she was trying to decide whether she should say anything else.

Taking a chance, Buffy guessed at her identity, “Samantha Carter?” When she got a shocked nod in return, she said, “My mom explained to me about the whole parentage thing last summer when they were apart. Thanks for helping them and…you know, helping me be born and all,” she finished awkwardly. How the heck were you supposed to thank a surrogate mom you’ve never met at your parents’ will readings?

“Would you like some morale support during the reading,” Sam offered.

Buffy just nodded gratefully, feeling the tears welling up and trying to fight them.

Sam already knew Joyce’s sister, having met her during the surrogate pregnancy, so she said hi and sat down on Buffy’s other side.

Buffy went back to searching for her bio-dad among the people. Then she had a sudden inspiration; there was somebody hiding in the shadows at the back of the room. Maybe he wasn’t going to announce himself until the crowd was smaller.

Sure enough, once the bequests were made, the lawyer explained to the other people that the custody of Buffy would be handled privately and ‘requested’ that they leave. Her aunt and Samantha stayed where they were, though.

The lawyer looked at Buffy with the right amount of compassion and said, “Hank told me a couple months ago that you knew the truth about how you were conceived?”

“Uh-huh,” Buffy replied. “Samantha Carter was their surrogate and some unknown celebrity guy was the sperm donor. I assume that’s him back there?” she asked, pointing to where the mystery person was sitting.

The man got up and walked out of the shadows. “Good to know that you’re intelligent and observant,” he remarked.

“Guess I can see why people might think badly of you if you didn’t pay child support for me,” Buffy shot back. “Am I your only child?” Then she realized how mean that sounded and apologized, “Sorry, that was uncalled for.”

Tony waved her off. “Understandable considering the circumstances. Besides, my reputation for being…social is well-deserved. But in those cases, I’m very careful about ensuring that no baby will result.”

“You’re Tony Stark!” Sam exclaimed unnecessarily. She had a child with Tony Stark! Holy Hannah!

He smirked at her and replied, “And you’re Samantha Carter. Hank and Joyce did a great job picking a genius to be their surrogate mother,” he commended their choice.

“God, I hope you aren’t going to flirt with each other right now,” Buffy interjected, bring their attention back to her.

“Nope, but I can’t make any promises for later,” Tony said with his trademark grin. He sat down across from them and slapped his hands on the table. “So! Who do you want to go with?” he asked Buffy. “I assume that we all are willing-slash-want to have you live with us?”

Both women agreed verbally, a little shocked at the abrupt way he was handling the situation.

“I get to choose?” Buffy asked, also surprised at the turn of events.

“Why not? You’re old enough to have some clue what you want. Although, I suppose you probably would want to spend some time with me - and Ms. Carter if you haven’t already, before you make up your mind,” he suggested a bit more seriously.

“Okay,” Buffy hesitantly agreed. Holy crap, how was she supposed to deal with this? She wasn’t sure what Samantha Carter did - other than being in the Air Force - but having Tony Stark as a dad? This was going to make being the Slayer soooo complicated!

“I can stay in LA for a few months so you don’t have to leave school right away,” Tony offered to the relief of the older women.

“And I can take you over the holidays, if you’d like?” Sam added hopefully. She crossed her fingers that nothing would come up at the SGC that made her break that promise.

“Whatever you decide, you’ll always be family to me, Buffy,” her aunt assured her.

“Thanks,” she told all of them. She really needed to talk to Merrick about this.

A/N: Originally it was going to be Janet, but since I just had Buffy be related to her, I went with Sam.

!2013 august event, author: mmooch, fandom: stargate sg1, fandom: iron man

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