16 August 2013 - Nature by Laney

Aug 16, 2013 20:42

Title: Nature
Author: Laney_1974
Crossover: BTVS/Anita Blake
Characters: Sylvia, Stephen and Rupert Giles
Challenge Contribution Date: 16 August 2013
Word Count: 965
Rating: 15
Sequel: Sequel to Curse/Radar
Timeline/Authors Notes: BTVS: Post Season 7. Anita Blake: Up to Narcissist in Chains (becase I really haven't read more than that). No real spoilers for AB though. Also, written from Giles' point of view, so he will be referring to himself as Rupert.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy and Angel people belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. Anita Blake belongs to Laurell K Hamilton
Summary: Rupert didn't even make it a mile away from where he had left Marshall Blake and the rest of the authorities before he sensed he was being followed.

Rupert didn't even make it a mile away from where he had left Marshall Blake and the rest of the authorities before he sensed he was being followed. The sense didn't come from any of the new preternatural senses that he would obtain when he turned into a wolf (something he still had no doubt of). No, it was the senses he gained from living on the Hellmouth that alerted him to their presence.

A glance backward told Rupert that his pursuers were the man and the woman who had been standing behind Marshall Blake during his police interview. He didn't need to be a genius to know that the two following him were lycanthropes, most likely wolves.

Rupert didn't believe for a moment that the authorities would let him walk away without at the very least putting him in touch with the local wolf pack - a concept he found intellectually fascinating.

He thought for a moment about trying to lose them, but he doubted that they would lose him now that they had his scent. No, the best possible course of action was to talk to the two lycanthropes and hope that he would be able to get out of town before anyone noticed that he didn't belong in this dimension. Reluctantly, Rupert stopped walking and turned to face them.

Neither of them seemed particularly surprised by his action, although the female wolf, Rupert noted, seemed wary of him. A small part of him felt perverse pleasure at the fact that she felt uneasy in his presence.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his eyes automatically going to hers.

The woman met his gaze and gave a slight smile. "My name is Sylvia Barker and this is Stephen. We're from the Thronnos Rokke Clan."

"Congratulations, I am very happy for you." The words slipped out before he could stop himself.

The young man, Stephen, snorted with amusement. Sylvia, however, didn't seem to appreciate the humour.

Rupert shook his head but, interestingly, was careful not to break eye contact with Sylvia. "I apologise. My children are a bad influence on me."

Something flashed in Sylvia's eyes at his words. Something akin to sympathy. "You have children?"

"Several, but they are all grown now." Technically, he wasn't lying. Even though they weren't his children by blood, his charges were his children nonetheless. "Now, I am sure you didn't follow me just to ask me about my family. Is there something I can help you with?"

Sylvia frowned at his words and stared at him for a full minute, obviously waiting for something. Eventually, however, she spoke. "Actually, we're here to help you. The Thronnos Rokke Clan is the werewolf pack in St Louis."

Ahh, he had figured at much. "Marshall Blake asked you to follow me?"

It was Stephen who answered. "Yes, she's our lupa."

Rupert frowned. While there were rather significant differences between the wolves in this dimension and the one back home, he knew enough about the legends and mythology of them to know what Stephen was referring to. However, the words didn't seem to make sense in his mind.

"Marshall Blake didn't mention that she was a werewolf." Nor did she come across as a preternatural creature.

"She's not."

"She's human?"

"It's complicated." Sylvia said.

"I see." And he did, Federal Marshall Blake was indeed human and lupa - something Sylvia didn't approve of, it appeared. Strangely enough, he didn't approve either. In fact, the idea was mildly repulsive. "So why did your lupa ask you to follow me?"

Sylvia's eyes narrowed at his question. "She's your lupa, too. Well, she will be if you shift into a wolf."

Rupert didn't reply to her words, instead he just continued to stare at her. The fact that he was refusing to look away from Sylvia's eyes was beginning to make him somewhat concerned. When Oz was bitten by cousin, the two of them had spent quite a lot of time discussing and researching both his disease, and natural wolves as well. While Oz never had a pack, per se, there were times, he had confided in Rupert, when he felt the need to dominate those he felt were a threat, such as other supernatural creatures. However, given Oz's unique nature, he had always managed to repress the feelings.

It was something of a worry that Rupert was feeling something similar so soon after being bitten, and he wondered if the cause of his behaviour was the nature of the newly born wolf inside of him or if it was the fact that he had spent so many supernatural creatures that his mind simply refused to be cowed by one.

Thankfully, he didn't have to work out the answer himself, because Stephen stepped between him and Sylvia, effectively breaking their silent battle.

"Sorry," Stephen muttered, although he wasn't sure exactly who the male wolf was apologising to.

"That's quite all right," Rupert assured him. "Now, I take it you and Sylvia are here to give me a lesson in werewolf etiquette?"

Stephen nodded and out of the corner of his eye he saw Sylvia do the same.

Rupert nodded and gestured for them to walk beside him. As they headed towards a coffee shop he knew of, not far from his hotel, he was careful not to meet Sylvia's eyes again.

He really didn't want to know if his inability to look away from the female werewolf, or his outrage that this pack's lupa was a human, was because of his supernatural experience or the nature of his beast.

Or, if it was due to a mixture of the two - this worlds lycanthropy virus infecting a human from a dimension vastly different from this one.


Posted via Vita HD for iPad.

!2013 august event, fandom: anita blake, author: laney

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