Unnatural Selection

Aug 14, 2013 23:58

Title: Unnatural Selection
Author: kerrykhat
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: PG
Summary: There is much about this Corusca, formerly known as “Anne”, that Sidious is unsure of. The Force had lead him to her, he doesn’t doubt that. How else could he have found somebody so strong in the Force, but so untrained when he needed to begin the process of forging a new tool?
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and related characters; Lucasfilm owns "Star Wars" and related characters; I own nothing.
Word Count: 736
Author's Note: Response to the prompt, "cold" at tth100. Sequel to Worthy of Survival. Takes place shortly after Episode I.

Darth Sidious, sole lord of the Sith, watches carefully as “Corusca” attempts to navigate the frozen wasteland below his perch. She’s filthy, her clothing ripped, her blonde hair lank and tangled, and blood oozing from a series of cuts on her hand. She pays them no mind, however, in her quest to reach him without being detected. She has been denied food, sleep, and shelter for these past few weeks, all in an attempt to force her to mold herself into a being suitable to wield the power of the dark side.

He knew from her experiences with the slavers that Corusca could endure much, despite her frail appearance. Far more than he had been able to when he began his training with his recently deceased master, if he wishes to be honest with himself. But the first step of her training is to push her beyond that, to start her on the path to truly embrace the dark side of the Force. It has taken longer than he expected, however, to reach that point.

He thinks back to when they first arrived on this unnamed planet, when he told her what her training would entail.

”You will die and be reborn in the dark side,” he told her, immune from the cold despite his lack of environmental suit. The dark side gave him the protection he demanded from it. His former master had said something similar to what he was saying to Corusca, half a lifetime ago.

Corusca smiled, all sharp edges and no humor. She’s whipcord thin, and the icy breeze mercilessly cuts through what little clothing he allowed her to wear. “Oh yay. I love dying,” she said around chattering teeth.

He still isn’t sure what to make of that comment. There is much about this Corusca, formerly known as “Anne”, that he is unsure of. The Force had lead him to her, he doesn’t doubt that. How else could he have found somebody so strong in the Force, but so untrained when he needed to begin the process of forging a new tool? How else would he have found somebody so full of anger and need to survive?

And yet... There is something about her that unsettles even him. Something unnatural about her. There are times when she performs feats without using the Force that ought be impossible for any human. He needs to think and observe more before he can make a final judgement.

A flicker through the Force is all the warning that he needs. Without moving a muscle, he shoves Corusca and sends her tumbling head over foot back down the side of the mountain. He watches with cool detachment while she slowly pushes herself back to standing. A cut bleeds slugishly on her face, and there are several new rips in her clothing.

“Again,” he orders, and smiles as he senses her frustration, anger, and hatred building. But she does nothing, just stares at him for a long moment before bowing, almost mockingly but not quite, before turning her attention to studying the rock wall for a new approach. He idly toys with punishing her for her insolence, but decides against it. For now, her spirit amuses him. If it becomes too problematic, he can find ways to make her more pliable. Even corusca gems crack under the correct application of pressure.

Until then, however, he’s content to give Anne or Corusca or whatever her true name is her petty defiances. She’ll soon learn that they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. That realization of their futility will only serve to fuel her hatred and her determination to dethrone him. Corusca will be a more subtle weapon than Maul, but possibly more lethal because of it. He has no need for Maul’s blind rage, not at this point in his plan. Corusca’s endurance and patience will be more useful to him once his long game enters its final phase.

It’s a shame, he thinks, settling back down on the rock, that if his plan for Anakin works that he’ll have to eliminate such a promising student.

Perhaps it’s for the best, Sidious amends, as Corusca begins her ascent once again. He needs an apprentice he can control, and as much as he value’s Corusca current usefulness to him, finding an effective mechanism to keep her contained and focused will be a much harder task.

!2013 august event, fandom: star wars, author: kerrykhat

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