Buffy’s Real Family - Mystique (FR-13)

Aug 07, 2013 10:37

August 7, 2013 - Buffy’s Real Family - Mystique (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 7 - Real Mommy
Author: mmooch
Summary: **The ‘Real Family’ Part of the 2013 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD** series. Mother and daughter are reunited, but will it end happily?
Crossover: X-Men (movie’verse).
Characters: Buffy, Wolverine and Mystique.
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 947.
Challenge: for the livejournal 2013 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Warning: OOCness.
Timeline: post-series for BtVS; after X-Men 2.
A/N: Not connected with the first two Real Family ficlets! This is a follow-up to my FaD from 2011 ‘Going for Help’. You don’t have to read it, but it would explain a couple things if you did. If you have any suggestions for family members, please let me know.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. X-Men characters belong to Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Marvel Comics. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

IHOP, North Salem

Mystique chose a nondescript form as she approached the chain restaurant, her mind racing with questions. Why did Wolverine want to meet her? Why here? Why did he insist on her coming alone? Why did she agree?

At least she knew the answer to the last one.

She came because it was Wolverine. Despite them being on the opposite teams, she still loved him a little. Which sounded weird when one considered how many times she ‘tried’ to kill him. But she knew how hard that would be and always made sure to pick spots that would seem lethal, but weren’t really, even to somebody without his regenerative abilities.

Those days with him were the happiest of her life…until the humans stole everything that mattered from her. First, they took Wolverine, then they forced her to give up her daughter to keep her safe from the likes of Stryker. That monster wasn’t satisfied with experimenting on Wolverine, but Mystique managed to escape before she had to give birth. She had heard his plans for her and Wolverine’s baby.

As soon as she was thousands of miles away, she found a place to lay low until she gave birth. At first she was just going to sneak into a hospital and drop her daughter off, but when she got to the nursery, she saw that one of the babies had died in her sleep. Replacing that baby with hers would raise fewer flags than the staff finding an extra baby. And hopefully she wouldn’t display any mutant abilities too soon.

When her baby was safe, she vowed that she’d make the humans pay.

Once she walked into the restaurant and found Wolverine in a booth in the back, she slowly made her way to him, looking for any signs of a trap while she went. It wasn’t until she was almost to the booth when she noticed that he wasn’t alone; there was a female with him.

At first she felt a stab of jealousy, but then she saw the girl’s face. It was the face she always imagined when she allowed herself to think of her daughter.

“You just going to stand there, staring, or are you going to join us, Mystique?” Wolverine broke her from her state of shock.

“Would you mind turning into a female for this ‘cause I gotta say that looking at my biological mother and seeing a guy is wigging me out, big time,” the girl added once Mystique sat down at the table.

“How--?” Mystique broke off, unsure of what the rest of her question was going to be.

“A friend found out that my parents weren’t my real parents, and brought Logan and his friends to help me with a situation. It came out that you were my mom, and after tons of pouting and stuff, I talked him into letting me meet you - although he insisted on come with me in case you tried anything,” Buffy replied as casually as she could. Hopefully she would find out why she was given away.

So many questions raced through Mystique’s mind. The only ones that came out were, “Were you safe growing up? Happy?”

“Is that why you gave her up?” Wolverine demanded, unable to stay quiet anymore.

Mystique looked at the only man she ever loved and said, “I gave her up so that Stryker couldn’t do to her what he was going to do to you…or planned to do to me if I hadn’t escaped. I tried to go back for you once she was safe, but it was too late; you had already been moved to a new location. Alkali Lake, as it turns out.”

“Huh, when you put it that way, I can understand why you joined somebody like Magneto,” Buffy said. When both parents looked at her in shock, she explained, “What? I had similar feelings towards the Initiative when I found out what they were doing with demons and their own soldiers. If I wasn’t so busy trying to protect the world, I might have done everything in my power to make sure that everyone associated with that group was destroyed. Stryker was doing the same thing as Walsh, only with mutants instead of demons. They were both evil - even if at some point their intentions were good.”

She turned to face her mother again and said, “My problem is that you went to another evil monster to get your revenge. Well, that and you were willing to hurt innocents in the process.”

Because of the life she led, Mystique wasn’t unaware of the supernatural, so that part of her daughter’s speech didn’t surprise her, but knowing that her baby protected humanity from demons sort of shocked her. “Does that mean you hate me like your father does?” she asked, a little afraid of the answer.

Buffy shrugged. “That depends on whether you keeping doing evil stuff. Not sure about the Professor’s group, but mine is all about giving second chances. Heck, half of our leadership has done evil stuff in the past intentionally; the other half has done it accidentally or by omission.”

“And you?” Mystique asked Wolverine.

“I’m willing to give you a chance for the kid’s sake,” he replied a bit reluctantly. “But I won’t trust you any time soon.” He actually agreed with Buffy. Knowing the circumstances of what happened twenty years ago made Mystique’s hatred understandable. When he found out what Stryker did to him, hadn’t he felt that same rush of anger?

“Cool,” Buffy interjected before the feeling got too oppressive. “Now that that’s done…I’m Buffy Summers, your daughter,” she introduced herself to her mom.

A/N: Before anyone asks, while Buffy’s willing to risk meeting Mystique, she isn’t willing to put Dawn into that danger until she knows whether her mom will remain evil or not.

!2013 august event, author: mmooch, fandom: x-men

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