Rejuvenated: Tea Time - Rupert Giles, Josiah Sanchez - FRC - BtVS/M7-ATFau

Aug 05, 2013 18:43

Title: Rejuvenated: Tea Time
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Magnificent Seven (formerly ATF, now Rejuvenated)
Characters: Rupert Giles, Josiah Sanchez
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Word Count: 826
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of The Magnificent Seven belong to J. Watson, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes/Warnings: Kidfic!

Summary: Giles and Josiah have their own special tea time.

Rejuvenated: Tea Time
By Beriaearwen

Giles stood by the window of his office overlooking the gardens. A sigh escaped him as, for a moment, he felt every one of his years and perhaps a few more.

Handling the Dana affair had taught them much about the need for secure psychiatric facilities and the best councilors they could get.

That information had proven an invaluable aid when speaking with those charged with the care of Hannah Sanchez. It broke his heart that his son would never again know his sister, nor his sister know Josiah, but there was no disputing she was best off in California and Josiah belonged with him.

A smile tugged at his lips as he thought about the boy who had become his son.

It hadn’t been the easiest of transitions for him, but he wouldn’t trade his current situation for the world.

There were still occasional pangs of guilt over the lifetime lost and fears, not only that a normal parent would have, but a fear that he wouldn’t be able to raise Josiah to be the remarkable man he was before the spell. At the same time, he couldn’t wait to see the remarkable man Josiah could be.

As it was, the children - the new children - had brought the former “Scoobies” closer together. Between holidays, sorting out the situation the de-aging created and birthdays, he’d seen more of Buffy, Xander, Willow and the others than he had in a very long time.

It was nice.

He idly wondered if this is what life would have been like for him if Jenny had survived. He still felt pain over her loss. They’d had much to work out, but there’d been a lot of potential.

He was distracted from his thoughts as a pair of small arms wrapped around his leg.

Looking down, he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he spotted Josiah.

With a graceful move, he turned, reached for is son and lifted the boy into his arms where Josiah gave him a proper hug.

“Thank you,” Rupert said, settling Josiah more comfortably as he moved to sit on the couch nearby.

“You looked like you needed it,” Josiah responded. “Besides, Aunt Willow says that hugs are the best magic there is.”

“Your Aunt Willow is right and your hugs are the most magical of them all.” Glancing at the clock, he realized what time it was. Once back in England, he’d fallen back into the habit of taking a short break at tea time. Since Josiah came to his life, there was now much less tea, but more fun and an infinite amount more laughter. “I see it’s time for our afternoon research group.”

Josiah tried to look solemn as he nodded, but his eyes danced with excitement and the smile wouldn’t disappear from his face.

“And what shall we be researching today?”

Josiah slipped off his lap and tugged his hand. “Outside,” he encouraged.

Rising, Rupert followed his son out of his office and through his secretary’s space. It wasn’t long before he and Josiah were at the door leading to the garden.

Josiah reached down and grabbed his backpack while Rupert grabbed the blanket.

Before long, the duo were settled on the blanket under a tree, fruit snacks and juice boxes out and ready for consumption.

“Now, which book do you have for today?”

Josiah gave him a shy look and pulled out the story of “The Gentlemen”. His eyebrows raised slightly and the corners of his mouth lifted in amusement. He had a strong suspicion as to why Josiah chose this particular book. As an adult, most of the women Josiah dated or pursued were green-eyed blondes. As a child, his Aunt Buffy, who had greenish-hazel eyes and blonde hair, proved to be his first crush, though Giles and the others felt it had little to do with her appearance. He and the others thought it had to do with the love she showered on all the boys and for the more physically active play in which she engaged with them. The fact that Buffy was the Slayer and, frequently, hero of the tales others told the children only fed the childish infatuation.

Still, Josiah had chosen this book and it was their chosen research time. “Why don’t you begin and I’ll help out.”

“’K, papa,” Josiah agreed before opening the book and starting to read.

Giles relaxed as he listened to his son sound out the words, helping occasionally, wishing for nothing so much as to remember every single moment.

As short a time as Josiah had been in his life, Giles had to admit, the impact had been huge. He found himself already dreading the day a few months hence when Josiah would be heading off to school.

For now, though, they had sun, research material, time alone together and Scooby-Doo fruit snacks.

He couldn’t think of a more perfect way to spend an afternoon.


!2013 august event, fandom: magnificent seven, author: beriaearwen

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