a brighter day is coming my way

Aug 04, 2013 21:55

Title: a brighter day is coming my way
Author: kerrykhat
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Rating: PG
Summary: In the garish, over the top-ness that is the Capitol, Dawn feels like a sparrow among peacocks.
Spoilers: Through "The Hunger Games" and the "Season 8" comics
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and related characters; Suzanne Collins owns "The Hunger Games" and all related characters; I own nothing.
Author's Note: Set in my Hope in the Darkest Days verse.
Word Count: 568

In the garish, over the top-ness that is the Capitol, Dawn feels like a sparrow among peacocks. It’s deliberate, though, a way to keep herself from being sucked into the glitter and the corruption that lurked underneath. Well, as much as she could. She felt dirty just living in a place where they forced kids to fight to the death for entertainment.

There were days when it took all the willpower she had not to pull a Buffy and burn this entire place down like the Hemery gym.

Dodging gossiping groups of Capitol-ites, she finally spies her target sitting outside a café.

“Cinna,” she greets her friend with a kiss on the cheek. In a society that seemed dedicated to pushing the bounds of excess, they stand out with their simple clothing and restrained makeup. Maybe that’s what drew her to him in the first place: somebody visibly rebelling just as she was.

“Eos, good to see you,” he replies, sitting back down and giving her a warm smile.

“Life finally settling down after the Games?” she asks with an arched eyebrow and a quirked grin, waiting for the waiter to bring over her usual drink. She comes here often enough where they know her order on sight.

“Not really. It seems that everyone wants to come to the stylist for the Girl on Fire.”

The waiter brings over her drink and Dawn lifts it up in a toast. “To your good fortune, then.”

Cinna clinks his glass against hers and they silently take a sip, a spot of calm in the loud sea of people around them.

“Do you think she can do it?” Dawn finally asks, careful to leave her real question unsaid. Does he think Katniss Everdeen can be the face of a rebellion? Does he think that she can shoulder the burdens associated with it? Was the little mockingjay ready to be strong?

Cinna places his glass down on the table and gives Dawn a long look. He doesn’t know the truth about her, only that Eos is powerful and influential in her own ways. He knows that she quietly does her best to oppose President Snow without drawing too much attention on herself. He knows that she supports those that have already been dismissed by the Capitol as worthless with whatever resources she can. Meeting his gaze, Dawn wonders if it might be time to let him in on a few of her many secrets.

Finally, Cinna nods slowly. “She’s the only one who can,” he answers almost too quietly for Dawn to hear.

She sits back and thinks. One girl in all the world, chosen because the Powers that rule her world are sadistic wankers, and doing her best to survive by her rules not theirs.

Even though it’s not a perfect fit, Dawn’s chest aches at the near history repeating.

“Guess it’s time to get to work,” Dawn replies casually, placing money on the table and stretching. From the quirk in the corner of Cinna’s mouth, he understands what she means perfectly. Good.

She gives him a goodbye kiss before weaving her way through the crowds. She pauses at the avenue leading to President Snow’s residence, staring at it before smiling.

There may not be magic in the world any more, but there would always be Chosen Ones. Now she just had to do her part to make sure Katniss survived.

!2013 august event, author: kerrykhat, fandom: the hunger games

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