Mistletoe Kiss - Buffy/Snape - FRC - BtVS/HP

Aug 04, 2013 17:07

Title: Mistletoe Kiss - Buffy/Snape
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy The Vampire Slayer / Harry Potter (au)
Characters: Buffy Summers, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Word count: 1323
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended
Notes: No clue where this came from. It's not at all the idea I had when I sat down to write.
Warnings: Kiss fic

Summary: It's Christmas Eve and this year they are celebrating more than Christmas; they're celebrating Voldevmorte's demise.

Mistletoe Kiss - Buffy/Snape
By Beriaearwen

It was the final battle and not at all like the books in her own world.

It was two weeks before Christmas during Harry’s sixth year.

Sirius hadn’t been lost in Harry’s fifth year, but had been cleared. Remus (who looked neither tattered nor prematurely old) maintained his position as DADA teacher, leaving the students far better prepared than otherwise. Delores Umbridge didn’t exist and Minister Fudge was too engrossed in other aspects of government to worry about one of several magic schools.

Dumbledore had, unfortunately, died of old age a few months before, but Professor McGonnagal stepped into his shoes with a barely noticeable blip, leading more perceptive people to wonder exactly which of the two leaders had actually been running the school and the Order the past few years.

Harry, having been taken from his home as soon as Buffy realized where she was, had been informed of the prophesy regarding him and trained accordingly.

Snape, while not at all greasy, was acerbic, arrogant and not always pleasant to be around, not to mention the smells of some of the potions - or failed potions - that clung to him. Apparently for some of them the only solution was time since neither muggle nor magical cleaning means made much of a difference.

Professor Flitwick, while small-boned and only a few inches taller than Buffy, was no where near as small as depicted in the books and Pomona Sprout was a force to be reckoned with.

All of the professors at Hogwarts - including a disturbingly aware and accurate Sybil Trelawney - were far greater than any of the books or movies had led her to believe.

Still, it had come down to Harry - well, her and Harry. Apparently, in this world, she was the power the dark lord knew not.

Having nothing like a slayer in their world, few knew what she could do or what she was capable of. What she had discovered about their world was that each wizard was at least a small part demon. Voldemort, in order to come back, had surrendered his humanity and had become all demon - well within Buffy’s purview.

So, while Harry locked wands with the demonic wizard, Buffy, Griffindor Sword in hand, decapitated Voldemort. As she repeated to the shocked people around her, “Very few things can survive the loss of their head.”

With the Voldemort’s body being spelled an burned, then the ashes scattered to the winds, the job of healing and rebuilding fell to all of them.

The wizarding world could think of no better day to celebrate their victory than Christmas Eve - approximately two weeks after the battle.

Everyone seemed to be having fun. Buffy was enjoying herself as she watched Ron and Hermione end up under the mistletoe at the same time.

Laughing with Harry over his red-faced friends, she shooed him away and headed toward the food table.

In an attempt to avoid a random conga line that had nothing to do with the music playing, she stepped back a few steps and bumped into someone. Turning she found herself face to… well… chest with someone. A quick glance up revealed it to belong to Severus Snape.

“Isnt’ that unfortunate,” Remus drawled from nearby, standing next to Sirius. “All your planning and she ended up under the mistletoe with Snape rather than you.”

Buffy and Snape both looked from the far-to-smug werewolf to the space above them which, sure enough, held a large sprig of mistletoe.

Their eyes left the plant in question and locked with each other.

Buffy, despite liking the man better than the character, had never given thought to actually kissing him, or even befriending him. She just didn’t think they had anything in common and she had enough to worry about with Harry’s future and adjusting to this world.

Still, as she looked into his eyes, she felt herself not averse to the idea. In fact, after the initial surprise began to fade, she could see the intrigued look appear on his face and something else she couldn’t name.

“Well get on with it,” Remus encouraged when it seemed they were just going to stare at each other.

“I don’t think I can watch,” Sirius moaned.

Buffy rolled her eyes, ending in a glare at Sirius for his melodrama before turning back to Severus. Rising on her toes she saw him begin to lean down before closing her eyes.

The kiss was entirely proper, if just a few seconds too long, for the situation in which they found themselves, but when they broke apart, Buffy couldn’t stop herself from staring into his brown eyes, feeling as if some secret had been uncovered as if something that she hadn’t known had been missing had finally arrived.

What made her heartrate pick up was seeing the same look in Severus’ face.

“Oh. My. God. You kissed Professor Snape,” a slightly ill-sounding Harry muttered, his voice only carrying to the small group.

Turning to look, she saw the smug, self-satisfied look on Remus’ face, the resigned look on Sirius’ and the horrorstruck look on Harry’s.

She rolled her eyes at that. No kid wanted to see their parental figure kissing.

“It was mistletoe,” Buffy said finally, crossing her arms as she looked at her ward.

Harry seemed to relax slightly. “So a one-off? Thank goodness. Hopefully I won’t have nightmares.”

Buffy shifted on her feet and shot a quick look at Severus’ face. She really hoped it wasn’t a one-off. “I never said that,” Buffy replied, her head turning slightly as she looked at Severus from the corner of her eyes. She saw a momentary look of surprise on his face before it faded into an interested smirk. She knew she mirrored that smirk exactly.

“Would you care to take a walk, Miss Summers,” Snape asked, holding his arm out.

“I’d love to Professor Snape,,” she replied, slipping her arm through his.

“Call me Severus, please.”

“Only if you call me Buffy.”

Snape nodded in acknowledgment before guiding Buffy away from the group, though not quite quickly enough to cover his question, “So tell me, Buffy, have you ever had a chance to explore the Astronomy tower at night?”

Buffy looked up at him and smiled much like the cat that ate the canary, though her voice only showed polite interest. “Why, no, Severus. I haven’t seen the Astronomy tower. What’s it like?”

“It’s a place where I can assure you, you will experience amazing and wonderful things.”

“I look forward to it,” Buffy replied, knowing the conversation was more to tweak Harry than not, but, honestly, finding herself somewhat looking forward to the promise his question held. She snickered slightly at the conversation among those they just left.

“Oh. My God. That…” Harry whimpered “Do you have a spell to bleach my brain?”

“Here, here,” muttered a disgruntled Sirius.

Remus laughed at both of them. “Just be sure to announce yourself before entering rooms and if a door is closed, leave it so until you are granted permission.” He laughed when Harry whimpered again.

“Why did you go to so much trouble to arrange that?” Sirius asked, his voice reflecting only curiosity.

“Werewolves have a very keen sense of smell,” he reminded his long-time friend. “Any time those two were within sight of each other, it was painfully obvious they needed to be together and it’s only been getting worse.”

“Eww,” Harry said.

Buffy couldn’t help but agree with him. Looking up at Severus, though, she felt butterflies in her stomach as she realized he was just as attracted to her as she was to him, even if neither had been aware of that attraction before.

Smiling up at Severus, she felt her smile brighten when he smiled down at her. “So, about this astronomy tower…”


!2013 august event, fandom: harry potter, author: beriaearwen

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