Buffy’s Real Family(ies) - Hulk (FR-13)

Aug 04, 2013 11:08

August 4, 2013 - Buffy’s Real Family(ies) - Hulk (FR-13)
Alt Title: Day 4 - Real Daddy’s other half
Author: mmooch
Summary: **The ‘Real Family’ Part of the 2013 LiveJournal’s Twisted Shorts FaD ** series. Bruce’s alter ego helps Buffy with a Slayer problem.
Crossover: The Incredible Hulk.
Characters: Buffy, Glory and Hulk.
Rating: FR-13.
Word count: 374.
Challenge: for the livejournal 2013 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: sometime in AU season 5 for BtVS; post-series for TIH, but change the dates so they line up.
A/N: Uber-short chapter. Before I move on from Bruce, I thought I’d handle the scene that had to happen with the Hulk in Buffy’s life. If you have any suggestions for family members, please let me know.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. The Incredible Hulk was based on characters by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; the executive producer was Kenneth Johnson. The scene from this story is based on one from The Avengers, though. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


Stupid Slayer dreams!

Buffy was fairly sure that if she knew that getting pounded this badly had been in the dream, she would have ignored the darn thing. All she wanted to do was rescue the monk guy and find out about the Dagon Sphere, then bad perm girl shows up to take her hair care frustrations out on Buffy.

“Can you fly?” trampy thing in red asked before throwing her across the room.

Buffy got up to continue the one-sided fight when she saw a movement of green from the corner behind the new big bad. A groan from the monk helped her decide what to do next. She’d save the guy while her dad watched their backs. Apparently Bruce and Hulk didn’t like seeing their daughter get beaten up.

Sure enough, as Buffy ran for the window with her rescuee, the villainess started to come after them, but was knocked off course by the Hulk. Buffy and the monk landed in the front of the warehouse and the other two landed on the side.

The monk explained about the Key and the Abomination. How Buffy’s sister wasn’t really her sister. Which sort of made sense when she thought about it. Her dad might have been willing to take her on the great road trip of life since she was the Slayer and had to deal with crappy stuff already, but why would he have allowed Dawn to live that kind of life?

Meanwhile, on the other side of the warehouse, Hulk was doing a bit better fighting the Abomination than his daughter had fared.

“What the hell are you?” the Abomination screeched at him. “Don’t you know who I am?” she cried, not letting him answer the first question. “I am Glorificus! I am a Hellgoddess. You filthy creatures are below me and I will not--”

Her rant was cut off when Hulk grabbed her legs and started smacking her into the asphalt. First on his right side, then on his left…until there were a couple craters next to him. Then he dropped her to find Buffy and the victim she rescued. His daughter’s influence on his life and vocabulary showed up as he muttered, “Skanky goddess,” before walking away.

A/N: For anyone who has seen The Avengers movie, you must recognize that scene. If you haven’t, at least look up ‘Puny god’ on youtube. It’s freaking hilarious!

By the way, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the show, so I forgot that Banner’s name on the show was David, not Bruce. Most of us know him as Bruce though, so I will keep using that instead of David. I just really liked the nomadic life that the Bill Bixby version lived as a plot twist for newly-Called Slayer Buffy.

fandom: the incredible hulk, !2013 august event, author: mmooch

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