August 4, 1975

Aug 04, 2013 08:12

Title: August 4, 1975
Author: Manchester
Rating: FR15
Crossover: The Goodies
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and The Goodies characters/dialogue are the property of their original owners.
Summary: Spike unwisely visits a very remote part of the British Isles, where instead of being despised on sight as is normal for him just because he’s a vampire, this blond demon is regarded as an equally loathed ffycin Saesneg.

Staggering away from the stone outbuilding where he’d been hiding in the cellar the entire previous day, Spike’s countenance was fixed in a grimace of supreme revulsion, easily distinguishable even in the gloom just after sunset. Doing an appalled, convulsive, whole-body shudder while desperately trying to forget what he’d been compelled to listen for seemingly forever, Spike then picked a direction at random and speedily took to his heels. It didn’t matter how hungry he was at the moment. Mere starvation wasn’t the worse thing which could happen to Spike if he dared to spend another bleedin’ second in Llan-dlubber Island, Wales!

Even after close to a century of massacring people, it honestly beat him, what those humans could do to each other all on their own. Yes, yes, he was a vampire and all that other codswallop -- i.e., a proper vicious sod out to cheerfully maim and murder and torture and do all the other good things of unlife after a demon straight from Hell had taken over the corpse of some poetry-writing mummy’s boy. Still, there were lines even Spike wouldn’t cross. For all his sins, the vampire had never stooped so low as to eradicate the merest possibility of anybody else ever again having the least bit of fun.

Unlike all those local buggers in this grim, forsaken place off the coast of Wales, who each and every one of them considered any kind of enjoying life’s simple pleasures to be an inexcusable transgression against God himself. Spike had an entirely different opinion concerning this, of course. So, when he’d been caught by sunrise in his wanderings, the vampire taking shelter well within earshot of the nearby church had listened with a mixture of growing disbelief and horrified sympathy for those other poor blokes from England who’d been invited here for the island’s eisteddfod festival.

The rest of the day had excruciatingly passed by with agonizing slowness, with Spike forced to overhear the whole ghastly experience for Tim, Bill, and Graeme. This included their arrival here, this group’s musical performance thoroughly disapproved of by the local authorities, their ensuing death sentence for daring to entertain people anyway, and finally the ludicrous rugby game. He’d eventually started feeling so sorry for this hapless trio that Spike down in his cellar nodded in genuine commiseration regarding the Goodies when the Reverend Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn stated to them, “Enjoyment? There’s no enjoyment at the eisteddfod. ‘Eisteddfod’ is an old Welsh word, you see, from the Old Welsh. It comes from two words: ‘eistedd’ meaning ‘bored’ and ‘fod’ meaning ‘stiff’.”

Author’s Note: This crossover is based on the hilarious ‘Wacky Wales’ episode of The Goodies television show. You can see it for yourself now on YouTube, where it’s been recently added. Just don’t blame me if you collapse in laughter at the first appearance of the Reverend Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn (which is probably the short version of his name). Even if he’d never played the third Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee would’ve achieved comedic greatness for this character alone.

In our dimension, the episode originally aired in March 1975. However, it must’ve actually occurred later on around the start of August in the Buffyverse due to the dour inhabitants of Llan-dlubber Island setting up their own eisteddfod in opposition to what’s also regularly held then, a sinful occasion of frivolity and moral turpitude known as the National Eisteddfod of Wales.

P.S.: ‘Ffycin Saesneg’ means ‘fucking English.’

!2013 august event, author: manchester, fandom: the goodies

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