Title: Five (or so) Years Later
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Batman (Nightwing?)
Characters/Pairing: Buffy Summers/Dick Grayson
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word count: 938
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of Batman belong to DC comics, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings/Notes: Didn't have time today to check anything, so probably some mis-spellings, etc. Should stand alone.
Five (or so) Years Later
By Beriaearwen
Buffy leaned against the doorway and smiled at the sight in front of her. Loosely controlled chaos would be a generous description of the current happenings in her dining room. She wouldn't trade it for a second, especially since Dawn had agreed to handle it.
An arm slipped around her waist, drawing her back against a well-muscled chest. “Looks like the kids are having fun,” the deep voice of her husband murmured in her ear.
His voice caused a pleasant shiver raced down Buffy's spine, as always. “Yeah. We'll have to save Dawn soon, though.”
“What's the plan?”
“Pin the tail on the donkey followed by something outside.”
“Tire them out a little before returning the little sugar fiends?”
“That's the plan.” She shivered again as he placed a kiss on her neck. She really loved this man. Looking at their son with his father's thick, black hair and her hazel eyes, she remembered a time when they didn't.
Almost six years ago the First started taking out the Slayer line and the potentials were in danger. They were gathering all they could at Buffy's house, but there wasn't enough time for Giles to do it all. She'd ended up in Gotham to get a potential, but had been cooped up in a plane all day. To stretch her legs, she started a patrol, not that she expected to find anything, after all Gotham was a virtual null when it came to the Supernatural.
So Buffy ran into a demon, of course.
And, unsurprisingly, her battle crossed into that of the costumed vigilantes that protected the town.
What was surprising, what she'd never have guess in a million years was that killing her demon in the middle of the vigilantes fight would land her and one of the vigilantes in a huge pile of lust dust - or whatever it was call.
With the H&H factor hitting, as all slayers had started calling it, and all that lust dust coating them, there really had only been one thing for Buffy and the costumed man to do. Fortunately, they managed to find a room first.
Six weeks later she had proof that the events she barely remembered had, in fact, happened.
Spike was the only one who knew all the sordid details of that night and when he died destroying the Hellmouth, she let the secret die.
At least until she needed to go back to Gotham.
She ran across Batman and asked him to have Nightwing give her a call.
He did.
And that wasn't an awkward conversation at all. Really. And the sun is blue, the sky is orange and the oceans taste like a cherry fizz.
Awkward, painful and excruciatingly embarrassing as that first conversation proved to be, the two of them fought through it because there was something bigger than them at stake - their child.
By the time Buffy went into labor in Cleveland, she and Dick were good friends and they had met each other's families. He had told her his secret identity that first night, not wanting that to be an issue with his son. Since she never told the Scoobies who the father was, there would be no need to reveal his secret identity to the rest, it could remain secret.
By their son's first birthday, Buffy and Dick were engaged. Three months later Buffy and the baby moved to Bludhaven where they discovered that not all of the corruption came from human sources.
Though the Scoobies never knew, she donned a mask as well and handled the mystical problems. She also quickly figured out that Bruce and Batman were one and the same, just as Tim and Robin were. None of them ever admitted it or mentioned it, but she knew.
By the time their son turned three, the little family had purchased a nice house in a good neighborhood - well, it was good now, after they cleaned it up.
The past two years had been everything either of them could have hoped for.
“I'm kind of worried about that,” Dick said softly.
Looking up, Buffy spotted what she thought worried him and admitted that it worried her as well. “Tim and Xander over there thick as thieves?” she confirmed.
“Actually,” Dick denied, “I was looking over there.”
Turning her head she spotted the two grandpa's talking to each other in low voices as well.
“That's really not good,” Buffy said, a small trace of worry lacing her voice. Giles and Bruce together never led to anything good. Her attention was drawn to the table once more as Dawn quickly snatched the cake-laden forks from one of the children's hands before it could go flying across the table in retaliation.
“Are there really only five of them here?” Dick asked, a slight pain in his voice.
Buffy smirked as she straightened and prepared to help Dawn with the kids. “Yep, only five.” Her smirk turned to as mile when he heard him whimper. The smile turned slightly evil when she turned to meet his eye. “Dont's worry, honey. Soon we'll have a second one full-time.” She paused a moment waiting for him to understand. As the realization began to dawn in his eyes, she turned and stepped into the whirlwind of children in her dining room, ready to help Dawn corral them out of the house.
Before she could do more than wipe a single hand, Dick let out a whoop of joy, spun her around, picked her up and spun in a circle before kissing her deeply.
Life was good.