Day 22: A Different Destiny - BtVS/LotR - Glorfindel, Giles, Joyce, Buffy, Xander, Willow - FRT

Aug 22, 2012 22:37

Title: A Different Destiny
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Lord of the Rings
Characters: Glorfindel, Giles, Joyce, Buffy, Xander, Willow (brief Galadriel)
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Setting: In LotR set before the Fellowship. For Buffy, Season 4 - Primeval/Restless
Word Count: 1322
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of the Lord of the Rings belong go J. R. R. Tolkien. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings/notes: Do not expect anything remotely resembling canon for LotR! Seriously. The idea behind this short sort of fizzled in my suddenly non-functional brain as I was writing it, so if it feels a little incomplete or like things are missing, you're right. But really, it says everything it was intended to.

A Different Destiny
By Beriaearwen

Glorfindel stood in the training area working through his forms. Even after all his time, he found this simple review helped him keep his skills sharp.

The familiar moves also helped to order his thoughts, something he needed since he received the latest message from the Lady Galadriel.

The few cryptic words that meant nothing to any other triggered a sequence of memories in him that he hadn't even realized had been missing.

Prior to his return to Arda, he and two others had been given a very special task by the Valar. The three champions would be sent to another world where they would live for a while to accomplish a goal they would only discover after their arrival before returning to their places in Valinor.

The mission had changed, however as had their lives. Two had remained in the other world and he had returned to Arda to wait the correct time.

To aid him in waiting, the Valar had hidden the memories of the other world from Glorfindel until the time of need arose. Now he understood many of his own actions since his return.

Now he remembered, which meant now was the time.

The threat to the south he could do little to effect. The threats to Rivendell he knew Lord Elrond would deflect.

He and the new arrivals would be needed for the threat to the north, the one unknown and unacknowledged. With any luck, it would remain so to the rest of the realms, the secondborn and others.

Completing his warm-up, he began to shadow-fight, losing himself in fluid movements.

Eventually he slowed and stopped. Taking a deep breath, he released any tension left.

While he'd lost himself in his imaginary fight, his mind had settled his course of action. He had much left to do in order to prepare and a friend to inform. Elrond would not be happy.

Buffy flicked the light off in her room.

The enjoining spell worked, though not exactly as expected. Somehow her mother was a presence in the spell as well. Still, Adam and the Initiative were no more. They probably had a whole mess of things they would either need to deal with or avoid and a small, tiny part of her had enjoyed all that power a little too much.

That last item worried her greatly.

Fortunately, that worry was not enough to keep her awake any longer.

As she slept dreamed and knew it to be a dream, but also knew it to be something more.

She found herself in a woods unlike any other she had ever seen. The sound of running water drew her forward until she found a clearing.

Stepping into it, she felt surprise at the presences of the others, all but one of which she knew. “Mom? Giles? Willow? Xander?” As she looked at the others, she noticed they all looked a little different. For Willow and Xander, their features were a little more delicate and she could swear they were a little taller, but what caught her attention were their pointed ears.

Taking a closer look at her mother and Giles, she noticed they were both different as well. In fact, they looked more different than Xander and Willow.

“Welcome,” the strange lady said, looking at the three teens especially. “I am Galadriel. We have not much time and there is much to say. Many questions can be answered later since the Valar have released all of your memories,” she continued, addressing Giles and Joyce specifically. “But know that the time has come for your return, for their destiny to begin.”

“Wait, our destiny?” Xander asked, exchanging a puzzled glance with Buffy and Willow.

Looking intently at the three youths, Galadriel spoke specifically to them. “You think you know who you are, what's to come. You haven't even begun.”


Xander woke with a gasp and immediately reached up to touch his ears. As he half-hoped, half-feared, they were pointed. His weird group dream hadn't been a dream at all.

Throwing off his covers, he quickly got dressed and headed toward the Summers home. The revelations of last night, of what his, Willow's and Buffy's true destiny was raced through his mind.

What brought a smile to his face, though, was the knowledge that he was not a Harris, that Tony Harris was not his father, but that his father was waiting for them in the other world, in a place called Rivendell. And they would meet soon.


Willow looked awkwardly at Giles as they arrived at the Summers home at the same time. She wasn't sure how to feel about the revelations from last night, not that she had a destiny on another world, but that Giles and not Ira Rosenburg was her father.

Not that Giles was a bad option, but suddenly discovering your father wasn't your father would throw anyone for a loop.

Of course, even before knowing of the blood tie between her and Giles, the Librarian had been more of a father to her in the few short years they'd known each other than in all the years Ira had raised her.

She already kind-of knew him, so, maybe they'd just get to know each other better.


Joyce finished preparing the coffee and boiling the tea water. Buffy had taken the revelations the previous night quite well, much better than she'd taken Buffy's information that she was the Slayer. And what exactly did that mean for their return. That her daughter would have such a destiny on two worlds seemed beyond any coincidence she could have imagined. Still, with the return of her memories and her true form, now Joyce could prepare alongside her friends and the children. They had much to accomplish before the end of the day.


Buffy looked out the window. She saw the awkward greeting between Willow and Giles, but her mind and her eyes were truly focused elsewhere.

She knew they had to leave, knew all about accepting destiny. She knew they would have to be here at a very specific time, but there was something she had to do. Something she needed to get.

The word 'guardian' whispered through her mind and her eyes narrowed.

After everyone arrived, she would retrieve what was hers.


Giles checked his watch again. The time had come sooner than they expected. Buffy had prepared what she needed before she left on whatever errand she had to run.

He almost wished he still needed his glasses, just so he could take them off and polish them, but with the return of his true form, his keen elven eyesight returned with it.

“She'll be here,” Joyce tried to assure him, though her own nervous glances toward the door did nothing to alleviate his worry.

Moments later the door burst open and a slightly disheveled Buffy stepped inside carrying a rather long, ax-like weapon. “Sorry!” she apologized, closing the door behind her. “Had to get this little beauty and then the guardian had a few things to tell me. I'll fill you all in later.”

Nothing more could be said as the time had come. Gathering the few things they would be bringing, the group stood in a circle, joined hands and closed their eyes. Joyce and Giles recited an incantation and they all felt a wind swirl around them.

When the wind stopped they opened their eyes and found themselves in a beautiful clearing near a little stream.

“Welcome home, my friends,” a deep, masculine voice greeted.

The group turned and looked. “Glorfindel!” Joyce called stepping forward to hug her old friend.

Giles followed suit.

With a laugh, Glorfindel turned to the three youths. “Will you introduce me to these fine young people?”

“Of course,” Giles said. “This is my daughter, Willow. Joyce's daughter, Buffy and last, but most certainly not least, your son, Alexander.”


author: beriaearwen, fandom: lord of the rings, !2012 august event

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