Day 2: Step Through Time - BtVS/M7 - Rated T

Aug 02, 2012 18:24

Title: Step Through Time
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / The Magnificent Seven
Characters: Vin Tanner, Buffy Summers
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to J Whedon, etc. The Magnificent Seven belong to John Watson, etc. Both are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1737
Notes/Warnings: No real warnings. Looks like M7 is ruling my plot bunnies this week and this beginning has triggered several more ideas for the August challenge. Guess we'll be seeing more later.

Summary: For as long as there have been Slayers, the Tanner family have been their Watchers. Tonight, Vin Tanner would finally meet his Slayer.

Vin slowed the horses and scanned the secluded glade. This was the place. It not only matched the description in the Journal, but his own dreams as well.

Once the horses were tended and his camp set up, he pulled the old journal from his saddlebag.

The reading lessons with Mary had been torturous over the past years, but they had paid off. He was finally able to read the second of the two books he kept - the first being his Mother's Bible. This one, though, his father's journal meant even more. Not only because he could read the love both his parents had for him, but because it clarified a lot of what he'd seen in his childhood.

Looking back at his life, at the odd, hard and painful twists and turns his life had taken, he could say that everything he’d been through prepared him for this moment, for this change his life would be taking.

It had prepared him to be a watcher.

As long as there had been Slayers, the Tanner family had been their Watchers, the ones who read the signs, the ones who interpreted the dreams, trained the Slayer and watched their back. A partner to the chosen warrior, serving out of duty, devotion and love.

His mother was a Slayer, his father, her watcher. It was highly unusual for a Watcher and Slayer to wed, after all, they were partners, fellow warriors, not to mention the fact it was rare for either or both of them to survive the rising darkness.

His mother was very young when his grandfather found her and, in fact, his father had been at school out east. When Vin's mother turned 18 she came into her Slayer powers, as did all Slayers. Why 18, they weren't exactly sure, but no slayer received their power before or after that age.

Vin's grandfather was her Watcher and the two fought the darkness, but one night they were overwhelmed and his Grandfather was killed.

Hearing of the death, Vin's father came back from his schooling and took over the role of watcher. Now, the watcher and slayer were much closer in age, something very unusual in the pairings. They got along well and succeeded in striking fear into the darkness.

Vin's father had been courting a young woman out East, but there had been a love spell, a demon attack and... well, somethings he’d rather not think too hard on, which resulted in his parent's hasty marriage and his birth nine or so months later.

Turning to the back of the book, he let his eyes trace the looping flow of his mother’s writing while he thought about her role. Slayers were young women chosen to fight the darkness that encroached on their world, to decimate the uprising that happened once a generation and then find and train the next Slayer to train.

His mother and father died before accomplishing that, before he was even old enough to read. Vin had no idea where this generation’s Slayer was or even if she had been born. He knew with certainty that the next watcher hadn’t been born yet since he had no son of his own, though, after the rising darkness, he’d have to think about changing that - bounty on his head or no.

His own father had died in the uprising when Vin was three and his mother became infected with a demon poison when he was five. Slayers couldn’t get sick like regular people, but mystical poisons could end their lives. He told people she died of putrid fever because that had the closest symptoms to what really happened.

Before dying, though, before she even became sick, Vin’s mother wrote down a vision she had - a very clear and recurring vision, one she knew must be important.

When she passed, the new slayer would not be found. In fact the next generations slayer would never appear, however, there would be a place he would need to go where the walls between here and another world would become thin. When he arrived, he would see a struggle, but could not go to aid the others, he would be killed should he touch the veil separating the two worlds. There would be one woman, a young woman not much taller than herself who would pass through without harm - the only one who could. She would be the next Slayer. She would be the one to stop the next darkness and train the Slayer to come.

After reading that, Vin performed his own vision quest and allowed it to lead him to this hidden glade. That happened two years ago.

All the signs were now accomplished. Tonight he would meet his Slayer.


Three hours after sunset, a strange light flickered into existence across from him.

Rising to his feet, Vin stood, waiting.

The longer he waited the more the light seemed to spread, becoming nothing more than a thin curtain between their realities. As it thinned, he could make out shapes on the other side and the battle between them.

He could easily identify the misshapen forms of demons and the lithe, almost dancing forms of the women fighting them.

Whatever this other place was - another time or another world - they obviously had an abundance of Slayers and could spare one to save his.

He cried out when he noticed the lone demon slipping into the fray equidistant from two of the fighting women, walking that fine line where he garnered both their notice, but where neither could claim him as a combatant.

Logically, he knew that a demon would have to get some advantage in order to push the Slayer through the veil, but the Watcher in him refused to allow it.

He took a step forward to aid the Slayers as every part of him demanded he do, but he forced himself to stop. He couldn’t help if he was dead.

Watching the misshapen bodies fall, he felt satisfaction at the fall of his enemy and a small amount of pride in the skill of the warriors. A small portion of his attention, however, never wavered from the one demon standing between the two Slayers.

As the final demon fell before one of the slayers, the one between made his move.

Lashing out, the creature slammed the slayer in the chest, driving her closer tot he veil.

Working with the blow, the Slayer dropped back and used her legs to toss the creature over her head, grabbing the weapon she had momentarily dropped.

The creature grabbed hold of her ankle, though and the Slayer cried out as they both headed through the veil.

Two bodies impacted the ground before him as the veil snapped shut.

Drawing his knife, Vin moved toward the purple-gray beast, but the head was at an odd angle. He knew it to be dead; he could feel it.

Slipping his knife back into its sheath, he slowly approached the still form of the Slayer.

He saw the rise and fall of her chest and read the tension in her muscles, so he knew she was conscious.

Stopping just out of reach, he couldn’t stop an impressed whistle when he saw the weapon resting by her side. He’d never seen its like, but knew exactly how deadly it could be in her hands.

“You going to stare all day, or are you going to help a girl up?”

Turning more of his attention to the woman who would be his Slayer, he blinked several times, fighting off the shock at the sight. If he didn’t know better, he would swear this woman was related to Chris Larabee - same blond hair, similar face and there could be no mistaking those eyes or the glare forming within them.

With a quick shake of his head, he snapped out of his surprise and offered her his hand.

Once standing, he couldn’t help but smile as he looked down on her.

“What? Is there something in my hair?”

Vin scoffed slightly at the pseudo-panicked tone she used for that last question. “Nah. You look fine for a Slayer just come through battle and a veil.”

A portion of him was pleased when she just blinked at him, playing innocent. “Slayer?”

“Saw you through the veil fighting them demons. Couldn’t be anything else. Besides, my visions and my Ma’s told me I’d meet you here today.” He watched as she digested that information, feeling something within him relax when she seemed to accept his word.

Holding out her hand, she offered, “Buffy Summers.”

Taking her hand, he bowed over it just as Ezra and Mary drilled into him and replied, “Vin Tanner.”

“We should probably take care of gray and lumpy before we settle down and figure out what’s going on, or before my friends come to rescue me.”

Vin looked into her eyes as he contemplated her words. “Don’t reckon they’ll be able to reach you here.”

“They’ve reached me pretty much everywhere else,” Buffy informed. “Even pulled me out of Heaven.”

He knew from how softly she said it, Buffy hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud, but he’d heard it nevertheless. Still, he would have to set it aside and think on it later. “Got a small fire started over yonder. Reckon if we dig a big enough pit we can burn his carcass.”

“Probably for the best.”

The two set to work and more quickly than they could have expected, they were finished.

Allowing his eyes to wander over her form, he once again took in the strange design and texture of her clothes. “Reckon we should settle in and I can tell you about this world. If what I’m guessing from your dress is right, there’s going to be a lot of differences.”

Buffy shrugged, still confident that her friends would find her and return her to her own world.

“Also reckon you’ll need to read my parent’s journal,” Vin continued. He didn’t like the idea of letting others read the journal, but it would be the easiest way he could think of to convince her that her friends wouldn’t be coming for her this time.

As of tonight, their destinies had been bound and their adventures were just beginnnig.


fandom: magnificent seven, author: beriaearwen, !2012 august event

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