Batman, Bruce and Buffy - BtVS/Batman Begins - Buffy, Batman - Rated G

Aug 09, 2011 17:44

Title: Batman, Bruce and Buffy
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buff the Vampire Slayer / Batman Begins
Pairing: Buffy/Bruce - ish
Word count: 1063
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to J. Whedon, etc. Batman Begins belongs to Warner Brother, DC Comics, etc. Both are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes/Warnings: Out of Character. Just having some fun.

Batman, Bruce and Buffy
By Beriaearwen

Batman was not pleased when he spotted another masked person beating on the gang he'd been tracking. Gotham was HIS city.

Leaping down into the fray, Batman swung at one of the gang members just as another disappeared in a cloud of dust. Could this new masked person be killing them? He wouldn't stand for that.

“Don't need the help, Batman,” the masked woman said as another of the gang members disappeared in a cloud of dust.

Batman's jaw clenched at the woman's claim and at the way she was killing the gang members and making them disappear. As he prepared to demand she cease her activities, one of the gang members landed a direct hit on him.

He grunted and stumbled backward. What were these men on? They were stronger and faster than expected. He watched as the masked woman absorbed a blow without flinching as she apparently staked the gang member in front of her.

He pushed those thoughts from his mind as he re-joined the fray.

The gang's numbers continued to dwindle as dust filled the air.

With only three members remaining, he found himself facing one while the other two attacked the woman. One of them had her arms pinned behind her back and the other seemed to be charging at her. Before he could move to intervene, his opponent landed a firm punch on his jaw causing him to fly backward.

He hit the brick wall head first.

Darkness crashed around him and he knew no more.


Awareness returned quickly and it took his mind only a split second to register that he was already struggling against small but powerful hands holding him down.

It took a few minutes longer for the calm voice to penetrate his still befuddled mind.

“Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. Open your eyes and look at me. I'm not going to hurt you. Stop thrashing or you might hurt yourself. Calm down.”

Eventually, his mind registered the words and identified the required actions. His eyes opened. Fortunately the lights in the room were dim.

Blinking several times to clear his vision, he recognized the woman from the ally, but couldn't recall if he'd met her as Bruce or as Batman. Things were still muddled in his mind. He'd had questions, concerns...

He stopped struggling as he looked away from her face and to the side.

Apparently they were in a hotel room. They were her hands on his arms.

He became aware of a weight across his stomach and looked back up, realizing she was straddling him and leaning forward to hold both his arms.

As he turned his attention to her, a very pleased male smirk appeared on his face as the angle at which she was sitting allowed him a view down her shirt.

She realized what he was doing and let go of his arms, sitting up before slipping off of him with a muttered “men”.

He supposed he should apologize for taking a look, but he didn't regret it. In fact, his eyes involuntarily tracked over to her and scanned from her face downward.

Shifting slightly, he heard the creak of his bat suit and froze.

He'd been dressed as Batman and acting like Bruce. But still... Beautiful woman, inescapable view...

Shaking his head, he realized that his mask was missing. He felt momentary panic at his secret being revealed and tried to sit up.

Her tiny hands pressed him back down. “Not so fast, bats,” she commanded, smirking at her unintentional rhyme. “You went head first into a brick wall and were unconscious for a good twenty minutes. And can I just say you are incredibly tall and awkward for someone my size to carry? But putting that aside, being unconscious that long is not a good thing. I need to check for signs of concussion; so lie back and let me check you out.”

Batman's lips twitched at the double entendre of her words despite knowing what she meant.

She spotted his almost-smirk and rolled her eyes in exasperation.

A few minutes later, Batman settled back onto the couch, watching the woman clean up the debris of her nursing actions.

While his head still throbbed, he forced himself to think about what happened. “You took off my mask.”

“And you peeked down my shirt,” she retorted, her lips thinning at the smirk Batman couldn't contain. That smirk earned him a gentle slap on the arm he couldn't feel through his armor.

Putting away the hydrogen-peroxide, she took a seat next to her patient. “I understand the need for a secret identity. I get it. Will I share yours? No. Absolutely not. I know the consequences of doing so and won't... can't...”

Batman reached out and covered her fisted hand with his gloved one, easily reading the pain and distress in her eyes.

“Thank you.”

The woman offered a small smile.

“What should I call you?” he asked suddenly.

She let out a bark of laughter, realizing she'd never bothered to introduce herself. “Slayer. You can call me Slayer.”

“That wasn't just a normal gang of thugs was it?”

“No,” Slayer replied, turning her hand to entwine her fingers with his, unconsciously accepting the comfort he offered. “If you're going to be out at night, you'll need to know some basics. Lucky for you, most of what I deal with avoids this area like the plague...”


Hours later, the night sky had faded to the gray of pre-dawn. Two figures returned to the alleyway where Slayer and Batman had handled a gang of vampires.

“Thank you for taking care of me,” Batman/Bruce offered.

“Least I could do,” Slayer replied. “Just remember what we discussed and be careful.”

She received a nod in return before he took some sort of device from his utility belt and shot a thin rope up into the air where it latched onto the side of a building.

Slayer watched as he swung away into the growing light.

Turning, she headed back to her hotel room.

A small smile appeared on her lips as she contemplated what to wear to her meeting with Bruce Wayne tomorrow. Perhaps something a little more low-cut than she'd originally planned. He seemed to enjoy the view...


!2011 august event, fandom: batman, author: beriaearwen

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