Title: Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday Comes Afterwards!
Author: vesselandpestle/ amusewithaview/ I don't even what
Rating: 13 - for cussin'
Crossover: BtVS/ Anita Blake
Disclaimer: Do not own (Whedon/ Hamilton), but want to play with the pretties.
Summary: Dawn has had the week from hell, and it's not over yet.
Warning: Cussin'.
Author's notes: I blame FaithUnbreakable for this madness. This is her prompt, and for some reason it inspired... this. Cracky? Maybe. I might have to do some sequels/ prequels to flesh out the entire "week from hell."
Word Count: 344
"Have you tried holding your breath?" the blonde werewolf inquired.
"Didn't work," Dawn replied. Then hiccupped. Again.
"Perhaps a glass of water? Jason, go and fetch her one," the ruffle-vampire ordered.
"Yeah - hic - Jason, fetch."
Dawn's sarcastic tone halted the tiny brunette who had been pacing the room. She glared at the taller woman, "I don't like how you said that." Her left hand strayed towards her hip, where a gun was belted. "This is stupid, Jean-Claude, why are you accommodating her - we don't know anything about her!"
"Hey! You know just as much about me as I know about you!"
The woman actually growled, managing to take a few steps towards where Dawn sat before one of the vampires (this one wearing what looked like a series of leather belts as a top and some truly wicked pants - as opposed to a frilly, ruffley shirt) could stop her. He had to pick her up to stop her, which Dawn would have found funny if she hadn't been so pissed.
"Geez, anger issues much? I'm the one - hic - who should be bitching and - hic - moaning, not you. I'm the - hic - one who's had the week from frickin' hell. Cripes! I was kidnapped by my sister's crazy boyfriend on - hic - Sunday, rescued by my ex-boyfriend on - hic - Monday, sent incrimina - hic - ting photos of my sister - hic - because some bozo thinks it's a good idea to try and blackmail a glorified research librarian instead of - gee, I don't know, someone who actually does field work - on Tuesday, Wednesday I had to attend a benefit with said blackmailer, on Thursday the douchetard tried to explain away the blackmail as an elaborate fucking ruse to get me to date him, and today I tripped and fell off a sidewalk into what looks like a fucking Anne Rice novel!"
Silence dominated the room for almost a full minute.
"Well," Jason offered tentatively, "at least your hiccups have stopped?"