Star-Crossed Friends - August 23rd

Aug 23, 2022 21:44

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 23

Title: Star-Crossed Friends
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Smallville/DCU
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Smallville/Batman/DC people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Athena contemplates a decision that will drastically altar her life

Notes: So an alternate-alternate universe to my Athena Luthor story. Takes place after Part 17, during the Wayne Christmas party.

Athena Luthor was born Buffy Summers but stolen by Lionel Luthor since she was born at the same time as Julian Luthor. He presented them as twins but Julian and Lionel's wife died, leaving Lionel, Lex, and Athena to carry on. At fourteen, Athena has a poor relationship with her father and none with her older brother, Lex. She requests to move to Smallville and live a normal life. It's anything but as she meets Clark and then is Called as the Slayer (which she only finds out when creepy stalker Angel tells her). She takes on meteor-infected people with Clark and starts to rebuild her relationship with Lex. After a near-death experience, she finds out she was dead long enough to Call the next Slayer, leaving her to question her life, her destiny, and what it means to be the Slayer.

Seasons: Season 1 Smallville
Word Count: 1375

Athena Luthor smiled as she danced. Her eyes darting over her partner’s shoulder to where her brother, Lex Luthor, danced with his catty date, Kasey.

Lionel Luthor had always offered his children up. Christmas parties were an excellent time to let them show off that they were handsome and agile and better behaved than the papers suggested. Athena, at nearly fifteen, had the world laid out before her. She was finally with Lex, patching up a relationship that had been hampered by their father’s need to control his son.

The upbeat dance came to an end and she returned her gaze to her partner. He escorted her to the edge of the ballroom and left her alone. Athena’s hand went to the necklace she wore, a gift from her boyfriend, Clark Kent.

Lex sidled up to her.

“Where did the ooze go?” she asked.

“Kasey went to the bathroom,” he said. The next song started. “May I have this dance?”

She smiled. “Of course.”

He took her hand and twirled her out onto the floor. The music was slower than the previous dance. They spun, both looking at the other.

“You used to dance by standing on my feet,” Lex told her.

“You’re still a little too tall to comfortably dance with,” she said, indicating the several inches of height he had on her.

His eyebrow rose. “Doesn’t seem to be a problem with Clark,” he pointed out. “Or when you danced with Wayne at the beginning of the night.”

She lifted her chin defiantly. “You’ve always been taller than me, Lex. Once Bruce and I were the same height.” Her eyes took in his face. “I have always looked up to you.”

His blue eyes shuttered a moment. “There are people far better to look up to.”

“Maybe,” she freely admitted. “But all I wanted my entire life was to live up to your expectations.”

“I don’t expect you to be anything, Attie,” Lex told her. “You can do anything with your life and I would be perfectly content to support you in it.”

“Even if that means I take the next few years for myself before I let Father manipulate me into what he wants me to be?”

“We’ll find a way out of this for you,” he promised. “I’ll make a new deal with him and you’ll have your freedom.”

Athena’s hand on his shoulder tightened. “Don’t you dare. I will handle my future when the time comes, but that is between me and Father. Stay out of it.”

He looked at her sadly.

She relaxed her hand, afraid of using her Slayer strength on him. “I love that you want to fix this, but I will not risk you for a bargain he would worm his way out of as soon as one of us pissed him off.”

Lex nodded. “If you change your mind…”

“You’ll be the first to know,” she assured.

He smiled brightly. “Probably the second, I don’t know that Clark wouldn’t be informed first.”

She pinched his arm. “Don’t be so annoying.”


Athena looked around, assessing the area. She considered the possibilities.

“Expecting someone?” Bruce Wayne asked as he came up next to her. They were the same age and had been friends when they were very young. A friendship they easily picked up every time they met at a function.

“No,” she said. “Trying to find the proverbial dark corner. I have to know where to find Lex when he disappears.”

Bruce grinned. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Athena followed him discreetly into the hall and out onto a balcony. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” she whispered at the dark cityscape. Her gaze drifted upwards. “But no stars.”

“Your necklace,” he said softly, stepping closer to look at it in the dim light.

Her hand froze where it was playing with the red jewel.

“I could tell it was an antique, but it doesn’t match the rest of your jewelry.”

“It was a gift,” she explained. “My friend Lana came over a week ago and went through my clothes and jewelry, helping me pick out my outfit and accessories for tonight. Then she told my boyfriend what to look for.”

Bruce took a small step back. “You didn’t bring him with you?”

“I’m attempting to keep this part and that part of my life separate,” Athena told him.

“Don’t think he’d accept this life?”

“He probably would, but I don’t. I’m here because it was your party and Lex asked.” She grinned up at him. “But I would rather be somewhere training.”

“Training?” he said in surprise. “Are you still active in all those sports you’ve been doing? I remember watching you ride when we were six.”

“I don’t compete anymore, but I still train a couple hours a day.”

“Doing farm things?” he teased.

“From time to time. Mostly I gym train - box, throw things around.” She shrugged, thinking about the dark nights spent training against Clark in the fields near the back of the Kent property. “What about you? What do you do for fun nowadays?”

“Swim,” he replied. “It’s not fun exactly, but I always want to find a pool.”

Athena chuckled, wrapping her arms around herself to try and retain some warmth that was being swept away by the Gotham air.

Bruce stripped off his jacket, dropping it over her shoulders. “Any plans for the new year?”

Athena thought about it as she pulled the jacket, warm from his body, around her. She turned and leaned against the balcony railing. “Try to stay interested in classes. Training…hang out with friends.” She frowned. “I think I have finally sunk to regular teenager. What about you?”

“I’m leaving after the New Year.”

Her gaze shot to his. “For where?”

“Parts unknown. I want to see…” He leaned against the balcony next to her and looked out at the night. “I want to live among the people and learn how to fix the world.” He glanced at her, his ice blue eyes meeting her hazel ones. “That something you’d be interested in?”

“Yes…” she breathed, “and no.”



“The boyfriend?”

“No. There are things in Smallville…I’m able to help. And I want to help in a way that throwing money at the problem doesn’t.” She sighed. “But I’m supposed to be out there, not…” Not where there are no vampires or demons. I’m the Slayer.

“If you change your mind…” Bruce trailed off, leaving the invitation between them.

Someone cleared their throat from the doorway.

“Yes, Alfred?” Bruce asked without turning.

“The party is winding down, sir,” Mister Pennyworth said. “Guests are expecting to see you before they leave.”

Athena handed over his jacket.

Bruce took covered her hand for a moment. “I would love to have you by my side,” he said softly. “But I understand that you have a life here.”

She watched him and Mister Pennyworth leave the balcony. Her hand went to her necklace. You have a life here. But wasn’t that the lie. She was free for a limited amount of time. Then she would be…stripped of all of it. Smallville, Clark, Lex. She would be thrown into the world of her father’s choosing, to become what he wanted from her.

She had strong feelings for Clark and they shared their secrets - she was the Slayer and he was an alien. But who was to say that staying was the best option? How long did she have before Lex and Lionel put her in the middle of their fights? That was how things had fallen apart before.

A restlessness filled her soul. She had rejected Angel’s offer to teach her about the Slayer any more than the journal he had given her. She had claimed Smallville needed her, but that was not true. Clark was more than capable of taking on the various meteor infected they had come across. And while it was amazing to be able to fight at his side, she would always be a liability to him, her family name would drag him into the spotlight. They were careful, but could they always be?

Athena shook her head, clearing her thoughts away, but the niggling stayed.

fandom: smallville, fandom: batman, author: hermione2be, !2022 august event

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